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141. [Bookplate for Schuyler Merritt] [Bookplate for Schuyler Merritt] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, a barry of six, or (gold) and sable (black), with a bend, ermine (white powdered fur, black tufts). Above the escutcheon is a helmet in profile (denoting status of esquire and gentleman). Above the helmet is a curved wreath charged with a chained beast passant. Surrounding the escutcheon is a circular banner, with Latin motto within. The entire crest is situated in a rectangular frame filled with foliage-like mantling in the upper half and a row of books directly below the escutcheon. An open book, three open flowers, and a banner with "EX LIBRIS" are situated in the foreground in front of the volumes.

142. [Bookplate for Saul Globus] [Bookplate for Saul Globus] This bookplate features an airplane circling around an abstract structure against a dark sky.

143. [Bookplate for Ruth Goodell by Alexander Scott Carter] [Bookplate for Ruth Goodell by Alexander Scott Carter] Black ink on yellow paper. The scene is framed by an architectural arch with a column on each side, decorated with stylized vines and leaves. At the top left- and right-hand corners, initials are separated by a banner in the centre. The background features a mountain with a silhouette of a tree (possibly a laurel) on the left-hand side. The foreground depicts an ancient Greek amphora (vase with handles) with a frieze of figures and decorative patterns. To the left is an open book with a scroll above it identifying the artist and date of the bookplate. To the right of the vase is a globe showing a stylized representation of North and South America. Other closed books surround these objects.

144. [Bookplate for Ruth Delia Lyman] [Bookplate for Ruth Delia Lyman] Black ink on cream paper. A demi-bull sites atop a crest-wreath. The bull has its top legs up and a curling tail, as well as two horns. The motto is printed below the crest-wreath on a curling ribbon in capitalized, black, sans serif font. Below this image, two lines of text is printed in large, capitalized, black, sans serif font.

145. [Bookplate for Rufus Hawtin Hathaway by J. E. MacDonald] [Bookplate for Rufus Hawtin Hathaway by J. E. MacDonald] Printed in black ink on cream-coloured paper. An interior scene depicts a robed and tonsured monk sitting in a study room. The monk is seated with his head resting in his right hand on the far side of a lectern that holds three open, vellum-bound manuscripts. Behind the monk, an open wooden cupboard is topped by a niche shelf with many closed, bound vellum manuscripts and a human skull. To the far left, there is a recessed bench seat at a diamond paned window containing several objects, including a crucifix, an hour glass, and another manuscript. The entire scene is framed by a border that contains the owner’s name and motto, as well as decorative vine-leaf scrollwork.

146. [Bookplate for Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario] [Bookplate for Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an academic escutcheon in the heraldic-style. The escutcheon is parted per fess, indented, in chief gules (red), charged with two open books with initialled text. These charges mimic the two books found on the University of Toronto's crest. On the fess, argent (silver), appears a maple bough with three leaves. Though situated differently, this symbol may be drawn from the maple bough with three leaves which appears on the coat of arms of the province of Ontario. The base, azure (blue), is charged with a lamp of knowledge. Above the escutcheon is a crown, which resembles that of George IV, also found on the coat of arms of the University. The crown was included in the University crest to indicate the provision of the institution's royal charter by George IV in 1827. Surrounding the escutcheon is a banner containing the name of the university faculty which issued the bookplate. The illustration identifies itself as an "Ex Libris" and below, cites the originating library. The text and illustration are surrounded by a rectangular frame ornamented with garlands.

147. [Bookplate for Rothenheim] [Bookplate for Rothenheim] A sun shining over mountain tops in the upper left hand corner. In the bottom right hand corner is a series of 10 squares, 8 of which include images. These images include (from top to bottom, left to right) a triangle, an thick cross, an unknown symbol, an iron cross, the Greek letter beta, the Greek letter omega, a sailboat, and skis. At the very top of the squares is the letter R and a small O with two lines underneath.

148. [Bookplate for Robie Lewis Reid] [Bookplate for Robie Lewis Reid] The bookplate has below a banner with a quote from the Canterbury Tales an image of a writing desk backed by a number of books both lined up vertically, aslant and open on the desk. A banner crosses the upper portion of the image that states "EX LIBRIS", between these two words is a round shield made by a belt on which is written "PRO VIRTUTE". Within this shield is the image of a hand holding an open book on top of a braided wreath. Below the writing desk is a rectangular plate with the name "Robie Lewis Reid".

149. [Bookplate for Robert Hall and William Phillips Barrett by William Phillips Barrett] [Bookplate for Robert Hall and William Phillips Barrett by William Phillips Barrett] Printed in black ink on cream colored paper. The interior of a private library or study room is depicted. The right-hand side of the room is lined with a wall of books, which is topped with several carved busts. In the centre of the room, a large reading table holds several books and is surrounded by three chairs – an upholstered armchair on the left and two wooden chairs on the right. The books are heavy, bound manuscripts and one is open to display an illuminated frontispiece. In the background, a large bay window looks to a building with a spire that is surrounded by shrubbery.

150. [Bookplate for Robert Edward Lord Petre] [Bookplate for Robert Edward Lord Petre] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a simple bend, or (gold), charged with two escallop at dexter base and sinister chief. The escutcheon is charged with an inescutcheon at center, divided per cross. Quarter one is gules, with a simple bend, argent (silver), charged with six cross crosslet fitched. Quarter two is gules, charged with three lions. Quarter three is chequy, azure (blue) and argent. Quarter four is gules, charged with a lion rampant. Above the entire escutcheon is a coronet denoting the rank of baron, and supporting the escutcheon at dexter and sinister are two lions rampant reguardant. Beneath the escutcheon s a banner, with Latin motto within, and below motto the bookplate owner's name and title. Background of crest is azure.

151. [Bookplate for Robert E. Harris by W.A. Ives] [Bookplate for Robert E. Harris by W.A. Ives] The bookplate features an ornate border surrounding a coat of arms, motto, and illustration of books and the lamp of knowledge. The coat of arms features three silver crescents on a sable field. The shield is topped with a helmet and eagle with wings spread. The ribbon below contains the motto. The artist’s name appears under the books.

152. [Bookplate for Robert Butts by B. Cole] [Bookplate for Robert Butts by B. Cole] This elaborate chippendale bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. First, the dexter side, azure (blue) and charged with three etoile, two over one, and a chevron, or (gold) with three lozenges, gules (red). Second, the sinister side, azure, is charged with three talbots' heads two over one, erased, and a bar, or, with three cross pattee, argent (silver). The shield is crested by a curved wreath and a unicorn's head, muzzled. The escutcheon is surrounded by a mass of asymmetrical wave-like mantling and flora.

153. [Bookplate for Robert A. Harrison] [Bookplate for Robert A. Harrison] Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a demi-lion rampant on the top part of a castle tower. The lion is wearing a crown and holding a floral wreath in its paws. There is a gentlemen and esquire’s helm surrounded by elaborately curling sable and argent mantling that extends out to each side and tapers down to the base of the bookplate. Shield is sable and charged with three demi-lions rampant, two over one. The lions are wearing crowns. The motto is below the shield printed in capitalized block white letters on a banner with curling ends. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, gothic sentence-case font at the bottom of the bookplate.

154. [Bookplate for Rob. S. Atcheson] [Bookplate for Rob. S. Atcheson] In black ink, this bookplate contains a rooster atop a horn, which is itself atop a straight wreath. The rooster is a common heraldic symbol that stands for vigilence. Above the rooster is a banner containing the latin motto.

155. [Bookplate for Richard Whitmore Norman] [Bookplate for Richard Whitmore Norman] This simple heraldic bookplate consists of a straight wreath charged with a stag's head, erased. Above the charged wreath is a banner, with Latin motto within.

156. [Bookplate for Richard S. Coxe by O. H. Throop] [Bookplate for Richard S. Coxe by O. H. Throop] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), quartered per cross with second and third quadrants vert (green). Within each quarter, a roundlet, or (gold). Upon the escutcheon is a crest, cock closed, on top of a wreath. Beneath the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

157. [Bookplate for Rev. Pierre Beaumont] [Bookplate for Rev. Pierre Beaumont] The bookplate is printed in black ink on cream paper, now discolored. One penciled notation in the lower left.

158. [Bookplate for Reginald Hibbert Tupper] [Bookplate for Reginald Hibbert Tupper] The crest is a dog with a flower in its mouth. Below the crest is a banner with the motto.

159. [Bookplate for Ralph H. Kilby] [Bookplate for Ralph H. Kilby] Black ink on white paper. The crest features a circle with a border with black outlines and horizontal black lines. Inside the border there is a crown. The crown as three leafy designs at the top and the band is decorated with different jewels. The crest sits upon a crest-wreath. The shield has a border comprised of curling sections with ornate decorations on the ends. The shield is charged at the top with three black circles with white centers ; smaller versions of the black border featured in the crest. Below the circles are three horizontal black stripes. In the center of the top stripe is a white circle with black dots. Underneath the shield, the motto is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, sans serif black font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, cursive, sentence case black font.

160. [Bookplate for Rainald Knightley] [Bookplate for Rainald Knightley] In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered. The first and fourth quadrants are ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), and the second and third quadrants are paly, or (gold) and gules (red). At the precise middle chief is an inescutcheon, argent (silver), containing a sinister hand, gules. The gules hand, known as the hand of Ulster, symbolizes the hounour of a baronet. The crest is composed of a tilted dexter helmet, a curved wreath, and a stag head, dexter and couped. The escutcheon is supported by an eagle or falcon on each side. The escutcheon and its supporters are framed by a border with flowers. The entire image, including text, is placed within a larger circular border, azure (blue).
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