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321. [Bookplate for St. Catherine Street Baptist Church] [Bookplate for St. Catherine Street Baptist Church] An ornate border surrounds the text, printed in black ink on pink paper.

322. [Bookplate for Pretre L. Bertrand] [Bookplate for Pretre L. Bertrand] An ornate border of foliage, flowers, ribbons, and musical instruments surrounds the text. Below the printed text is a manuscript note. The back of the bookplate is covered in marbling, presumably lifted from a book when the bookplate was removed.

323. [Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald] [Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald] An art nouveau, pictorial bookplate using black ink on ivory paper. In the background is a sun with four series of rays alternating black and white. In front of the sun is a left hand holding a quarter-bound book with a floral statue on the cover (consisting of a circle of leaves encircling three white flowers with black centres, which are on top of a trunk). At both the dexter and sinister corners are black squares ; in the dexter square are the initials J / M.

324. [Bookplate for J. Hunt Stanford] [Bookplate for J. Hunt Stanford] An armorial bookplate printed in black ink on white paper. A buck couped argent (silver) with antlers or (gold) gorged gules (red) with a crest wreath, argent and azure (silver and blue), sits on a visored helm facing dextor with argent mantling. The shield: argent three bars azure, and in the dextor canton azure an arm or clenched with sword. The motto, 'Labore et honore' hangs below.

325. [Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society] [Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society] All printed markings in blue ink, all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The seal has been inverted, so that it appears as white markings in a blue square. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.

326. [Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society] [Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society] All printed markings in blue ink and all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.

327. [Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers] [Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers] A thin border surrounds the text ; the top of the border is in the shape of a bookshelf with curved backing. Depicted on it are several books, with one open in the middle. A candle sits in front of the open book. At the bottom left and right corners of the border are images of the globe. The bottom line of the border contains oak leaves and acorns in the centre. The creator of the bookplate is listed as Rust Craft, Boston U. S. A.

328. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A stylized floral border surrounds the text, which is written in several different fonts and is found in the middle of the bookplate. The word 'Catholic' is written in a curly font with the words 'Circulating Library' printed in Gothic below. The book number is printed underneath, and there is a line dividing the upper part of the text from the middle, which lists the library rules. Below the library rules is another line, and below this is a hand symbol which points to further information on the library hours. The cost of subscription is given in cents, dating this bookplate after 1858, the year in which currency decimalization came into force in Canada.

329. [Bookplate for Jessie Hunter] [Bookplate for Jessie Hunter] A single black fillet surrounds the central image on the bookplate. Two banners sit above and below the central image of a large open book overlays a lighted oil lamp with two wicks on curved arms curling outwards from the central hub of the lamp. The lamp is sitting on the outline of a table. The images may imply that books bring awareness of the unknown.

330. [Bookplate for K. H. Ingalls by Ralph Fletcher Seymour] [Bookplate for K. H. Ingalls by Ralph Fletcher Seymour] A portrait bookplate with a multiple black fillet border surrounding the central images used in the bookplate. The bookplate has all 12 images of the zodiac held in small circles surrounding the periphery of the central image. At the top and bottom left and right hand corners of the image are images of vines. Central to the bookplate is the image of a wicker chair held in the bottom left hand corner next to several books sitting on a reading table. The chair is facing a brick fireplace against the far wall above which are the word "BIDE-A-WHILE". In front of the fireplace is a bear skin rug. A highbacked wooden bench with three books on it sits off on the adjacent wall to the left of the image. A similar bench sits to the right of the fireplace. A clock and several other knickknacks sit on the mantelpiece above the fireplace.

331. [Bookplate for James R. Adams] [Bookplate for James R. Adams] A pictorial bookplate depicting two owls perched on a disordered pile of open and closed books in black ink on ivory paper (with glue on back). "EX-LIBRIS" is part of the image ; however, the name has been added using a commercial rubber stamp within a space deliberately left within a banner.

332. [Bookplate for Edith Dair and Carl Dair] [Bookplate for Edith Dair and Carl Dair] A man, bare-chested stands on a rocky outcropping, holding a book in his hand, balanced against his thigh. Light streams from above. Chestnut coloured ink on cream background. Originators' names in black type.

333. [Bookplate for W. MacDonald MacKay] [Bookplate for W. MacDonald MacKay] A man in a powdered wig sit in a library, looking out the window, with a book laid out on a table before him. The window is open and flowers and vines grow around its frame. A book at the lower right corner of the plate lists the date and possible initials of the artist:"Sept 1896" and "RJ."

334. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A lion rampant holding a stemmed (slipped) rose above the entwined letters G or C and H, through which is woven a banner with the Latin phrase. The bookplate is rendered in some kind of red ink, which is raised from the paper both from embossing (visible on the back) and a way that the ink itself is raised from the paper.

335. [Bookplate for V. C. Scudamore] [Bookplate for V. C. Scudamore] A light in the upper left corner casts rays of light on the sillouette of a person reading.

336. [Bookplate for Berenice Skinner by Bank B. Gordon] [Bookplate for Berenice Skinner by Bank B. Gordon] A large galleon on rough seas is framed above a bookshelf holding books, a quill, and a lit candle.

337. [Bookplate for Boys and Girls Library of the National Council of Jewish Women by G. H.] [Bookplate for Boys and Girls Library of the National Council of Jewish Women by G. H.] A large book with a man peeking out of its splayed pages hovers above a collection of images from children’s literature: ships, trains, flamingo, cat, knight on horseback,and other human figures. The symbol of the National Council of Jewish Women sits at the center of the book plate with the date of the organization's foundation.

338. [Bookplate for Horace Bruce Smith] [Bookplate for Horace Bruce Smith] A framed view of a lake with trees and bushes along the edge. At the top and sides of the frame are cattails and other types of plants ; at the bottom of the frame is a collection of books, one open to a portrait-type image.

339. [Bookplate for Dunbar Browne] [Bookplate for Dunbar Browne] A floral, somewhat art nouveau style border surrounding the text.

340. [Bookplate for Dunbar Browne Jr.] [Bookplate for Dunbar Browne Jr.] A floral, somewhat art nouveau style border surrounding the text.
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