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 Image: Title: Subject: Description:

41. [AMS Open House] [AMS Open House] Student organizations; Events; Pizza; Employees Pie R Squared Manager at the AMS Open House

42. [1996-1997 AMS President] [1996-1997 AMS President] Student organizations

43. [AMS Open House] [AMS Open House] Student organizations; Events; Employees Manager at the Moon Table, AMS Open House

44. [1996-1997 AMS President] [1996-1997 AMS President] Student organizations

45. [Stephen Toope, UBC staff and AMS executives] [Stephen Toope, UBC staff and AMS executives] College presidents; College administrators; Student organizations Assistant to the UBC President and Vice-Chancellor, AMS Executive Coordinator of Student Services, AMS President, AMS VP Administration, UBC President and Vice-Chancellor, AMS VP External Affairs, and...

46. [UBC Provost and Vice-President Academic at the Deans' Debate] [UBC Provost and Vice-President Academic at the Deans' Debate] Debates; College administrators; Teachers

47. [UBC VP and Dean at the Deans' Debate] [UBC VP and Dean at the Deans' Debate] Debates; College administrators; Teachers; Business education UBC VP Academic and Provost and Dean of UBC Sauder School of Business at Deans' Debate

48. [Science for Peace President criticizing the program] [Science for Peace President criticizing the program] Criticism; National security; Organizations Science for Peace President criticizing U.S. "Star Wars" Defence Program
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