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501. [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] This wood-engraved bookplate's design is based from on a view near Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. It features a running stream, grass, and trees. Bookplate image is surrounded by a stylized border, which features the grass of parnassus, which is also featured in the foreground of the scene. Bookplate is printed in black ink, on very thin paper.

502. [Bookplate for Thomas H. Smallman by F. Durrant] [Bookplate for Thomas H. Smallman by F. Durrant] This heraldric bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a chevron, or (gold), charge dwith three falcons, addorsed and inverted, two over one. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet, charged with a straight wreath and a heraldric antelope. Motto is contained within banner beneath escutcheon.

503. [Bookplate for Marcel Godfrey Isaacs by W. P. B.] [Bookplate for Marcel Godfrey Isaacs by W. P. B.] This heraldric bookplate consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), with a bend, or (gold), and a square charged with the head of a cougar at sinister chief. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet, which is charged with a straight wreath and an arm embowed fessways, holding a dagger piercing the head of a cougar. Bookplate owner's name at base.

504. [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] This bookplate's design features an escutcheon argent (silver) divided per chevron, sable (black). It is charged with a dexter hand and a six-pointed star. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet and that is charged with a winged arm holding a torch. The escutcheon is surrounded by decorative foliage with banners containing bookplate motto and name below.

505. [Bookplate for Ernest Frederick Hick] [Bookplate for Ernest Frederick Hick] In black ink. This twentieth century bookplate features a Canadian design. In the center is an escutcheon charged with a large maple leaf, seed pods and the originator's initial 'H.' The escutcheon is set on a dark, circular background and surrounded by maple boughs. Below the escutcheon is a banner displaying the originator's name.

506. [Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal] [Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal] Black ink. The seal of the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal is located in the upper portion of the bookplate with pre-printed lines for library information below. The seal contains an escutcheon quartered per saltire with argent (silver) and gules (red) backgrounds. The chief quarter features a train car, the sinister quarter a couped arm with hammer, the base quarter a lever and the dexter quarter a telescope.

507. [Bookplate for Henry Mott by J. E. H. MacDonald] [Bookplate for Henry Mott by J. E. H. MacDonald] Black ink. Azure (blue) escutcheon charged with a argent (silver) crescent. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, an eight-point star and the originator's name. Below a waving banner displays the originator's Latin motto. All of the elements cited above are framed by a shield shaped border. Additionally, the paper is cut at skewed angles, causing the image to appear lopsided.

508. [Bookplate for Hart House] [Bookplate for Hart House] This bookplate's design is divided into three sections. At the top, the University of Toronto shield sits to the left of the text. In the middle is a picture of Hart House as seen from above. The name of the donor is in the lower third.

509. [Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal] [Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal] In black ink. The seal of the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal is located above with pre-printed lines for library information below. The seal contains an escutcheon quartered per saltire with argent (silver) and gules (red) backgrounds. The chief quarter features a train car, the sinister quarter a couped arm with hammer, the base quarter a lever, the dexter quarter a telescope. At the fess point the institution's motto appears.

510. [Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal] [Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal] In black ink. The seal of the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal is located above with pre-printed lines for library information below. The seal contains an escutcheon quartered per saltire with argent (silver) and gules (red) backgrounds. The chief quarter features a train car, the sinister quarter a couped arm with hammer, the base quarter a lever, the dexter quarter a telescope. At the fess point the institution's motto appears.

511. [Bookplate for Walter Stevens Herrington] [Bookplate for Walter Stevens Herrington] This bookplate's design features a distinct rectangular frame, with flora, particularly pine needles, pine cones and maple leaves, in the upper portion, an hour glass and scales in the lower corners and a book shelf along the bottom border. Within this decorated frame, an open book displays the originator's name, and below, many literary characters appear, including a mother and child, a crowned princess or queen and a winged fairy.

512. [Bookplate for Gertrude Elliott by Rustcraft USA] [Bookplate for Gertrude Elliott by Rustcraft USA] Blue, pink, yellow, gold, and black ink on cream paper. A knight in armour sits on horseback behind a black silhouette of city ; in the background is castle suspended in the clouds. A border of flowers and vines surrounds the image. 'Rustcraft USA' is written vertically in small type along edge of building, and near the horse's tail additional text appears to read "A74." There is a scroll at the bottom with the originator's name.

513. [Bookplate for Edmund Smith Hopkins by E. Soucher] [Bookplate for Edmund Smith Hopkins by E. Soucher] This bookplate features a pictorial design with flowers, books, and other miscellaneous items along with a quote from John Wilson, a Scottish author.

514. [Bookplate for Eugene Charters and Stella Charters] [Bookplate for Eugene Charters and Stella Charters] In black ink. This bookplate displays the silhouette of a large galleon in full sail. Below the ship is written ex-libris and the names of the originators. The nautical motif and text are framed by a flowering vine border. In each corner appears a small framed image including, an evergreen, an open-book, a seated dog and a pair of theatrical masks.

515. [Bookplate for W. E. Gale by George Kuthan] [Bookplate for W. E. Gale by George Kuthan] Printed in black and red ink on blue paper. The image includes a border in black ink surrounding the image of a ship in red ink and text in black ink. What appears to be a small letter 'K' in red ink is to the right of the ship.

516. [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.] [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.] In brown ink on thick paper, a wreath containing the words, 'EX LIBRIS,' and two urns sit on top of a decorative box within which is another urn, fruit, floral swags, and a suspended book. At the bottom of the image is an ornamental box containing the name Mark Rowe.

517. [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.] [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.] In black ink on thick paper, a wreath containing the words, 'EX LIBRIS,' and two urns sit on top of a decorative box within which is another urn, fruit, floral swags, and a suspended book. At the bottom of the image is an ornamental box containing the name Mark Rowe.

518. [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.] [Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.] In black ink on thick paper, an architectural image contains a view of an inner library or study, with a wreath encircling the words, 'EX LIBRIS,' at the apex and a box or plaque with the name, Mark Rowe, at the bottom.

519. [Bookplate for Alexander Fawcett Reid] [Bookplate for Alexander Fawcett Reid] In black ink on white paper with visible chain and laid lines, a decorative border surrounds the image of a ship.

520. [Bookplate for Grace Svenningson] [Bookplate for Grace Svenningson] In black ink on white paper, two columns frame the sides of the bookplate, with a banner stretched behind them at the top. Thick vines are hanging from the banner, and a few are wrapped sparsely around the columns as well. There is an urn on the bottom left with some gentle hills in the background. The name is printed in red ink at the bottom of the plate.
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