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1. [Bookplate for R. Mackay Fripp by H. A. W.] [Bookplate for R. Mackay Fripp by H. A. W.] Within a multi-lined border is a depiction of crumbled Greek architecture, with fallen columns in the foreground. The name of the originator is written on a banner at the bottom of the frame, and below that is a small heraldic shield with a bull. The motto is written on a small banner that passes behind the shield.

2. [Bookplate for Dallas Hinton and Ardith Hinton] [Bookplate for Dallas Hinton and Ardith Hinton] Three copies of the same image are printed on Avery label paper using a black and white computer printer. The image is of a man standing between two deciduous trees and reading a large book.

3. [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] This wood-engraved bookplate's design is based from on a view near Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. It features a running stream, grass, and trees. Bookplate image is surrounded by a stylized border, which features the grass of parnassus, which is also featured in the foreground of the scene. Bookplate is printed in black ink, on very thin paper.

4. [Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black by Thoreau MacDonald] [Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black by Thoreau MacDonald] This pictorial engraving was created using black ink on white paper and portrays an island with two wind-swept trees with a rising/setting sun on the horizon.

5. [Bookplate for J. W. Eastham] [Bookplate for J. W. Eastham] This is a pictorial bookplate created using black ink on white paper. The "Lions" mountain range is portrayed surrounded by flowers and wheat.

6. [Bookplate for John Bonsall Porter] [Bookplate for John Bonsall Porter] This heraldic bookplate is printed on cream paper with dark brown ink, and consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), charged with three church bells, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a helmet at three quarters profile in esquire form, with mantling radiating from it. Above the helmet is a straight wreath crested by the head of a lion in profile. Above the crest is a banner, with first Latin motto within. Below the escutcheon is another banner, with second Latin motto within.

7. [Bookplate for George R. Alexander] [Bookplate for George R. Alexander] This heraldic bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon with a galley at its centre. A galley is an ancient vessel propelled by oars, and is frequently used in the heraldry of naval officers. Also on the escutcheon are three cross crosslets fitchy sable -- one in dexter chief, one in sinister chief, and one in precise middle base. Atop the escutcheon is a half-visored helm in profile. Within the helm, one can see what appears to be the face of a cat. The helm is topped by a crest wreath and a horse's head, proper, couped and gules (red). From the helm flows extensive or and gules mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.

8. [Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn] [Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a talbot passant, gules (red), and a mullet above at centre chief. The escutcheon is supported by a wolf, rampant clutching swords at dexter and sinister. The escutcheon is set within a garter-like setting, from which various military medals hang. Above the escutcheon is a viscount coronet, sans the cap, with a grated helmet at three-quarters, further delineating the rank of viscount. Upon the helmet rests a ducal coronet, which is charged with a wolf's head. Behind the wolf is a small banner with first Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Wolseley, Co. Stafford, Barts.), and below the supporters and escutcheon is a second banner, with second Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Mount Wolseley, Co. Carlow, Barts.), along with a larger banner with bookplate owner's name and title. Elaborate mantling radiates from the helmet, and the entire bookplate is encased in a ribbed border.

9. [Bookplate for Hart House] [Bookplate for Hart House] This bookplate's design is divided into three sections. At the top, the University of Toronto shield sits to the left of the text. In the middle is a picture of Hart House as seen from above. The name of the donor is in the lower third.

10. [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] This bookplate's design features, in black ink, an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged on the fess with three cinque foils within an indented bordure. Above the escutcheon is a tilting helmet, charged with a straight wreath and a dexter hand couped at the wrist, which holds a laurel wreath aloft. Decorative vegetative mantling surrounds the escutcheon within the bounds of a rectangular frame. The bookplate designer's initials and the date of creation are hidden among the mantling. Behind the laurel wreath, waves a banner containing the bookplate originator's Latin motto and below the coat of arms is a separate compartment containing the originator's name. A smaller version of this bookplate may also be viewed at BP MUR SL P H475a.

11. [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] This bookplate's design features, in black ink, an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged on the fess with three cinque foils within an indented bordure. Above the escutcheon is a tilting helmet, charged with a straight wreath and a dexter hand couped at the wrist, which holds a laurel wreath aloft. Decorative vegetative mantling surrounds the escutcheon within the bounds of a rectangular frame. Behind the laurel wreath, waves a banner containing the bookplate originator's Latin motto and below the coat of arms is a separate compartment containing the originator's name. This bookplate appears to be a smaller version of BP MUR SL P H475b, but the creator's initials are barely visible amongst the mantling.

12. [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] This bookplate's design features an escutcheon argent (silver) divided per chevron, sable (black). It is charged with a dexter hand and a six-pointed star. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet and that is charged with a winged arm holding a torch. The escutcheon is surrounded by decorative foliage with banners containing bookplate motto and name below.

13. [Bookplate by G.H.] [Bookplate by G.H.] This bookplate's design features a ship sailing through windy seas with a large cloud in the background.

14. [Bookplate for Walter Stevens Herrington] [Bookplate for Walter Stevens Herrington] This bookplate's design features a distinct rectangular frame, with flora, particularly pine needles, pine cones and maple leaves, in the upper portion, an hour glass and scales in the lower corners and a book shelf along the bottom border. Within this decorated frame, an open book displays the originator's name, and below, many literary characters appear, including a mother and child, a crowned princess or queen and a winged fairy.

15. [Bookplate for London Public Library and Art Museum] [Bookplate for London Public Library and Art Museum] This bookplate’s design features a depiction of the façade of the London, Canada, Mechanics’ Institute framed by two large maple trees. A banner above, labels the print as an ex-libris and a separate compartment below the building displays several books and the originating institution’s name.

16. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] This bookplate's design consists of a vista of a tree.

17. [Bookplate for Alma Bryner and Cyril Bryner] [Bookplate for Alma Bryner and Cyril Bryner] This bookplate portrays, in black ink on white paper, two easy chairs in front of a fireplace. Two figures are seated in the chairs (with only their feet showing) reading books.

18. [Bookplate for Malcolm McGregor] [Bookplate for Malcolm McGregor] This bookplate is rendered in the bright, vibrant red and green colours of the McGregor tartan. Outlined in black, the text stands out from the tartan in thick, white, block letters. Beneath the text is a green thistle.

19. [Bookplates for Bell Telephone Company of Canada] [Bookplates for Bell Telephone Company of Canada] This bookplate is in two parts ' one to show who made the presentation, the other to show ownership by the library. Part 1 (upper): This bookplate is composed of black text, with a dotted line at the bottom on which to record the name of the presenter. Part 2 (lower): This bookplate is composed of black text, with a small form number in the upper right, the major text with parts bolded, and a grid below that for recording due dates. Both of these pieces have an unused full glue coating on the back.

20. [Bookplate for Eric L. Swanick] [Bookplate for Eric L. Swanick] This bookplate is executed with green ink on white paper. The green ink is in the shape of an oval through which the design appears in white. On the top of the oval is depicted a swan floating on water, which is depicted directly above the name Eric L. Swanick. From each end of the name a design emerges that forms a decorative border.
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