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421. [Bookplate for Frank Strowbridge and Elsie Strowbridge] [Bookplate for Frank Strowbridge and Elsie Strowbridge] In black ink on white paper, a simple, decorative border runs around the edge of the bookplate. There is an image of a large white ship at sea, behind an ocean wave, in the top half of the bookplate. In the lower half is the text, which is separated from the image above by what looks to be a depiction of coil binding. There are faint ink smudges in the top left corner, one along the lower left edge, and a couple along the bottom of the bookplate. There are also a few faint marks across the text.

422. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink on blue or gray paper, the bookplate features a decorative border with ornate corners surrounding black text.

423. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate features a decorative pattern inside an ornate border, with blank space left in the pattern for black text.

424. [Bookbinder's Tickets] [Bookbinder's Tickets] 1) In black ink on blue paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.

425. [Bookseller's Ticket for W. C. Chewett and Company] [Bookseller's Ticket for W. C. Chewett and Company] In black ink on white or yellow paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a double border surrounding black text.

426. [Bookseller's Ticket for R. & C. Chalmers] [Bookseller's Ticket for R. & C. Chalmers] In black ink on yellow paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a decorative border surrounding black text.

427. [Bookplate for Brockville Library] [Bookplate for Brockville Library] In black ink on white paper, the bookplate consists of a thin black border close to the edge of the paper, surrounding a title above a decorative rule or bar, below which is the main text in black ink.

428. [Bookplate for Brockville Library] [Bookplate for Brockville Library] In black ink on tan paper, the bookplate consists of a double zigzag border surrounding black text. The library name at the top is flanked by two rosettes and separated from the remaining text by a decorative rule.

429. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] This heraldic bookplate is printed on cream paper with dark brown ink, and consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), charged with three church bells, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a helmet at three quarters profile in esquire form, with mantling radiating from it. Above the helmet is a straight wreath crested by the head of a lion in profile. Below the crest is a banner, with Latin motto within.

430. [Bookplate for Dunbar Browne Jr.] [Bookplate for Dunbar Browne Jr.] A floral, somewhat art nouveau style border surrounding the text.

431. [Bookplate for Cercle Cremazie] [Bookplate for Cercle Cremazie] Printed in black ink on tan paper, a very ornate scrollwork border surrounds the text.

432. [Bookplate for Carleton Place High School] [Bookplate for Carleton Place High School] A border of small round stylized flowers surrounds the bookplate text. The first line is written in a font with a small dot in the letters 'C', 'O', and 'P'. The second line is written in a more ornate font. Under this line there is a small stylized flower similar to the ones that comprise the border. Under this is the typed word 'No.' with a line that is filled in by hand with a number.

433. [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] The bookplate has a geometric border with stylized flowers on the corners. Within the border, the text 'Congregational College' is in a Gothic typeface, and the words 'of British North America' are in a simple sans-serif.

434. [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] The bookplate has a geometric border with stylized flowers on the corners. Within the border, the text 'Congregational College' is in a Gothic typeface, and the words 'of British North America' are in a simple sans-serif.

435. [Bookplate for Congregational Theological Institute] [Bookplate for Congregational Theological Institute] The border has a border of lines with a more elaborate border 'wrapped' around it. The corners are adorned with small flowers. Within the border, the word 'Canadian' is in a bold font, and 'Congregational Theological' is in Gothic typeface.

436. [Bookplate for Montreal Catholic School Commission] [Bookplate for Montreal Catholic School Commission] The bookplate is surrounded by a stylized block border with a design within it. At the top, the school board crest is printed above the words 'Commission des Ecoles Catholiques de Montreal'. The body of the bookplate is comprised of a printed form with space for a student's name, reason for the award, grade, school, date and year to be filled in by hand.

437. [Bookplate for Castle Lending Library] [Bookplate for Castle Lending Library] The name of the lending library is in large bold letters at the top of the bookplate, and underneath is listed the address, hours, and telephone number. Underneath this text block there is a thick black line, and a listing of the terms, time limit and renewal conditions. Underneath this is a single black line, the words 'Please Protect Your Book in Wet Weather' and another single black line. At the bottom of the bookplate is space for the library to stamp a return date.

438. [Bookplate for Lacombe Vincent by Carles Imprint Editor] [Bookplate for Lacombe Vincent by Carles Imprint Editor] Pictorial bookplate. An illustrated border surrounds text in the center. Angels are on the top right and left hand corners. The left side angel holds a wreath in one hand and the right side angel holds a book in one hand. The angels also hold a banner that stretches between them with the name of the awarding organization on it. Below the angels is a border of morning glories. The plants meet at the bottom center of the plate, growing from beneath a pile of books and a globe. Four fonts used for the text, with spaces for hand-written annotations naming the prize recipient.

439. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black ink on paper. This bookplate is surrounded by a simple border. It states "This Book Belongs to The Citizen's Public Library of Sydney C.B. 1898" which places the bookplate on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, Canada.

440. [Bookplate for Goodwin's Limited] [Bookplate for Goodwin's Limited] A decorative border is printed in green ink. Inside at the top left is the Goodwin's script logo "G" on a maple leaf printed in green ink. Text is printed in black ink and three fonts, including the Goodwin's Limited logo script. There is a tear in the bottom right corner and a light "X" drawn across the plate in pencil.
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