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381. [Bookplate for David Bond] [Bookplate for David Bond] Bookplate design features a woodland scene, of a brook and foliage at foreground and trees at back. Bookplate text contained within banner at top.

382. [Bookplate for Thorleit Larson] [Bookplate for Thorleit Larson] This bookplate's design is focus on the "Ex Libris" ; the text and surrounding design is done in a style reminiscent of an illuminated manuscript. A book containing owner's name is below.

383. [Bookplate for Nanticoke Mechanics' Institute] [Bookplate for Nanticoke Mechanics' Institute] Bookplate format is text within a solid border.

384. [Bookplate for David Cleghorn Thomson] [Bookplate for David Cleghorn Thomson] Bookplate design features a running stag and hound.

385. [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] This wood-engraved bookplate's design is based from on a view near Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. It features a running stream, grass, and trees. Bookplate image is surrounded by a stylized border, which features the grass of parnassus, which is also featured in the foreground of the scene. Bookplate is printed in black ink, on very thin paper.

386. [Bookplate for Thomas H. Smallman by F. Durrant] [Bookplate for Thomas H. Smallman by F. Durrant] This heraldric bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a chevron, or (gold), charge dwith three falcons, addorsed and inverted, two over one. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet, charged with a straight wreath and a heraldric antelope. Motto is contained within banner beneath escutcheon.

387. [Bookplate for Ziba Gallagher by Herbert Ecclestone] [Bookplate for Ziba Gallagher by Herbert Ecclestone] In brown ink. Bookplate's design is an image of a armoured knight mounted on a horse. Knight is carrying a banner in a wooded area. Background design is of a town or dwellings at a distance. Bookplate text contained within banner at base of design.

388. [Bookplate for Nanticoke Public Library] [Bookplate for Nanticoke Public Library] Bookplate format is text within a solid border.

389. [Bookplate for Marcel Godfrey Isaacs by W. P. B.] [Bookplate for Marcel Godfrey Isaacs by W. P. B.] This heraldric bookplate consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), with a bend, or (gold), and a square charged with the head of a cougar at sinister chief. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet, which is charged with a straight wreath and an arm embowed fessways, holding a dagger piercing the head of a cougar. Bookplate owner's name at base.

390. [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] This bookplate's design features an escutcheon argent (silver) divided per chevron, sable (black). It is charged with a dexter hand and a six-pointed star. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet and that is charged with a winged arm holding a torch. The escutcheon is surrounded by decorative foliage with banners containing bookplate motto and name below.

391. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] This bookplate's design consists of a vista of a tree.

392. [Bookplate for Kathleen Reit and Francis Reit] [Bookplate for Kathleen Reit and Francis Reit] This bookplate's design features a devil-like figure reading a book beneath a tree, by a brook.

393. [Bookplate for Hillfield School] [Bookplate for Hillfield School] In green ink. This textual print consists of letterpress type and handwritten script. There is a straight wreath crested by a boar's head, above a banner with Latin motto, at the top of the print.

394. [Bookplate for Saul Globus] [Bookplate for Saul Globus] This bookplate features an airplane circling around an abstract structure against a dark sky.

395. [Bookplate for George Grote] [Bookplate for George Grote] This bookplate features a meander patterned oval frame with an escutcheon divided per pale, or (gold) and argent (silver) and vert (green), charged with three trees. Above the frame is a single tree and below is a banner containing the owner's name along with many floral elements.

396. [Bookplate for Usui Kojima and Frederick Starr by Nakata Kazuo] [Bookplate for Usui Kojima and Frederick Starr by Nakata Kazuo] Woodblock bookplate in two blocks: black and light blue. Image of the silhouette of a mountain climber.

397. [Bookplate for Frederick Claude Vivian Lane and Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Claude Vivian Lane and Frederick Starr] Colour woodblock print. In black, blue, nude, red and white ink. Image of birds in water with a fire in a basket at top left and (possibly) a boat top right.

398. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Small square woodblock print in four colours. In black, pink, red, and light khaki ink. Bookplate is sectioned into three, with the left and bottom sections with Japanese characters. Primary images featured are three Okame masks.

399. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Woodblock print consisting of six separate bookplate designs. From left to right, top to bottom, designs consist of: a turtle with a hair-like tail ; two storks amid foliage ; a Japanese chrysanthemum ; a traditional Japanese dragon ; small bird perched on a cherry tree branch ; a fish swimming in a stream. Each design has two Japanese characters at top right and bottom left.

400. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Woodblock print consisting of six separate bookplate designs. From left to right, top to bottom, designs consist of: two butterflies in flight ; a single lobster a cherry tree branch in bloom ; two birds in flight around three stocks of bamboo two figures fan dancing ; three monkeys in the 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' poses. Each design has two Japanese characters at top right and bottom left.
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