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581. [Bookplate for Maurie Barrett] [Bookplate for Maurie Barrett] Printed in black ink on beige paper, with a glued back. The image is a version of the crest of the Arms of Canada. It shows a crowned lion atop a larger crown, with mouth open and tongue extended. The lion stands firm with his rear right leg forward as if indicating an intent to pounce. This position, with all four paws on the ground and head turned to face the viewer, is known as statant guardant. The lion's tail is flamboyant and resembles the mantling often found on heraldic bookplates.

582. [Bookplate for Ödön Stern and J. E. Horvath by B. I.] [Bookplate for Ödön Stern and J. E. Horvath by B. I.] Black ink on cream paper. This bookplate combines Art Deco and Egyptian style and imagery. The black ink provides the background with most of the objects delineated in white from the paper. A figure in profile to walks towards the right of the scene holding high three books in offering. Behind the figure there is a curtain with a weaved pattern. Further back on the right hand side there is a vase with flowers, and two urns. One sits on the floor. Fire rises from the second one on a stand.

583. [Bookplate for Atkinson] [Bookplate for Atkinson] In black ink, this bookplate consists of a pheon (an arrow with a flat barbed head, thrown from a cross bow) proper atop a straight wreath, which sits upon a strung curtain.

584. [Bookplate for William Brummell] [Bookplate for William Brummell] This bookplate consists of an azure (blue) escutcheon with a wavy argent (silver) fess. At the dexter, middle, and sinister chief are three birds, wings closed. Above the middle chief bird is a label, the mark of an eldest son. At the base are two etoiles. Perched atop the shield, on a straight crest wreath, is a fourth bird holding a twig in its beak. The shield is framed with floral mantling.

585. [Bookplate for George J. Campbell] [Bookplate for George J. Campbell] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon bearing the arms of the ancient Scottish family Campbell, presented as a Gyronny of eight, or (gold) and sable (black). The escutcheon is bordered in gules (red) with 7 escallopes. The escutcheon contains a canton, also Gyronny of eight, gules and ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts). The crest, atop a curved wreath, is an eagles head, erased. Over the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto. Below the shield are two oak branches tied together by a ribbon.

586. [Bookplate for W. H. Campbell] [Bookplate for W. H. Campbell] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered and counter-changed, containing the arms of the ancient Scottish family Campbell and a galley, on an argent (silver) background. The arms of Campbell are Gyronny of eight, or (gold) and sable (black). The galley is an ancient vessel often used in the arms of naval officers. Atop the shield is a helm and mantling, which is crested by a curved wreath and a boar's head, erased. Below the shield is a split banner containing the Latin motto.

587. [Bookplate for Edwin A. Dalrymple] [Bookplate for Edwin A. Dalrymple] This bookplate has both heraldic and pictorial qualities. Upon a heraldic crest are five mountains, in profile. Above the image is a banner, with Latin motto within.

588. [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with long stemmed flowers and a softly invected saltier, vert (green). Three flower stems, layered below the saltier, rise from the earth at middle base. At the honour point appears an open blossom, and on either side of the fess point are closed blossoms. The shield is crested by a diadem decorated with feathers. The Latin motto appears on the saltier, written from dexter chief to sinister base.

589. [Bookplate for Caldwell] [Bookplate for Caldwell] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon, containing three sable (black) piles arranged in chief, and four alternating wavy bars of gules (red) and vert (green). Each pile contains a roundlet. Each roundlet has wavy barry of seven pieces, plate (silver roundlet) and hurts (blue roundlet). The crest is a demi-lion rampant grasping a broken scimetar, all proper on a wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.

590. [Bookplate for Heffernan Considine] [Bookplate for Heffernan Considine] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three lions passant gardant, gules (red). The crest, atop a straight wreath, appears as a dexter arm, vambraced, and holding a sword. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

591. [Bookplate for John Darby] [Bookplate for John Darby] This heraldic bookplate consists of a crest of a sheaf of wheat (or possibly corn, garbe) upon a straight wreath. Above the crest is a banner, with Latin motto within.

592. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In purple ink, this is a textual book owner's stamp.

593. [Bookplate for Gladys Granger] [Bookplate for Gladys Granger] This heraldic bookplate is a much stylized form which echoes common features of a traditional heraldic shield. The escutcheon is an oblong round shape in Chippendale style, gules (red), charged with a pomegranate. Upon the escutcheon is a crest of an arm embowed fessways, clutching three stocks of wheat or corn. Surrounding the escutcheon is an ornate border, surrounded by leaves and flowers. Below the escutcheon is a banner styled the same way as the escutcheon, with owner's name within.

594. [Bookplate for John Lewis] [Bookplate for John Lewis] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross. Quarters one and four are gules (red), charged with an arm clutching a fasces and two mullets on either side. Quarters two and three are gules with a saltier, argent (silver), charged with four cinque foil. Above the escutcheon rests a crest of a griffin head upon a straight wreath. The escutcheon is bordered by stylized mantling, and below, the owner's name.

595. [Bookplate for James Maitland Hunt] [Bookplate for James Maitland Hunt] In black ink, this bookplate contains an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with two dogs courant, and a chief, argent, with fox cabossed, between two hunting horns. Above, a helmet with mantling, and a crest of a lion's head erased, gorged. All set within a floral architectural border.

596. [Bookplate for Augustus Langdon] [Bookplate for Augustus Langdon] This heraldic bookplate is printed on medium weight green paper and consists of a straight wreath charged with a cubit arm of a beast clutching a battle axe. Around the crest is a garter, with latin motto within.

597. [Bookplate for Thomas Leland] [Bookplate for Thomas Leland] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), with a fess, sable (black). The fess is charged with a lion passant, and an escallop on either side. The upper part of the escutcheon is charged with three sheaves of wheat, with three stocks apiece. Upon the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a gryphon, possibly an opinicus, with wings elevated and addorsed. In the creature's beak are three stocks of wheat. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

598. [Bookplate for Holland House] [Bookplate for Holland House] In black ink , a chapeau crimson (red), lined with ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), a fox sejant, or (gold), floating above is a coronet of a baron.

599. [Bookplate for Richard Whitmore Norman] [Bookplate for Richard Whitmore Norman] This simple heraldic bookplate consists of a straight wreath charged with a stag's head, erased. Above the charged wreath is a banner, with Latin motto within.

600. [Bookplate for Robert Edward Lord Petre] [Bookplate for Robert Edward Lord Petre] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a simple bend, or (gold), charged with two escallop at dexter base and sinister chief. The escutcheon is charged with an inescutcheon at center, divided per cross. Quarter one is gules, with a simple bend, argent (silver), charged with six cross crosslet fitched. Quarter two is gules, charged with three lions. Quarter three is chequy, azure (blue) and argent. Quarter four is gules, charged with a lion rampant. Above the entire escutcheon is a coronet denoting the rank of baron, and supporting the escutcheon at dexter and sinister are two lions rampant reguardant. Beneath the escutcheon s a banner, with Latin motto within, and below motto the bookplate owner's name and title. Background of crest is azure.
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