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1. [Bookseller's Tickets for Charles-Odilon Beauchemin] [Bookseller's Tickets for Charles-Odilon Beauchemin] 1) In orange ink on white paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of an orange and white border surrounding white text on an orange field.
2) In red-orange ink on white paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a red-orange and white border surrounding white text on a red-orange field.
3) In black ink on green paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black link border surrounding black text.
4) In black ink on green paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
5) In black ink on yellow paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black border in the likeness of an open book surrounding black text on the open spread of the book.
6) In black ink on white paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black decorative border with maple leaves in the four corners, surrounding an oval border containing the booksellers' name, surrounding the booksellers' address on an illustration of a scroll at the center.
7) The gold metallic, embossed booksellers' ticket consists of a maple leaf surrounded by laurel branches at the center of the ticket. Text and an outer border surround the center image.

2. [Bookplate for William R. Ridell] [Bookplate for William R. Ridell] Shield, argent (silver), charged with a chevron, gules (red), and three garb, aulned. Above the crest is a greyhound, rampant ; only top half of dog is visible behind a wreath of vert (green) and a second colour, unclear. Beneath the shield is a banner which ends in two tassels on either side, reading 'I hope to Share.' Box on lower left side for entering book number, unused. Tear at bottom right.

3. [Bookplate for University of Florida Library] [Bookplate for University of Florida Library] Black ink on white paper. Narrow double border surrounds text and cameo-style portrait.

4. [Bookplate for Thomas Troughton] [Bookplate for Thomas Troughton] Printed in black ink on white paper, in the upper left of the ex libris appears the crest of a lion erased issuing from a straight wreath. At the base of the lion's head is a veil sable with two pellet over one plate. To the right is the crest of a stag statant issuing from a straight wreath. Below the two crests appears a banner bearing the motto 'CARPE DIEM.' At the bottom of the ex libris appears the name of the owner, 'The Revd. Thomas Tronghton.'.

5. [Bookplate for Spencer Walpole] [Bookplate for Spencer Walpole] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, or (gold), with a fess sable (black), charged with three cross crosslets, or. Top and bottom sections are charged with a chevron, sable. Entire shield is placed within a circle, with bookplate owner's name circling at the border.

6. [Bookplate for Rainald Knightley] [Bookplate for Rainald Knightley] In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered. The first and fourth quadrants are ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), and the second and third quadrants are paly, or (gold) and gules (red). At the precise middle chief is an inescutcheon, argent (silver), containing a sinister hand, gules. The gules hand, known as the hand of Ulster, symbolizes the hounour of a baronet. The crest is composed of a tilted dexter helmet, a curved wreath, and a stag head, dexter and couped. The escutcheon is supported by an eagle or falcon on each side. The escutcheon and its supporters are framed by a border with flowers. The entire image, including text, is placed within a larger circular border, azure (blue).

7. [Bookplate for Phileas Vercheres de Boucherville] [Bookplate for Phileas Vercheres de Boucherville] Black text on blue paper, with a brown discoloration on the left side.

8. [Bookplate for Marcus Brown Westhead] [Bookplate for Marcus Brown Westhead] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield quartered. First and fourth quarter, argent, two barrulets dancette sable, between three Saracens' heads couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples, of the first and second. Second and third quarter, azure, on a fesse argent, between three martlets in chief, and the Roman fasces erect surmounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess-rooks sable. Center inescutcheon, party per chevron or and azure, in chief a mullet of six points lies between two crosses pattée of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent, the whole being charged with a crescent for difference. First crest, on a wreath of the colors, within a fetterlock or, a Saracen's head couped proper, wreathed round the temples argent and sable. Second crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed with two heads azure, charged on the breast with the fasces, swords, and chaplet, as in the arms. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling and below a banner bears the motto 'ORA ET LABORA.'.

9. [Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller] [Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller] In red ink. This bookplate displays a classical theme. A neoclassical urn, draped with a laurel garland serves as the back-drop for the escutcheon. The escutcheon, argent (silver), is charged with three bull's heads caboshed, situated two over one. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger sejant. This component is encircled by the originator's Latin motto. The urn is set upon a pedestal with an oval background, framed by a garland. At the base, between the oval background and laurel garland frame, appears the name and location of the creator.

10. [Bookplate for John George Mortlock by Charles William Sherborn] [Bookplate for John George Mortlock by Charles William Sherborn] In black ink, this bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon and crest framed by an elaborate circular bordure. The escutcheon is divided quarterly ; the first and fourth quadrants, argent (silver), are charged with a fret, azure (blue), and contain a chief, azure, charged with three fleur-de-lis, argent ; the second and third quadrants, sable (black), are charged with three annulets, argent, two over one, and contain a chevron, argent and engrailed. The escutcheon is crested by a closed dexter helmet resting upon the second quadrant, topped by a wreath and a lion sejant, with dexter paw elevated and resting upon a fleur-de-lis, argent. From either side of the helmet flows mantling and a banner which contains the Latin motto. The bordure also contains text.

11. [Bookplate for John George Hodgins] [Bookplate for John George Hodgins] Black ink on white paper. The crest features a displayed black bird on a crest-wreath. At the top left of the bird, next to the tip of its wing, is a small radiating sun with a face in the middle. There is an esquire’s helm surrounded by dark, feathery mantling. The border of the shield is similarly elaborate. The shield is argent and charged with an argent cross with thin black border around each rectangular section. The shield is also charged with five black flowers that have five round petals and a circular black center. There is a flower in each corner of the shield and one in the center of the cross with a thin, black, square border. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with curling, darkened ends. The motto is written in black, capitalized, serif font. Below the ribbon, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, Gothic font.

12. [Bookplate for John Caton Thompson] [Bookplate for John Caton Thompson] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield parted per pale, baron and femme, three coats ; first, or, a bordure, argent, a lion rampant ; second, parted per fess, sable, on a chevron argent, between three swans' heads, two over one, erased at the neck, ducally gorged, three pellet one over two ; in base (same as second) sable, on a chevron argent, between three swans' heads, two over one, erased at the neck, ducally gorged, three pellet one over two. Above a straight wreath, the crest of a lion rampant, ducally gorged. Below the shield, laurel sprigs. At the bottom of the ex libris appears the name 'John Caton Thompson.'.

13. [Bookplate for James Maitland Hunt] [Bookplate for James Maitland Hunt] In black ink, this bookplate contains an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with two dogs courant, and a chief, argent, with fox cabossed, between two hunting horns. Above, a helmet with mantling, and a crest of a lion's head erased, gorged. All set within a floral architectural border.

14. [Bookplate for J. W. Dunbar Moodie] [Bookplate for J. W. Dunbar Moodie] Escutcheon divided per quarterly. Dexter chief and sinister base display three ships in full sail on azure (blue), below a tower over background gules (red). Sinister chief and dexter base display three arrow heads, argent (silver) on an azure base, with a hunting horn above a chevron, ermine. Above the escutcheon is a vizored helm with a naval coronet ; above that is a lion, passant guardant, holding a flag. The motto is inscribed in a scroll above the lion.

15. [Bookplate for George Wilbraham] [Bookplate for George Wilbraham] In black ink. Escutcheon parted per pale, the sinister half azure, a bend, argent, engrailed, two bendlets, or, on either side. The dexter half parted per cross. The first and fourth quarters, argent, bendy of seven, argent and azure. The second and third quarters, barry of five, argent and azure, a canton, sable, with a wolf. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a wolf. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

16. [Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn] [Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a talbot passant, gules (red), and a mullet above at centre chief. The escutcheon is supported by a wolf, rampant clutching swords at dexter and sinister. The escutcheon is set within a garter-like setting, from which various military medals hang. Above the escutcheon is a viscount coronet, sans the cap, with a grated helmet at three-quarters, further delineating the rank of viscount. Upon the helmet rests a ducal coronet, which is charged with a wolf's head. Behind the wolf is a small banner with first Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Wolseley, Co. Stafford, Barts.), and below the supporters and escutcheon is a second banner, with second Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Mount Wolseley, Co. Carlow, Barts.), along with a larger banner with bookplate owner's name and title. Elaborate mantling radiates from the helmet, and the entire bookplate is encased in a ribbed border.

17. [Bookplate for Évêché de St. Hyacinthe] [Bookplate for Évêché de St. Hyacinthe] Handwritten note in black ink above the bookplate. Black ink on pale grey paper with some discolouration. Solid border surrounded externally and internally by thin outlines inside an intertwined double-lined spiral border. Text written in capital and sentence case bold letters.

18. [Bookplate for Earl Gower by Griffiths and Weigall] [Bookplate for Earl Gower by Griffiths and Weigall] This heraldic bookplate consists of a escutcheon, divided per cross or quarterly. Quarters one and four are argent (silver) with bars, gules (red) and charged with a cross patonce, sable (black). Quarters two and three are azure (blue) charged with leaves, two over one. The escutcheon is supported by two wolves rampant. Upon the escutcheon is a crown of earl status (minus the internal cap). Above the escutcheon is a crest of a wolf passant upon a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner with Latin motto within.

19. [Bookplate for Catholic Commercial Academy of Montreal, Wm Price, and U. E. Archambault by Geo. E. Desbarats] [Bookplate for Catholic Commercial Academy of Montreal, Wm Price, and U. E. Archambault by Geo. E. Desbarats] Black ink on white paper. The border of the bookplate comprises three layers: the outermost is an abstract floral motif on the four corners ; secondly is a geometric pattern of triangles ; the innermost layer is a plain line. Curlicues surround the words “Catholic” and “of Montreal.” The bookplate is a pre-printed form with space for the prize name, winner, year and date to be filled out.

20. [Bookplate for Basil Woodd Smith] [Bookplate for Basil Woodd Smith] In black ink, this bookplate consists of an ovular garter as bordure around the originator's name. The Latin motto is present on the garter.
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