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141. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd

142. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd walking

143. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Educational facilities Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd marching past the Forest Sciences building

144. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Banners; Educational facilities Great Farm Trek 2009 march past the Forest Sciences building

145. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Student organizations; Banners AMS VP External Affairs and President holding a Save the UBC Farm banner

146. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms People sitting on grass at the Great Farm Trek 2009

147. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 crowd sitting on ground

148. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Crowd sitting on grass at the UBC Farm

149. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Picket signs; Banners Great Farm Trek 2009 march

150. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 marchers crossing East Mall

151. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Great Farm Trek 2009 marchers crossing East Mall

152. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Marching Great Farm Trek 2009 marchers walking down East Mall

153. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Sandwich boards Woman in an apple costume at the Great Farm Trek 2009

154. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms People sitting at the UBC Farm

155. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms Man wearing "friend of the farm" t-shirt at the Great Farm Trek 2009

156. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Costumes; Picket signs Person dressed up as a queen bee at the Great Farm Trek 2009

157. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Students; Forestry; Banners; Picket signs Students holding banner that says "Forestry Students Support the Farm!" at the Great Farm Trek 2009

158. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Picket signs Student holding a sign supporting the farm at the Great Farm Trek 2009

159. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Picket signs Student holding a sign saying, "Won't somebody think of the chickens?" at the Great Farm Trek 2009

160. [Great Farm Trek 2009] [Great Farm Trek 2009] Protest movements; Farms; Performances Performers drumming at the Great Farm Trek 2009
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