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1121. [Bookplate for Isabel R. Gillies] [Bookplate for Isabel R. Gillies] This bookplate features a blue walking cat.

1122. [Bookplate for Usui Kojima and Frederick Starr by Nakata Kazuo] [Bookplate for Usui Kojima and Frederick Starr by Nakata Kazuo] Woodblock bookplate in two blocks: black and light blue. Image of the silhouette of a mountain climber.

1123. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] In black ink. Image of two butterflies in flight. Butterfly in foreground in detail. Japanese characters in the top right and bottom left corners.

1124. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] In black ink. Image of a turtle with a hair-like tail. Japanese characters in the top right and bottom left corners.

1125. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Colour woodblock print in two blocks. In yellow and blue ink. Bordered image of a nude woman. Bookplate text above.

1126. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Colour woodblock print in four blocks. In blue, red, green and black ink. Image of a Japanese woman overlooking landscape--foliage and a mountain--with a lantern hanging above. Japanese woman in traditional dress.

1127. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Colour woodblock print in two blocks. In green and red ink. Image of the top half of a woman, nude. Bookplate text above image.

1128. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Woodblock bookplate in four blocks: black, blue, orange and red. Image of a Japanese figure resembling a nesting doll.

1129. [Bookplate for Philip Robert Lyman] [Bookplate for Philip Robert Lyman] This bookplate features a gules (red) escutcheon divided per chevron, argent (silver), charged with a gules (red) annulet. Above the escutcheon rests an esquire helmet, which is charged with a bull. Underneath the banner featuring the Lyman motto is the owner's name with a maple leaf on either side.

1130. [Bookplate for James De Carteret] [Bookplate for James De Carteret] An ornate border surrounds the text. There is a smudged line of ink running diagonally from the centre bottom of the bookplate to the upper edge of the border.

1131. [Bookplate for John Chapman] [Bookplate for John Chapman] In the centre of the bookplate is a rectangular heavy solid line border with a lighter solid border within. Within this is a wavy line border, and within this is a lighter, dotted line border. The owner's name is printed in Gothic script in the middle of the bookplate, and there are flourishes going from both the beginning and the end of the name out towards border corners. Within the border at each corner are right angle decorations with a small flourish.

1132. [Bookplate for Roswell Goldie] [Bookplate for Roswell Goldie] Black ink on grey paper. A border composed of small circles houses the name and town of the bookplate owner. The words are in Germanic lettering.

1133. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A hand made bookplate with a rectangular green border. An image of bamboo trees done in green is central to the picture. A brown bird is located in the lower left portion of the plate, and it is flying towards the bottom of the page.

1134. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A green rectangular border surrounds the central image and writing. Three Japanese Umeboshi (Sour plums) are present with the red and green ones standing upright while the yellow one sits on its side.

1135. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] The central image is a view from overtop of a grey can sitting on a blue and white chequered background. The can has an inner and an outer ring with 8 red and green strawberries sitting at the centre of the can.

1136. [Bookplate for Geoffrey Davies] [Bookplate for Geoffrey Davies] The central image is of a white frame holding black rope within it connected to a central black rectangular frame in the centre of the bookplate. The bookplate has been designed to look like a picture.

1137. [Bookplate for John J. Deutsch] [Bookplate for John J. Deutsch]

1138. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A red outline surrounds the central picture of the rock garden and reflection area in Ryoan-ji temple in Kyoto with the oil died wall in the background. Images have also been carved into the gravel.

1139. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A blue frame surrounds a yellow plaque with a black cow facing to the right in a riclining position on it. A green tie sits on the top and a Japanese family Hanko sits over the hind part of the cow.

1140. [Bookplate for James Hazen Hyde] [Bookplate for James Hazen Hyde] The bookplate central image is of several interwoven banners with flowers and leaves hanging from them in three cascades. The owner was an enormous Francophone who lived around the turn of the 20th century.
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