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361. [Bookplate for King Edward VI Grammar School] [Bookplate for King Edward VI Grammar School] Black ink on cream paper. Supporters are a lion rampant on the left side and a dragon on the right. Shield is quartered. Three fleur de lis in the upper left and lower right hand corners and three lions passant, guardant in the upper right and lower left hand corners. Belt with motto surrounds shield. Above is the crown of the king of England. Text appears in a bordered area below.

362. [Bookplate for University of Cambridge Christ's College] [Bookplate for University of Cambridge Christ's College] Black ink on cream paper. Coat of arms is surrounded by text in ribbons. Shield is quartered. Three fleur de lis in the upper left and lower right corners. Three lions passant, guardant in upper right and lower left corners.

363. [Bookplate for John Joseph May] [Bookplate for John Joseph May] Black ink on cream paper. Ornate double border surrounds name which is printed in gothic type script.

364. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Grey print on cream paper. The UBC shield is on a dark background. Text appears above and below the shield.

365. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Colour ink on white paper. University shield is at top, in blue and gold ink. Text is below. The donor information is left blank.

366. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Grey ink on cream paper. Text above and below university shield, which is set on a dark background.

367. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Colour ink on white paper. University shield, in blue and gold ink, appears above the text.

368. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Grey ink on cream paper. Text appears above and below shield, which is set on a dark background.

369. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Green ink on cream paper. Text appears above and below shield, which is set on a dark background.

370. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Green ink on cream paper. Text appears above and below shield, which is set on a dark background.

371. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Dark green ink on cream paper. Text appears above and below university shield, which is set on a dark background.

372. [Bookplate for University of Florida Library] [Bookplate for University of Florida Library] Black ink on white paper. Narrow double border surrounds text and cameo-style portrait.

373. [Bookplate for Joseph Berreth and Michael B. Kunze] [Bookplate for Joseph Berreth and Michael B. Kunze] In black ink, an image of a knoll, on top of which are two leafless trees and a lamp centered between them. In the background is a cloud that frames the image.

374. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Grey ink on cream paper. Text at top and bottom. Library shield on a dark background at centre.

375. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library] Colour ink on white paper. University shield at top in blue and gold ink. Text below in black ink. Name of donor is in typewritten letters.

376. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia] Grey ink on a cream background. Text at top and bottom. University shield in centre on a dark background.

377. [Bookplate for University of British Columbia] [Bookplate for University of British Columbia] Colour ink on white paper. University shield at top. Text at bottom.

378. [Bookplate for Book Store on Bastion Street] [Bookplate for Book Store on Bastion Street] Black ink on white paper. Text at top and bottom. Picture shows men working in a c.16th century printing workshop. It is in the style of a woodcut.

379. [Bookplate for Falconer Books] [Bookplate for Falconer Books] Black ink on white paper. Text at top and bottom. Picture shows men in a c.16th century printing workshop. It is in the style of an engraving or fine woodcut.

380. [Bookbinder's Ticket for G.A. Roedde Ltd.] [Bookbinder's Ticket for G.A. Roedde Ltd.] Blue ink on white paper. Decorative border surrounds text.
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