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361. [Bookplate for J. Harry Smith by William Walker Alexander] [Bookplate for J. Harry Smith by William Walker Alexander] Printed in brown ink on cream paper, the bookplate shows a man in the dress of a 19th-century agricultural laborer against a background of clouds and a landscape of fields, trees, and three buildings (possibly a house, a barn, and an out building). The man holds a basket in his left hand and sows seeds with his right hand. In the left foreground, a lamb frolics next to an open book. The right page of the book reads 'LAMB'S / TALES.' Underneath the open book appears a manuscript upon which rests an inkwell and a quill pen. The date '1942' is written in the bottom left corner of the manuscript. To the right of the book appears a mailbox with 'R. R. / 4' written on the door. On the side of the mailbox appear the words 'Knoll Farm / J. HARRY SMITH.' Below and to the right of mailbox appears an inverted triangle with the initials 'W W' at the base of the triangle and the initial 'A' at the top of the triangle.

362. [Bookplate for J. Hunt Stanford] [Bookplate for J. Hunt Stanford] An armorial bookplate printed in black ink on white paper. A buck couped argent (silver) with antlers or (gold) gorged gules (red) with a crest wreath, argent and azure (silver and blue), sits on a visored helm facing dextor with argent mantling. The shield: argent three bars azure, and in the dextor canton azure an arm or clenched with sword. The motto, 'Labore et honore' hangs below.

363. [Bookplate for Grace Svenningson] [Bookplate for Grace Svenningson] In black ink on white paper, two columns frame the sides of the bookplate, with a banner stretched behind them at the top. Thick vines are hanging from the banner, and a few are wrapped sparsely around the columns as well. There is an urn on the bottom left with some gentle hills in the background. The name is printed in red ink at the bottom of the plate.

364. [Bookplate for L. M. Stauffer by Stanley Harrod] [Bookplate for L. M. Stauffer by Stanley Harrod] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield or escutcheon Argent (silver). On dexter side, a twelve-point etoile. On sinister side, a dexter arm holding a cup. A trefoil Argent protrudes from the middle base of the escutcheon. The front facing, barred helm bears the crest of a bearded man from the waist up holding a cup in his right hand. The helm is surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the text 'S H / L. M. Stauffer / 1917'.

365. [Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims] [Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims] In red ink on white paper, a border that contains red and black text and black decorative designs. Within the border, in black ink, there is an angled Escutcheon parted per pale. The dexter side is gules (red), containing a chevronel or (gold) with two mullets of six points, pierced, in chief, and one battle axe in base. The sinister side is quartered per cross by a cross argent (silver), with the dexter chief and sinister base quarters in azure (blue) and the sinister chief and dexter base quarters in gules. In each quarter save the sinister base there is a pheon proper. Above the Esctucheon, the mantling is topped by a wreath, from which a lion emerges, holding a battle axe. Below the Escutcheon is a banner bearing the motto, 'Ferio Tego.'.

366. [Bookplate for Lesslie M. Sweetnam by F. F. H.] [Bookplate for Lesslie M. Sweetnam by F. F. H.] Printed in black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate shows a figure reading a book while sitting at a roll top desk with his / her back facing the viewer. The desk is flanked on either side by full bookcases and is topped by a reading lamp, additional books, and a small picture frame. Two framed objects hang on the wall above the desk.

367. [Bookplate for Seeli Armitage-Stanley and Earl Spencer] [Bookplate for Seeli Armitage-Stanley and Earl Spencer] In black ink on white paper, this heraldic bookplate consists of an Escutcheon quartered per cross and incorporates aspects of both the Armitage and the Stanley family crests. The dexter chief and sinister base sections are drawn from the Stanley crest and contain an azure (blue) garter, which holds three stag's head caboshed, on argent (silver). The sinister chief and dexter base quarters, taken from the Armitage crest, are gules (red) with three crosslets argent, two in chief and one in base, and a lion's head in fess. The helm consists of two helmets, to signify the incorporation of the two families, and is surrounded by mantling. Above the helm there is a small banner bearing the Armitage family motto, 'semper paratus.' Below the Escutcheon is another banner bearing the motto of the Stanley family, 'sans changer.'.

368. [Bookplate for Gerald Lynham Porte Grant-Suttie] [Bookplate for Gerald Lynham Porte Grant-Suttie] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield Azure (blue), three eagles displayed two over one, a chief, Or (gold), a demi-lion rampant queue fourche. Issuing out of a Crown Vallary, the crest of a demi-lion rampant queue fourche and holding in the forepaws a star of seven points. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the motto 'VINCIT QUI POSSE CREDIT' [Latin = He who believes that he can, succeeds].

369. [Bookplate for Heinrich Teuscher by K. Kleindienst] [Bookplate for Heinrich Teuscher by K. Kleindienst] In brown ink on cream coloured paper with visible chain and laid lines, a plane is pictured above an image of a building, all of which is surrounded by a floral border, architectural features, and a gardener with a bag.

370. [Bookplate for Ecole polytechnique] [Bookplate for Ecole polytechnique] In black ink on thick pink paper with visible laid lines. Image includes a rectangular decorative border consisting of straight lines at the sides and more elaborate patterns in the corners surrounding 20 lines of text.

371. [Bookplate for Antony F. C. Tétrault] [Bookplate for Antony F. C. Tétrault] Printed in black ink on white paper, the bookplate shows an open book in front of a lit, winged torch. Below the book appear the words 'EX LIBRIS' below which sits a black dividing line approximately 1.2 CM long. Below the line appears the word 'DATE:' below which appears a dotted line for the addition of a hand-written date. Below the dotted line appears the name of the owner, 'Antony F. C. Tétrault.'.

372. [Bookplate for Frank Strowbridge and Elsie Strowbridge] [Bookplate for Frank Strowbridge and Elsie Strowbridge] In black ink on white paper, a simple, decorative border runs around the edge of the bookplate. There is an image of a large white ship at sea, behind an ocean wave, in the top half of the bookplate. In the lower half is the text, which is separated from the image above by what looks to be a depiction of coil binding. There are faint ink smudges in the top left corner, one along the lower left edge, and a couple along the bottom of the bookplate. There are also a few faint marks across the text.

373. [Bookplate for Marjory Todd and John Todd] [Bookplate for Marjory Todd and John Todd] In black ink on white paper, a border which includes images of a book, an hourglass, and a sundial surrounds a view of a garden which contains birds and a birdbath, flowers, and in the distance, trees and a trellis.

374. [Bookplate for Toronto Public Library by J. E. H. MacDonald] [Bookplate for Toronto Public Library by J. E. H. MacDonald] In brown ink on white paper, a boy and a girl are standing with their backs to each other in front of two shelves of books. Around the children are four circular images: a ship at sea, a knight holding a shield, a beaver, and a wheel and tools.

375. [Bookplate for John Caton Thompson] [Bookplate for John Caton Thompson] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield parted per pale, baron and femme, three coats ; first, or, a bordure, argent, a lion rampant ; second, parted per fess, sable, on a chevron argent, between three swans' heads, two over one, erased at the neck, ducally gorged, three pellet one over two ; in base (same as second) sable, on a chevron argent, between three swans' heads, two over one, erased at the neck, ducally gorged, three pellet one over two. Above a straight wreath, the crest of a lion rampant, ducally gorged. Below the shield, laurel sprigs. At the bottom of the ex libris appears the name 'John Caton Thompson.'.

376. [Bookplate for Marcus Brown Westhead] [Bookplate for Marcus Brown Westhead] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield quartered. First and fourth quarter, argent, two barrulets dancette sable, between three Saracens' heads couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples, of the first and second. Second and third quarter, azure, on a fesse argent, between three martlets in chief, and the Roman fasces erect surmounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess-rooks sable. Center inescutcheon, party per chevron or and azure, in chief a mullet of six points lies between two crosses pattée of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent, the whole being charged with a crescent for difference. First crest, on a wreath of the colors, within a fetterlock or, a Saracen's head couped proper, wreathed round the temples argent and sable. Second crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed with two heads azure, charged on the breast with the fasces, swords, and chaplet, as in the arms. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling and below a banner bears the motto 'ORA ET LABORA.'.

377. [Bookplate for Frederic Lumb Wanklyn] [Bookplate for Frederic Lumb Wanklyn] In brown ink on white paper, a flying duck within a darkened circle is at the centre of the bookplate. It appears to be affixed to a post, on top of which there is a sign that reads 'Ex Libris F.L. Wanklyn.' The post is standing in a marsh.

378. [Bookplate for C. A. Walkinshaw] [Bookplate for C. A. Walkinshaw] In black ink, an architectural border surrounds an image of a stylized Greco-roman figure sitting on a seat, reading a book, with others at his feet. There is also a bird and scroll imposed on the white space within the side of the seat.

379. [Bookplate for Holford Walker] [Bookplate for Holford Walker] Pictured in black ink on white paper, is a bird close enclosed within a serpent ouroboros on a crest wreath with mantling extending from it, above a shield argent (silver) ; a bordure, argent ; with eleven quaterings.

380. [Bookplate for Emily Ogden Wheeler] [Bookplate for Emily Ogden Wheeler] Printed in brown ink on white or cream paper the bookplate consists of a border of four thin branches bearing leaves and buds. Wrapped around the top and bottom branches are banners bearing the quotation 'DREAMS BOOKS ARE EACH A WORLD AND BOOKS / WE KNOW ARE A SUB-STANTIAL WORLD.' In the center of the border appears the name of the owner.
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