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161. [Bookplate for P. Gagnon] [Bookplate for P. Gagnon] Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a beaver lying on a crest-wreath. There are maple leaf branches extending from both sides of the beaver. The beaver is surrounded by a half-circle border with the motto in black, capitalized sans-serif font written across the arc. The shield is divided per fess, with the top half being further divided per pale and the upper left hand portion is divided into three horizontal sections. The topmost left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with two fleurs-de-lis. The middle left hand section is argent with sable stripes charged with a lion passant. The bottom left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with three maple leaves connected at the stem. The upper right hand side is argent charged with two pieces of equipment, one atop the other, and a pair of scissors below. The equipment has a small curved bottom with two long, curving handles on top with a spike pointing through the lower end of the handles. Below the top half is a thin black banner with white capitalized sans-serif text. Below the banner is an image of a natural forest and coastal landscape with a ship with two tall masts in the water. On the coast, there are people, possible colonizers, interacting. A large cross has been erected on the coast on the right hand side of the image. The dexter supporter and sinister supporter are moose standing a curling ribbon with text in capitalized black sans-serif font.

162. [Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec] [Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec] Black ink on cream paper. Border made of thin solid lines. Inside the solid black line border is a thin dotted line border. The corners feature stylized decorations that are wing-like with circular additions on three sides. Each decoration also features a full or half-circle element facing the center of the bookplate. The name of the hospital is written in larger, capitalized, bold font, with the location being in slightly smaller font. There is a squiggled line beneath the hospital name. Below the line are three areas with dotted lines to be filled in. Names of the fields are written in italicized sentence case font. One handwritten note in the number section.

163. [Bookplate for Paul Gouin] [Bookplate for Paul Gouin] Black ink on cream paper. Border consisting of two thin black lines with solid black squares in the corners. Capitalized black serif-font written inside the border around an image. Image depicts a wooden house with a road in front. There are several clouds in the sky. There is a large tree in front of the side of the house, with the branches of another tree in the top right corner. The house has a wooden fence. In the foreground in the bottom right corner is grass.

164. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black ink on cream paper. An ornate border with curlicues in each corner houses the title, location, and loan policies of the library. Between the city and the loan policy is a vertical dividing line with a curlicue in the centre.

165. [Bookplate for Drysdale's Lending Library by W. Drysdale & Co.] [Bookplate for Drysdale’s Lending Library by W. Drysdale & Co.] Black ink on cream paper. An ornate border surrounds text printed in multiple fonts. The book number is left blank.

166. [Bookplate for Joint Board of Theological Colleges] [Bookplate for Joint Board of Theological Colleges] Black ink on cream paper. An ornate banned frame with leaf sprigs houses the text. At the bottom of the frame, the letters MTD are incorporated amid a sprig. The outside of the frame is decorated with a repeating leaf pattern. The corners of the frame are four shields. The top left tablet shield is dotted (gold) and charged with an undecipherable center object. An open book sits atop the shield. The top right tablet shield is horizontally lined (azure) and charged with a downward facing bird (dove) at the chief and an open book at the base. A tree sits atop the shield. The bottom left Norman pointed shield is horizontally lined (azure) with a cross (argent). It is charged with an open book with writing over the center of the cross. A coronet sits atop the shield. The bottom right spade shield is blank (argent) and is charged with an anchor. A mitre sits atop the shield.

167. [Bookplate for Ecole Modele Jacques-Cartier by John Henry Walker] [Bookplate for Ecole Modele Jacques-Cartier by John Henry Walker] Black ink on cream paper. An insignia tops the bookplate, featuring a radiant cross and open book above a beaver and surrounded by maple leaves. Included is a banner with a motto. Below, the name of the school and a pre-formatted prize text is printed in two fonts. The class, date, name of the recipient and signature of the principal are handwritten in black ink. An ornate scrolled border surrounds the text and insignia. The printer is listed at the bottom.

168. [Bookplate for George Desbarats] [Bookplate for George Desbarats] Black ink on cream paper. A slim, beaded border with curlicues in each corner surrounds the title of Desbarats private library. Above Desbarats’ name “Madame” is handwritten in black ink. A blank number line is printed below the title with two handwritten entries.

169. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black ink on cream paper. A printed cloth border with four-petal flowers in the upper-right and upper-left corners houses the title, location, and loan policies of the library. The cloth border does not extend to the top perimeter, and instead a single horizontal line runs between the two four-petal flowers. Directly above this horizontal line is a number written in blue ink. Between the city and the loan policy is a vertical dividing line with a curlicue in the centre. Beneath the loan policy is a number space in which a number has been entered in black ink with a line crossing it out in blue ink.

170. [Bookplate for Elmwood Book Club] [Bookplate for Elmwood Book Club] Black ink on cream paper. A double-lined border houses the title, address, borrowing policy, and hours of the book club. Between each section is a short, horizontal dividing line with a square angled like a diamond in the centre. Within the borrowing policy portion, a monetary amount has been hand-written in pencil.

171. [Bookplate for Ruth Delia Lyman] [Bookplate for Ruth Delia Lyman] Black ink on cream paper. A demi-bull sites atop a crest-wreath. The bull has its top legs up and a curling tail, as well as two horns. The motto is printed below the crest-wreath on a curling ribbon in capitalized, black, sans serif font. Below this image, two lines of text is printed in large, capitalized, black, sans serif font.

172. [Bookplate for Lilian Guest Cape] [Bookplate for Lilian Guest Cape] Black ink on cream paper. A crest features a lion passant with a sword in its right paw standing on a torse. A motto is printed on a small ribbon in capitalized, sans serif, black font. Bolder capitalized, sans serif, black font is below the motto. A larger ribbon with elaborated curled ends features capitalized, serif, black fond. Many lines of text follow below in a roughly diamond shape. The text is printed in capitalized, bold, serif, black font. There one final ribbon at the bottom of the bookplate featuring the owner’s name in thinner, sans serif, black font.

173. [Bookplate for David Russell Jack] [Bookplate for David Russell Jack] Black ink on cream paper with shiny surface. The crest features an armoured arm clutching a sword extending from a crest-wreath. Below is an esquires helm, from which extends mantling on either side. The mantling is light on top and darkens to black at the bottom. The shield is has a chevron with thin, horizontal, black lines. Above the chevron, the shield is charged with two crescent moons with the points facing upwards. Below the chevron, the shield is charged with the same arm from the crest, in this case tilted 90 degrees so that the arm is horizontal. While the crest arm holds a straight sword, the shield arm is holding a sword with a curved blade. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capitalized, black, block serif font on a curling ribbon. Underneath the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in larger, black, sentence case cursive font. A second line features the date printed in smaller, thin, stylized black font.

174. [Bookplate for F. E. Gilman] [Bookplate for F. E. Gilman] Black ink on blue paper. A patterned border surrounds the name and title of the bookplate owner. The name of the owner is written in capital letters with sans serif font. The title of owner is written in capital letters in stylized serif font.

175. [Bookplate for Bibliotheque paroissiale de St. Henri] [Bookplate for Bibliotheque paroissiale de St. Henri] Black ink on blue green paper. Thick line border with inner border comprised of thin lines. The borders are not connected at the corners. The library name is written in capital letters of different sizes and serif font styles. Sentence case serif font indicates the card number space. Handwritten notes in pencil in the card number section and on the verso of the bookplate.

176. [Bookplate for Jean Dessaulles] [Bookplate for Jean Dessaulles] Black in on white paper. Text in center surrounded with a simple square border of stars. Handwriting on the bookplate in brown and red ink.

177. [Bookplate for Alton Goldbloom] [Bookplate for Alton Goldbloom] Black and gold ink on cream paper. Art deco stylized capitalized font printed a top an image of a baby emerging from the torso up out of a gold, three-petal flower. Black stripes of alternating thick and thin width appear behind the baby. The vertical stem of the flower has a gold centre and two leaves, one on each side of the stem, that are half black and half gold. The stem expands in width at the base and capitalized font is written in the non-printed space at the black base. Black ink capitalized font is written below.

178. [Bookbinder's Ticket for Hector Bossang and Denis-Benjamin Papineau] [Bookbinder's Ticket for Hector Bossang and Denis-Benjamin Papineau] An ovular ticket, black ink on green paper within a border.

179. [Bookplate for St. Catherine Street Baptist Church] [Bookplate for St. Catherine Street Baptist Church] An ornate border surrounds the text, printed in black ink on pink paper.

180. [Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society] [Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society] All printed markings in blue ink, all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The seal has been inverted, so that it appears as white markings in a blue square. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.
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