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1. [Block Party] [Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (in red) and band members

2. [Block Party] [Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (in red) and band members

3. [Block Party] [Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (in red) with band members

4. [Block Party] [Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (in red) with band members

5. [Block Party] [Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (in red) with band members

6. [Block Party] [Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances Michael Bernard Fitzgerald with friends and band members

7. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

8. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

9. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

10. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

11. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

12. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

13. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

14. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

15. ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] ["ANXIOJAM" performance at the Block Party] Student organizations; Parties; Bands; Performances "ANXIOJAM" performs at the Block Party. They were winners of the UBC's 2013 Last band standing contest.

16. [Welcome Back BBQ] [Welcome Back BBQ] Student organizations; Homecomings Band playing at the Third Welcome Back BBQ

17. ["Matthew Good Band" performance at Arts County Fair] ["Matthew Good Band" performance at Arts County Fair] Student organizations; Fairs; Bands; Performances

18. ["Matthew Good Band" performance at Arts County Fair] ["Matthew Good Band" performance at Arts County Fair] Student organizations; Fairs; Bands; Performances "Matthew Good Band" at Arts County Fair 1998

19. ["Matthew Good Band" performance at Arts County Fair] ["Matthew Good Band" performance at Arts County Fair] Student organizations; Fairs; Bands; Performances Matthew Good of the "Matthew Good Band" at Arts County Fair 2003

20. [UBC Open House] [UBC Open House] Student organizations; Events; Marching bands Engineers' Lady Godiva Band at UBC Open House
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