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441. [Bookplate for Hudson's Bay Company and Gordon Elliott] [Bookplate for Hudson's Bay Company and Gordon Elliott] In purple ink, text within a round indented border.

442. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In purple ink, this is a textual book owner's stamp.

443. [Bookplate for J. I. Frank Anthes] [Bookplate for J. I. Frank Anthes] In red and black ink on cream or white paper, the bookplate consists of a red double border surrounding black text.

444. [Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims] [Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims] In red ink on white paper, a border that contains red and black text and black decorative designs. Within the border, in black ink, there is an angled Escutcheon parted per pale. The dexter side is gules (red), containing a chevronel or (gold) with two mullets of six points, pierced, in chief, and one battle axe in base. The sinister side is quartered per cross by a cross argent (silver), with the dexter chief and sinister base quarters in azure (blue) and the sinister chief and dexter base quarters in gules. In each quarter save the sinister base there is a pheon proper. Above the Esctucheon, the mantling is topped by a wreath, from which a lion emerges, holding a battle axe. Below the Escutcheon is a banner bearing the motto, 'Ferio Tego.'.

445. [Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller] [Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller] In red ink. This bookplate displays a classical theme. A neoclassical urn, draped with a laurel garland serves as the back-drop for the escutcheon. The escutcheon, argent (silver), is charged with three bull's heads caboshed, situated two over one. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger sejant. This component is encircled by the originator's Latin motto. The urn is set upon a pedestal with an oval background, framed by a garland. At the base, between the oval background and laurel garland frame, appears the name and location of the creator.

446. [Bookplate for John Chapman] [Bookplate for John Chapman] In the centre of the bookplate is a rectangular heavy solid line border with a lighter solid border within. Within this is a wavy line border, and within this is a lighter, dotted line border. The owner's name is printed in Gothic script in the middle of the bookplate, and there are flourishes going from both the beginning and the end of the name out towards border corners. Within the border at each corner are right angle decorations with a small flourish.

447. [Bookplate for Frank Noyce] [Bookplate for Frank Noyce] In the left corner of this pictorial bookplate are fox gloves behind which is a mountain range.

448. [Bookplate for Claude Ernest Dolman] [Bookplate for Claude Ernest Dolman] Laurel frames a compound optical microscope. Bookplate is on its original adhesive backing.

449. [Bookplate for Thomas Venables Scudamore] [Bookplate for Thomas Venables Scudamore] Lion's gamb from a crest-coronet. Helm is Gentlemen and Esquires. Three stirrups. Motto of scuto amoris divini is possibly a play on the family name scut + amor = Scudamor.

450. [Bookplate for H. F. McLaughlin by Francis Adams Sc.] [Bookplate for H. F. McLaughlin by Francis Adams Sc.] Lion’s head atop crown ; Arms of shield: 1st quarter - the “Dalriadic Royal Lyon” on dotted background, 2nd quarter - hand holding cross, 3rd quarter - galley with oars, 4th quarter - salmon swimming ; Supporters: does standing on either side of shield ; motto underneath ; “HLF” monogram at bottom.

451. [Bookplate for Douglas Loney by Frits Jacobsen] [Bookplate for Douglas Loney by Frits Jacobsen] Medieval town square scene with three musicians with Medieval instruments (violin, hurdy-gurdy, and bagpipe) with shoppers and a dancer in the background. The artists' initials (FJ) are written on a building in the background and the artist's full name is in the bottom right corner.

452. [Bookplate by James Gourlay Gray] [Bookplate by James Gourlay Gray] Metallic brown black ink on cream paper. Border of two thin black lines with floral and leafy decorative features on the left and right sides. Latin script printed at the top of the bookplate in capitalized font with curling serif. An inner border surrounds two images. The top image has a black background with four white shining stars in the background. In the centre is a half circle strip with curled sends over marbled colouring, all of which surrounds sheet music. On top of the sheet music is a small harp-like instrument with horns protruding from it. At the top of the heart is a candle holder with smoke swirling from the top. On the outer left-hand side of the half-circle decoration is a reclining woman styled like a classical status in a draping dress. She is holding a pan flute in her right hand. On the right hand side, another similarly styled woman is reclining and holding a paint easel with several brushes in her left hand. Both women are barefooted. The bottom image has a thick marbled border. Within the border is a curlicue decoration, in the centre of which is an image of a work desk. There is a photograph hanging on the wall behind the desk. The desk itself is quite cluttered and features many photographs, papers, and books. The walls have decorative wall paper and there are various wall hangings. Below that section are two horizontal strips of different decorations. The top stripe has a dark snake like curving pattern, the borders of which are decorated with stylized, pointed lines. Thin white stripes are at the top and bottom of the horizontal strip. A row of small white dots separates this pattern from the next strip, which is a series of floral leaves curling in a line to meet at the centre. Below that, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized serif font with extra stylizing on the “A”s.

453. [Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.] [Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.] Multicoloured ink on cream paper. Leaves with three pointed leaves adorn the corner of a brick pattern background. The leaves and brick are a pale green. There is an elaborate image printed on top of the pale green pattern. The bricks form an arch shape in the top centre to surround an elaborate multicoloured, painted arch. The arch is brown, gold, and black with ‘X’ decorations and borders. The arch surrounds a multicolour stained glass window, at the forefront of which sits a monk writing in a book. The stained glass window features a central circular decoration with three red circular borders surrounding three yellow circles, in the center of which are yellow flowers with three petals and green accents. In the outer spaces between the circles are rounded triangular lined insertions. At the very center of the three circles is a three ringed circle. To the bottom left and right of the circle decoration are more teardrop shaped sections with tapered bottoms. They each features yellow flowers with stems. Below the right floral decoration are two more similarly shaped sections with a swirling ribbon in each atop a blue crosshatch background. The arch connects to a Romanesque pillar on either side. The arch connects to an elaborately decorated bench, which has a golden floral motif. A bearded monk sits on the bench in floor-length yellow robes. The monk faces the right, where there is a desk. The desk is decorated on the side with ‘X’ decorations. Atop the desk is an open book that the monk is writing on. Below the desk is a decorative bird with a long, curved neck and floral elements extending from its back. The bird is accented with gold. To the right of the bird, partly reaching up to the top of the desk, are two rolled up pieces of paper. The floor consists of two thin platforms with green accents. A smaller rectangle is below with a gold crosshatch pattern. Text in the style of medieval manuscripts is printed atop. The first letter of each word is more stylized and in red font ; the rest of the text is blue. A thin ledge extends from the bottom of that rectangle. It tapers down to a more narrow line with two small pointed feet at the left and right sides. In that small section is a repeating geometric pattern in gold on a brown background. Below the entire image is small, red, capitalized, sans-serif font.

454. [Bookplate for Frank McIver] [Bookplate for Frank McIver] Ornate border surrounding the text, all in black ink on tan paper with some pink staining. Manuscript notes in brownish ink.

455. [Bookplate for G. P. Girdwood] [Bookplate for G. P. Girdwood] Oval-shaped circular border with legend containing a motto printed in capital block letters across the top half. Bottom half of the border has shading, decorate circles, and a decorative end. Border made to look like a ribbon, one end of which loops over the bottom of the oval. End of the ribbon has thin borders, circular decorations, and almost tapers to a point with decorative curls at the end. In the center of the oval is a demi-lion rampant guardant. In its right paw, the lion holds a tree with round foliage at the top and sprawling roots at its base. Below the image is text written in stylized sentence-case serif font.

456. [Bookplate for M. J. Freie] [Bookplate for M. J. Freie] Pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. A clock tower is visible through a stone, oval, window. In the upper right and left corners are shields: On the left side is an or shield with a displayed double-headed bird ; on the chest of the bird is an argent shield with a vert fess. The shield on the right side is sable with a ship. In the bottom right corner is an owl perched atop books and in the left corner is a painter's pallet and brushes.

457. [Bookplate for David King by B.] [Bookplate for David King by B.] Pictorial bookplate. A floral border (in blue, red, and gold) surrounds the bookplate text. At the bottom are both the creator's initial "B" and publishing information (Ludgate Circus House, H.V. Capsey, London, E.C.4).

458. [Bookplate for H. R. N. Flyne by E. F.] [Bookplate for H. R. N. Flyne by E. F.] Pictorial bookplate. A man seated in a chair, reading and smoking, with piles of books (and a martini) around him. The artist's name and year are inscribed on one of the books in the lower right corner.

459. [Bookplate for Colin E. Henderson by L. V. S.] [Bookplate for Colin E. Henderson by L. V. S.] Pictorial bookplate. A scene portraying a bookshelf and open window (overlooking trees) is enclosed in a circular frame. Around the frame are oak and maple branches. At the bottom of the circle is a frame in which is inscribed "Colin E. Henderson." The artist's name and date are found at the bottom-centre of the bookplate.

460. [Bookplate for Lacombe Vincent by Carles Imprint Editor] [Bookplate for Lacombe Vincent by Carles Imprint Editor] Pictorial bookplate. An illustrated border surrounds text in the center. Angels are on the top right and left hand corners. The left side angel holds a wreath in one hand and the right side angel holds a book in one hand. The angels also hold a banner that stretches between them with the name of the awarding organization on it. Below the angels is a border of morning glories. The plants meet at the bottom center of the plate, growing from beneath a pile of books and a globe. Four fonts used for the text, with spaces for hand-written annotations naming the prize recipient.
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