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1. [Bookseller's Ticket for C. Ashford] [Bookseller's Ticket for C. Ashford] Two bookseller's tickets ; one black ink on pink paper and one blue ink on white paper.

2. [Bookbinder's Ticket for C. Ashford] [Bookbinder's Ticket for C. Ashford] Three bookbinder's tickets ; one black ink on blue paper and two black ink on green paper.

3. [Bookplate for Richard Whitmore Norman] [Bookplate for Richard Whitmore Norman] This simple heraldic bookplate consists of a straight wreath charged with a stag's head, erased. Above the charged wreath is a banner, with Latin motto within.

4. [Bookplate for James Blackman] [Bookplate for James Blackman] This simple bookplate consists of text encircled by two curved branches.

5. [Bookplate for Maria Anna Grimaldi] [Bookplate for Maria Anna Grimaldi] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, or (gold), charged with three esquire helmets, sable (black), en profile at fess, and a lion passant below. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet, above which is a crest of an armoured arm embowed clutching a curtana, or a pointless sword of mercy. The escutcheon is surrounded by elaborate mantling, and the entire crest by a stylized border. Below the heraldic image is the Latin text.

6. [Bookplate for John Wingfield Larking] [Bookplate for John Wingfield Larking] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, ermine, charged with three heads of wildcats, possibly lions. Above the escutcheon is a closed helmet, placed in profile, denoting the rank of an esquire or a gentleman, from which, elaborate mantling flows. Upon the helmet is a curved wreath, with a crest of a bird, wings elevated and displayed, holding a branch in its beak.

7. [Bookplate for John Somers] [Bookplate for John Somers] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per quarter, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chevron argent (silver), charged with three antlers, two over one. Quarters two and three are vert (green), with a dancette fess ermine. At the centre of the escutcheon is an inescutcheon, which is also divided quarterly and features charges of cross crosslet fitched and beasts. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant, each with a dancette collar. Above the escutcheon is a Earl coronet, and below the escutcheon is a banner with Latin motto within. This bookplate is similar to BP MUR ENG P S664b, which is presumably owned by the same individual, but before his ascendancy to title.

8. [Bookplate for Albert Prince by Dempsey and Carroll] [Bookplate for Albert Prince by Dempsey and Carroll] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross, with quarters one and four also divided per cross. Within quarters one and four, the sub-quarters one and four are gules (red), charged with three lions passant guardant (for England). Sub-quarter two is or (gold), with a tressure-flory-counter -flory, charged with a lion rampant (for Scotland). Subquarter three is azure (blue), charged with a harp decorated with harpy figure features, stringed (for Ireland). The entire escutcheon is charged with a bar dovetailed, or a label, a cadency mark indicating being the eldest son (during his father's lifetime). Quarters two and three have a barry of ten, or and sable (black), with a bend in the shape of a ducal crown (without the cap). Surrounding the escutcheon is a garter, with first French motto within. Above the escutcheon is a royal crown. Supporting the escutcheon at dexter is a lion guardant, charged with a label. At sinister is a unicorn rampant, also charged with a label, as well as a royal crown without the cap as a collar. Below the escutcheon is a ribbon, with second German motto within. The entire achievement is surrounded by very fine lines, giving the impression of shadow.

9. [Bookplate for David Brearley by Vallance] [Bookplate for David Brearley by Vallance] This heraldic bookplate consists of an argent (silver) escutcheon containing a gules (red) cross potent. At the dexter chief of the escutcheon is a gules fleur-de-lis. The crest is a helmet in profile, without bars and beaver open. Atop the helmet, on a straight crest wreath, is a gules demi-lion. Below the shield are two different branches and a banner containing the Latin motto.

10. [Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer] [Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer] This heraldic bookplate consists of a stylized escutcheon, with a pale counterchanged per fess. Sections one and six are parted per cross, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chief argent (silver), charged with three lions erased. Quarters two and three consists of a barry of eight ermine and azure (blue), with a chief azure, charged with a lion passant guardant. Section two is azure, with a simple bend or (gold), charged with two heads of a stag. Section three is azure, with a bend engrailed and or, charged with three martlets. Section four is ermine, with a cross engrailed and sable. Finally, section five is vert (green), with a bordure engrailed and or, charged with a stag's head. Below the entire escutcheon is bookplate owner's name.

11. [Bookplate for Sir George Frederick Samuel Robinson] [Bookplate for Sir George Frederick Samuel Robinson] This heraldic bookplate consists of a crest of a stag at gaze, which is upon a small version of a coronet of duke status. Surrounding the crest in a circular orientation is a garter of azure (blue), with French motto within. Surrounding the garter is a heraldic collar, with twelve roses (surrounded by circular garters with French motto within) at regular intervals. Upon the collar is a full version of a coronet of duke status, and immediately below the collar (as a pendant) is a rendering of the biblical event of St. George slaying the dragon.

12. [Bookplate for John Keeling] [Bookplate for John Keeling] This heraldic bookplate consists of a Chippendale-styled escutcheon, sable (black), charged with a lion rampant. The lion holds an inescutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a cross fitchy. The escutcheon is crested by a demi-lion atop a mural coronet, again holding an inescutcheon, argent, charged with a cross fitchy. The escutcheon is bordered by a decorative floral design, and at dexter, a dragon is positioned at the upper half. Flowers are present on the opposite side. Below the escutcheon, but within the floral design, the Latin motto is featured in a banner.

13. [Bookplate for Arthur Keily] [Bookplate for Arthur Keily] This bookplate features an escutcheon with top edges scrolled, bottom tip mantled. The escutcheon is argent (silver), and charged with a tower with two windows, supported by two lioncels combatant. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with an enfield, statant. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto. Escutcheon is shadowed by a field of wavy lines.

14. [Bookplate for Spencer Walpole] [Bookplate for Spencer Walpole] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, or (gold), with a fess sable (black), charged with three cross crosslets, or. Top and bottom sections are charged with a chevron, sable. Entire shield is placed within a circle, with bookplate owner's name circling at the border.

15. [Bookplate for Heffernan Considine] [Bookplate for Heffernan Considine] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three lions passant gardant, gules (red). The crest, atop a straight wreath, appears as a dexter arm, vambraced, and holding a sword. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

16. [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with long stemmed flowers and a softly invected saltier, vert (green). Three flower stems, layered below the saltier, rise from the earth at middle base. At the honour point appears an open blossom, and on either side of the fess point are closed blossoms. The shield is crested by a diadem decorated with feathers. The Latin motto appears on the saltier, written from dexter chief to sinister base.

17. [Bookplate for Charles Bathurst] [Bookplate for Charles Bathurst] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The dexter side, sable (black), contains two bars, ermine (design representing white powdered fur with black tufts). At the centre of the top bar there is a crescent, or (gold), within a mullet, gules (red). On the top third of the sable background are three cross formy, or. The sinister side is itself divided per pale, ermine and ermines (design representing black fur powdered with argent [silver]). It contains three fleurs-de-lis all counter-changed, two over one, and contains a chevron charged with five lozenges, ermine and ermines all counter-changed. Atop the shield, but not resting on it, is a straight crest wreath and an arm embowed, with fist clenched holding a spiked club. The arm is charged with a crescent, or , within a mullet, gules.

18. [Bookplate for Monk] [Bookplate for Monk] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The dexter quadrant, gules (red), is charged with a chevron, argent (silver), and three lion heads, erased, two over one. The sinister quadrant, azure (blue), is charged with a lion, rampant, and three scrolls, two over one with the lion in-between. Above the escutcheon is a curved crest wreath, and a dragon, erect and gules, with tail nowed.

19. [Bookplate for Charles Perrin Smith] [Bookplate for Charles Perrin Smith] This bookplate consists of a very detailed coat of arms, which is divided per pale. The first half at dexter has fifteen quarterings, which are as follows: azure (blue) with a chevron argent (silver), charged with a crescent, between three cocks ; sable (black) charged with three griffin's heads erased ; sable and argent (silver) divided per fess with a lion rampant ; argent charged with a lion passant, between three fleur de lis, two over one ; gules and argent, divided quarterly, charged with four lions passant ; or (gold) charged with a lion gules rampant ; ermine (fur) charged with a lion sable rampant ; azure with a chevron argent, between three cocks ; gules with two lions passant, one above the other ; ermines and sable, divided per bend sinister, charged with a lion sable rampant ; argent, a bordure engrailed or charged with three Griffin's heads, erased gules ; argent and gules, divided per quarterly, quarters one and four argent, charged with three boars' heads and quarters two and th.

20. [Bookplate for Charles Eliot Norton] [Bookplate for Charles Eliot Norton] This bookplate consists of a straight heraldic wreath charged with a gryphon. Below the wreath a three books, piled, with a scroll over-top, with Latin motto within.
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