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801. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink on thin paper, a triangle surrounds a five-pointed star and the words, 'EX-LIBRIS,' written in a sans serif font. Below the triangle, the name 'Paul' is written in a serif font.

802. [Bookplate for Gordon Lyman] [Bookplate for Gordon Lyman] This bookplate's design features two men reading beside an aqueduct. A banner bearing the owner's name rests below the aqueduct.

803. [Bookplate for Philip Robert Lyman] [Bookplate for Philip Robert Lyman] This bookplate features a gules (red) escutcheon divided per chevron, argent (silver), charged with a gules (red) annulet. Above the escutcheon rests an esquire helmet, which is charged with a bull. Underneath the banner featuring the Lyman motto is the owner's name with a maple leaf on either side.

804. [Bookplate for C. H. McLean] [Bookplate for C. H. McLean] This bookplate's design depicts a study room and large hearth framed by flora and architectural elements.

805. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In blue ink on yellow paper. This bookplate displays a mounted trumpeter, suited in armour. Behind his right leg hangs a shield charged with what appears to be an eagle displayed. The equestrian is surrounded by a rectangular frame containing alternating vegetative designs and open books resting on book stands. Above the figure, within the frame appears the work ex-libris and below, in the base of the frame the institution name.

806. [Bookplate for New Brunswick Legislative Library] [Bookplate for New Brunswick Legislative Library] A slim rectangular border surrounds floral mantling. The mantling surrounds a shield with a lymphad over water on a chief, with a lion passant guardant over a background gules (red). Above the shield is a crown.

807. [Bookplate for W. MacDonald MacKay] [Bookplate for W. MacDonald MacKay] A man in a powdered wig sit in a library, looking out the window, with a book laid out on a table before him. The window is open and flowers and vines grow around its frame. A book at the lower right corner of the plate lists the date and possible initials of the artist:"Sept 1896" and "RJ."

808. [Bookplate for William R. Ridell] [Bookplate for William R. Ridell] Shield, argent (silver), charged with a chevron, gules (red), and three garb, aulned. Above the crest is a greyhound, rampant ; only top half of dog is visible behind a wreath of vert (green) and a second colour, unclear. Beneath the shield is a banner which ends in two tassels on either side, reading 'I hope to Share.' Box on lower left side for entering book number, unused. Tear at bottom right.

809. [Bookplate for W. E. Gale by George Kuthan] [Bookplate for W. E. Gale by George Kuthan] Printed in black and red ink on blue paper. The image includes a border in black ink surrounding the image of a ship in red ink and text in black ink. What appears to be a small letter 'K' in red ink is to the right of the ship.

810. [Bookplate for John Ross Robertson] [Bookplate for John Ross Robertson] Geometric/art nouveau trim. The traditional Masonic symbol of a rounded square and compass against a rectangle.

811. [Bookplate for Henri Rainville] [Bookplate for Henri Rainville] This bookplate depicts a large, bespectacled rat, dressed in what appears to be eighteenth-century attire and displaying a prominent tail and whiskers. Facing away from the viewer, the rat is seated at a table in front of a window, through which the leaves of a tree can be seen. The rodent holds a quill pen and is poised to continue writing in a book that is propped open on the table with a second, closed volume.

812. [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot] [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot] This bookplate's design features an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three roses. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet charged with a dexter hand holding a wreath. Decorative floral surrounds the escutcheon with a banner containing bookplate motto.

813. [Bookplate for James Stevenson by H. Wilson] [Bookplate for James Stevenson by H. Wilson] A Latin phrase is written on a banner at the top of the plate. Beneath it is a hand ascending from a heraldic silk wreath, holding a crown of leaves. While illustrated in a pictorial style, the image is reminiscent of the heraldic image of a dexter hand couped at the wrist, holding a crown of laurel or bay leaves.

814. [Bookplate for James Fielding Sweeny] [Bookplate for James Fielding Sweeny] At the top center of the bookplate is a mitre with a crosier on the left side and a banner on the right side. Below that is a crest with argent (silver) background, divided by per pale ; on the sinister side, a mitre and key are crossed, with a coronet, two books, and a dove, holding an olive branch. On the dexter side, two battle axes crossed above two boars, rampant, counterpassant. Beneath that is another crest, divided per pale. The sinister side has an argent background and two battle axes, crossed, above two boars, rampant, counterpassant. On the dexter side, is a lion, rampant. At the base of the bookplate is an alley of columns.

815. [Bookplate for Berenice Skinner by Bank B. Gordon] [Bookplate for Berenice Skinner by Bank B. Gordon] A large galleon on rough seas is framed above a bookshelf holding books, a quill, and a lit candle.

816. [Bookplate for Sisterhood of St. John the Divine] [Bookplate for Sisterhood of St. John the Divine] A bird encircled by the convent's motto with the name of the convent library written above and below.

817. [Bookplate for T. J. Pugh] [Bookplate for T. J. Pugh] Simple text bookplate.

818. [Bookplate for Rothenheim] [Bookplate for Rothenheim] A sun shining over mountain tops in the upper left hand corner. In the bottom right hand corner is a series of 10 squares, 8 of which include images. These images include (from top to bottom, left to right) a triangle, an thick cross, an unknown symbol, an iron cross, the Greek letter beta, the Greek letter omega, a sailboat, and skis. At the very top of the squares is the letter R and a small O with two lines underneath.

819. [Bookplate for John Rosel] [Bookplate for John Rosel] A flower (possibly a rose) is clenched by a mailed fist extending from a wreath. At the top of the plate is a banner with the motto.

820. [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by W. J. B.] [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by W. J. B.] In brown ink on thick paper, the Latin motto sits above swags of maple leaves and flowers which surround a shield with the stylized initials, M.R., located in the centre of the bookplate.
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