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441. [Bookplate for Andrew Jack] [Bookplate for Andrew Jack] Black ink on yellow paper. An ornate border consists of two parts: an inner border of thick black line with rounded corners, outlined with thin black lines on each side and punctuated with evenly spaced scrolls ; an outer border of a repeated fan design with small pairs of circles between each fan. All four corners of the border have a trefoil on the inner edge and a diamond on the outer edge. Border houses the name, location, and date of the bookplate.

442. [Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith] [Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith] Printed in black ink, the bookplate features a harbor scene including a town waterfront, ships, sailboats and row boats. The Union Jack can be found in the corner of the flags off the stern of the two ships in the foreground. A banner identifies the location, and a gothic font is used to identify the owner of the book. Pictorial.

443. [Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec] [Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec] Black ink on cream paper. Border made of thin solid lines. Inside the solid black line border is a thin dotted line border. The corners feature stylized decorations that are wing-like with circular additions on three sides. Each decoration also features a full or half-circle element facing the center of the bookplate. The name of the hospital is written in larger, capitalized, bold font, with the location being in slightly smaller font. There is a squiggled line beneath the hospital name. Below the line are three areas with dotted lines to be filled in. Names of the fields are written in italicized sentence case font. One handwritten note in the number section.

444. [Bookplate by University of British Columbia] [Bookplate by University of British Columbia] The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.

445. [Bookplate by University of British Columbia] [Bookplate by University of British Columbia] The bookplate has after the initial Text a picture based on a woodcut engraving of Vesalius, a classical anatomist. The picture is in an azure ink and shows a man pointing out various anatomical points of a human arm.
This bookplate identifies books purchased as a collection by UBC Library from Dr. Hugh Macdonald Sinclair with funds provided by Harvey Reginald "H.R." MacMillan.

446. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A ragged edge of a central image is covered in a grey coloured wash. The central image is of a Japanese woman sitting and playing a traditional three stringed lute-type musical instrument. She is wearing a flowered Kimono and is facing to the right.

447. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A ragged edge of a central image is covered in a grey coloured wash. A Japanese woman is reclining on her knees and is using a black Japanese Fan. The woman is wearing a flowered kimono and is facing to the right.

448. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A brightly colored image of a white stick figure rabbit mounted on a blue platform. It holds a yellow staff emerging from a blue pool. The platform is mounted on two square pieces of wood. The rabbit appears clothed in an orange and white jacket. The image may refer to Japanese folklore of an image of a rabbit present in the moon pounding mochi (rice cake). The image of the rabbit is located on the right hand side of the page and is facing towards the left.

449. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] The central image is of the red and black outline of a face used in a Japanese mask possibly used for Kabuki. The face is located towards the right side of the bookplate. The face is used for a demon called an Oni. A bamboo flute done in a light brown lies to the lower left side of the bookplate. It has some Kanji writing symbols as well as a few cherry blossom petals.

450. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] The central image is surrounded by a grey rectangular frame within which is a white background. The image within the rectangle is a sideways fan shaped segway onto a view of Mt. Fuji with a blue sky in the background, several grey outlined yellow and pink shapes possibly representing flowers, trees, and a pastoral setting in the foreground. The large side of the fan is facing towards the left.

451. [Bookplate for Edmond Bohy] [Bookplate for Edmond Bohy] This bookplate features brown ink on thick, coated paper. The image is of a man, mouth open, wearing a feathered fedora and a shirt with a broad collar [perhaps a jester collar] within a border consisting of dots and lines.

452. [Bookplate for Coddington] [Bookplate for Coddington] The bookplate is an armorial bookplate that begins with the image of a lion's head facing to the dexter covered in a fretty pattern. At the base of the head is a trefoil leaf. The head is mounted above a wreath which is itself mounted above a shield. The shield is an argent shield upon which is mounted an argent fretty. In both the dexter chief and sinister base positions are square ermine insets upon which are mounted trefoil leaves. In the sinister chief and dexter base positions are square insets upon which are mounted lion heads facing dexter.

453. [Bookplate for Davidson] [Bookplate for Davidson] The bookplate is an armorial. At the crest there is a couped eagle's head armed above a wreath. The shield is an azure shield with thistles in the dexter chief and sinister chief position. An argent banner across the fess holds a couchant stagg facing dexter. The base of the shield has a thistle in the precise middle.

454. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A blue frame surrounds a yellow plaque with a black cow facing to the right in a riclining position on it. A green tie sits on the top and a Japanese family Hanko sits over the hind part of the cow.

455. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] The picture is of a stone pillar amongst a garden with a yellow frame outline. The pillar has several symbols which represent the same image found on a 5 yen coin. There is a hole in the centre which holds water for a person to drink from using the yellow bamboo cup sitting on the top of the pillar.

456. [Bookplate for M. J. Freie] [Bookplate for M. J. Freie] Pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. A clock tower is visible through a stone, oval, window. In the upper right and left corners are shields: On the left side is an or shield with a displayed double-headed bird ; on the chest of the bird is an argent shield with a vert fess. The shield on the right side is sable with a ship. In the bottom right corner is an owl perched atop books and in the left corner is a painter's pallet and brushes.

457. [Bookplate for Herbert Spencer Stvdy] [Bookplate for Herbert Spencer Stvdy] Woman is Mnemosyne, personification of memory in Greek mythology, or Vigilanza / Vigilantia wearing a loose gown and with hair tresses. Holding oil-lamp in her left hand, and closed book in her right hand. Flanking the right side of Vigilantia is an olive tree. Behind the torso of Vigilantia is a shelf of books, and behind her head is a landscape with a castle overlooking a lake, surrounded by mountains, and a cloudy sky. Ex Libris part of image.

458. [Bookplate for A. W. Robertson by Tom Eaglin] [Bookplate for A. W. Robertson by Tom Eaglin] This bookplate is executed in coloured ink on white paper. The colours consist of varying shades of green and bronze. In the foreground there is an image of a nude man with his head resting upon his hand, as if deep in contemplation. He is sitting upon a wood-like stump which turns into the earth at the bottom of the image. This image is most likely meant to imitate "The Thinker", a statue by Auguste Rodin.

459. [Bookplate for C. J. Sisson] [Bookplate for C. J. Sisson] A sun burst with a face. Profile of a black crow, wings stretched out, and beak apart perched on a ball with the name of the bookplate owner, and a ribbon with MORTUI RESURGENT.

460. [Bookplate for Rosen by A. Lee] [Bookplate for Rosen by A. Lee] Executed with black and brown ink on white paper. This bookplate depicts the sun shining down upon two human figures on a brown background. The figure on the left is standing with its mouth open, holding an object upon which is a musical note. The figure on the right is waving with one hand and holding a flower in the other.
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