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21. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd

22. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd

23. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd entering farm

24. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Educational facilities Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd marching past the Forest Sciences building

25. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Banners Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd marching with the "Save the UBC Farm" and "Permaculture" banners down Wesbrook Mall

26. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd sitting on ground

27. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd walking

28. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Picket signs; Banners Great Farm Trek 2009 march

29. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Banners; Educational facilities Great Farm Trek 2009 march past the Forest Sciences building

30. [Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS President] [Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS President] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Picket signs; Banners Great Farm Trek 2009 march with AMS President at the front holding a Save the UBC Farm banner

31. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 marchers crossing East Mall

32. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 marchers crossing East Mall

33. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 marchers walking down East Mall

34. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Educational facilities; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 protestors marching past the Forest Sciences Centre

35. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Educational facilities; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 protestors marching past the Forest Sciences Centre

36. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Schedules (Time plans) Great Farm Trek 2009 schedule

37. [Great Trek] [Great Trek] Student movements; Banners Great Trek - "We Need a New Shoe" float

38. [Great Trek] [Great Trek] Student movements Great Trek - Procession of cars

39. [Great Trek] [Great Trek] Student movements Great Trek - Sardine Can Float

40. [Great Trek] [Great Trek] Student movements; Marching Great Trek at Granville and West Georgia
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