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1. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] This royal bookplate, in black ink, contains two shields surrounded by a border of floral branches and elaborately twisting rope. The dexter shield represents the Arms of the ducs de Berry (after 1376). This shield, azure (blue), with an embattled bordure, gules (red) is charged with three fleurs-de-lis, two over one. The sinister shield represents the coat of arms of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Above the two shields is a royal crown adorned with fleur-de-lis.

2. [Bookplate for Thomas Philip Earl de Gray] [Bookplate for Thomas Philip Earl de Gray] This heraldic bookplate is elaborately engraved in Chippendale style. The escutcheon is counterchanged per fess, its primary quarterings (at top left and bottom right) consisting of a barry of six, argent (silver) and azure (blue). The quarter at mid-top is vert (green), divided per chevron, or (gold). The quarter is also charged with three stags statant, two over one. The top left quarter is argent (silver), with a saltier, azure. The quarter is also charged with a roundlet, argent. The bottom left quarter is a gyrony of eight pieces, or and sable (gold). The quarter at mid-bottom is argent, divided per fess, gules (red) with a fillet in the lower part, azure. The quarter is also charged with three rings, gules on both the upper and lower parts. The Chippendale escutcheon is surrounded by two detailed dragons, the dexter supporter with its tailed nowed. Above the escutcheon is a coronet of earl status, and below the shield with Latin motto within. The owner's name is surrounded with elaborate borderwork, in the same style of wreath surrounding the shield.

3. [Bookplate for George Paget] [Bookplate for George Paget] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per cross. Quarters one and four are sable (black) and charged with a cross, argent (silver), between four eagles displayed. The cross is charged with five lions passant guardant. Quarters two and three are azure (blue), with a chevron or (gold) between three lion heads, erased, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a closed esquire helmet, positioned en profile, with mantling radiating from it, surrounding theescutcheon. Above the helmet is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger, rampant. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

4. [Bookplate for Robert Edward Lord Petre] [Bookplate for Robert Edward Lord Petre] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a simple bend, or (gold), charged with two escallop at dexter base and sinister chief. The escutcheon is charged with an inescutcheon at center, divided per cross. Quarter one is gules, with a simple bend, argent (silver), charged with six cross crosslet fitched. Quarter two is gules, charged with three lions. Quarter three is chequy, azure (blue) and argent. Quarter four is gules, charged with a lion rampant. Above the entire escutcheon is a coronet denoting the rank of baron, and supporting the escutcheon at dexter and sinister are two lions rampant reguardant. Beneath the escutcheon s a banner, with Latin motto within, and below motto the bookplate owner's name and title. Background of crest is azure.

5. [Bookplate for Albert Prince by Dempsey and Carroll] [Bookplate for Albert Prince by Dempsey and Carroll] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross, with quarters one and four also divided per cross. Within quarters one and four, the sub-quarters one and four are gules (red), charged with three lions passant guardant (for England). Sub-quarter two is or (gold), with a tressure-flory-counter -flory, charged with a lion rampant (for Scotland). Subquarter three is azure (blue), charged with a harp decorated with harpy figure features, stringed (for Ireland). The entire escutcheon is charged with a bar dovetailed, or a label, a cadency mark indicating being the eldest son (during his father's lifetime). Quarters two and three have a barry of ten, or and sable (black), with a bend in the shape of a ducal crown (without the cap). Surrounding the escutcheon is a garter, with first French motto within. Above the escutcheon is a royal crown. Supporting the escutcheon at dexter is a lion guardant, charged with a label. At sinister is a unicorn rampant, also charged with a label, as well as a royal crown without the cap as a collar. Below the escutcheon is a ribbon, with second German motto within. The entire achievement is surrounded by very fine lines, giving the impression of shadow.

6. [Bookplate for John Darby] [Bookplate for John Darby] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), with a chevron, argent (silver), with the lower part a fillet. Upon the escutcheon are three sheaves of wheat (possibly corn, garbe), two over one . A military medal is at centre chief, with the word "NILE" immediately below. Within the chevron, an anchor each at dexter and sinister, with a naval crown at centre. Above the escutcheon is a crest of a sheaf of wheat (or possibly corn, garbe) and an anchor, upon a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

7. [Bookplate for George de Pafsau] [Bookplate for George de Pafsau] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), charged with a greyhound courant (in motion), running on ground. Below the escutcheon is bookplate owner's name.

8. [Bookplate for George de Pafsow] [Bookplate for George de Pafsow] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), charged with a greyhound courant (in motion), running on ground. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a greyhound couchant (sitting position). Below the escutcheon is bookplate owner's name.

9. [Bookplate for Ditton Park] [Bookplate for Ditton Park] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), divided per pale. The left armorial is charged with three fusils, gules (red). The right armorial has a chief, azure (blue), the charged with three mullets. The lower half is charged with a crowned heart, possibly a preperesentation of a Claddagh.

10. [Bookplate for Stephen Langston] [Bookplate for Stephen Langston] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon parted per pale. On the left, or (gold), charged with a chevron, azure (blue). Above the chevron, are three heraldic roses in chief, and at centre base below the chevron a sea creature. On the right, the quadrant is parted per cross, with quarters two and four, or, vair in pale, azure. Quarters two and three are sable (black), parted per fess, argent (silver). The quarters are charged with three cinque foil, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath charged with the sea creature at centre base at dexter and a rose bush. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

11. [Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer] [Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer] This heraldic bookplate consists of a stylized escutcheon, with a pale counterchanged per fess. Sections one and six are parted per cross, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chief argent (silver), charged with three lions erased. Quarters two and three consists of a barry of eight ermine and azure (blue), with a chief azure, charged with a lion passant guardant. Section two is azure, with a simple bend or (gold), charged with two heads of a stag. Section three is azure, with a bend engrailed and or, charged with three martlets. Section four is ermine, with a cross engrailed and sable. Finally, section five is vert (green), with a bordure engrailed and or, charged with a stag's head. Below the entire escutcheon is bookplate owner's name.

12. [Bookplate for Earl Gower by Griffiths and Weigall] [Bookplate for Earl Gower by Griffiths and Weigall] This heraldic bookplate consists of a escutcheon, divided per cross or quarterly. Quarters one and four are argent (silver) with bars, gules (red) and charged with a cross patonce, sable (black). Quarters two and three are azure (blue) charged with leaves, two over one. The escutcheon is supported by two wolves rampant. Upon the escutcheon is a crown of earl status (minus the internal cap). Above the escutcheon is a crest of a wolf passant upon a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner with Latin motto within.

13. [Bookplate for John Leveson Gower] [Bookplate for John Leveson Gower] This heraldic bookplate consists of a escutcheon, divided per cross or quarterly. Quarters one and four are argent (silver) with bars, gules (red) and charged with a cross patonce, sable (black). Quarters two and three are azure (blue) charged with leaves, two over one. The escutcheon is charged with an inescutcheon, argent, charged with a human hand, gules, at centre, which is a symbol of knighthood or baronet. Upon the escutcheon is a grated helmet positioned three-quartered, indicating peer (duke, baron, marquess, earl) status. Upon the helmet is a crest of a mountain lion or wolf, upon a straight wreath. The escutcheon is surrounded by elaborate mantling, and beneath the escutcheon is the bookplate text within an embellished border.

14. [Bookplate for Sir George Frederick Samuel Robinson] [Bookplate for Sir George Frederick Samuel Robinson] This heraldic bookplate consists of a crest of a stag at gaze, which is upon a small version of a coronet of duke status. Surrounding the crest in a circular orientation is a garter of azure (blue), with French motto within. Surrounding the garter is a heraldic collar, with twelve roses (surrounded by circular garters with French motto within) at regular intervals. Upon the collar is a full version of a coronet of duke status, and immediately below the collar (as a pendant) is a rendering of the biblical event of St. George slaying the dragon.

15. [Bookplate for Francis Lawson] [Bookplate for Francis Lawson] This heraldic bookplate consists of a chippendale styled escutcheon, argent (silver) parted per pale ; first, argent, with a saltier, azure (blue), the upper part charged with three garbs, the lower a boar's head, and at dexter and sinister an etoile each ; second, argent, depicting a wolf salient, climbing a tree, vert (green), possibly oak. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a boar's head and below the escutcheon the name and location of the bookplate's owner. The entire escutcheon and accompanying text are surrounded by elaborate chippendale borders.

16. [Bookplate for Robert Butts by B. Cole] [Bookplate for Robert Butts by B. Cole] This elaborate chippendale bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. First, the dexter side, azure (blue) and charged with three etoile, two over one, and a chevron, or (gold) with three lozenges, gules (red). Second, the sinister side, azure, is charged with three talbots' heads two over one, erased, and a bar, or, with three cross pattee, argent (silver). The shield is crested by a curved wreath and a unicorn's head, muzzled. The escutcheon is surrounded by a mass of asymmetrical wave-like mantling and flora.

17. [Bookplate for Florence Bailey Swift] [Bookplate for Florence Bailey Swift] This elaborate bookplate, in black ink, consists of an escutcheon, or (gold), containing a chevron, vair of argent (silver) and azure (blue), and charged with three stags, springing (or courant) and vert (green), two over one. The escutcheon is surrounded by an elaborate bordure, and topped by a dexter closed helmet. Atop the helmet is a curved crest wreath and an arm embowed, habited, holding four arrows. From either side of the helmet flows elaborate mantling, or and azure. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

18. [Bookplate for Humberside Collegiate Institute] [Bookplate for Humberside Collegiate Institute] This bookplate's design features a quartered escutcheon, gules (red), azure (blue), and or (gold). It is charged with an oil lamp, a maple leaf, an open book, and a beaver.

19. [Bookplate by W. Bowles and J.W. Leigh] [Bookplate by W. Bowles and J.W. Leigh] This bookplate is rendered in a circular motif, with three escutcheons pivoting the centre. The first crest is gules (red), charged with three ducal coronet, positioned two over one, with a roundlet or (gold) at centre. The second crest has a chevronelly of eleven or and azure (blue). The third crest is gules, charged with three inverted wildcat heads on fleur-de-lis, two over one. The entire assemblage is contained within a circular pattern, with Latin name in the border. The original artist of the crest is J.W. Leigh, indicated by "Inv." at the base of the design.

20. [Bookplate by M. Trinque] [Bookplate by M. Trinque] This bookplate includes both a pictorial image and a heraldic symbol. The image, in black ink, depicts three soldiers in the process of laying communications cable. One soldier holds the spool of cable, another cuts the cable with pliers, and the third soldier keeps a look-out, rifle on back. The heraldic symbol, in coloured ink, contains an escutcheon divided per fess by an engrailed line. The top half is a dark shade of azure, while the bottom half is a light shade of azure. The escutcheon includes a sinister bend of blue, white, and red, representing the French flag. From the dexter chief to the sinister base are three fleur-de-lis. On the top of the shield is a torch, possibly representing Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of French North Africa during World War II. On both the right and left sides of the shield are signal flags, providing more indication that this coat of arms belongs to a communications unit. The left flag is a small red square within a larger white square, and the right flag is the reverse. At the base of the shield is a ribbon containing four stars. Below the image, there is space for entering a name of ownership, but it has been left blank.
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