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401. [Bookplate for Henry James Grasett] [Bookplate for Henry James Grasett] Black ink on cream paper. Crest features bow loaded with arrow aimed to the left. Feathers stretch outwards on either side of the base of the bow on a crest-wreath. Shield is argent and sable per saltire, divided with a sable cross. Top and bottom quarters are argent charged with a plant with round top and brush head. Feathery leaves appear at either side of the base. Top feature has two sable stylized decorations featuring roundels three over two atop three lines connected at the top that separate outwards at the bottom. Four of the same decorations are featured in the bottom quarter. Left and right quarters are sable charged with five point stars and a stylized design element similar to those in the top and bottom quarters, but thicker and in argent. The shield is surrounded by a stylized border decorated with various curls. Below the shield, the motto is written in capitalized block letters on ribbon with elaborately curled blackening ends.

402. [Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald] [Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald] An art nouveau, pictorial bookplate using black ink on ivory paper. In the background is a sun with four series of rays alternating black and white. In front of the sun is a left hand holding a quarter-bound book with a floral statue on the cover (consisting of a circle of leaves encircling three white flowers with black centres, which are on top of a trunk). At both the dexter and sinister corners are black squares ; in the dexter square are the initials J / M.

403. [Bookplate for Henry Flitcroft] [Bookplate for Henry Flitcroft] In black ink, this chippendale-style bookplate consists of an asymmetrical escutcheon, or (gold), containing two chevronels, gules (red), each with the appearance of a label. The top chevronel is an elevated label, while the base chevronel is an inverted label. The label is a heraldic symbol representing the first son. The escutcheon also contains two escalopes over one fleur-de-lis. In typical chippendale fashion, the escutcheon is surrounded by elaborate floral mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the originator's name and place of origin.

404. [Bookplate for Henry Christopher Wise] [Bookplate for Henry Christopher Wise] In black ink. No escutcheon. A straight crest wreath charged with a demi-lion, rampant, holding a damask rose, stalked leaved and seeded, in the mouth a snake that is entwined about the body.

405. [Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims] [Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims] In red ink on white paper, a border that contains red and black text and black decorative designs. Within the border, in black ink, there is an angled Escutcheon parted per pale. The dexter side is gules (red), containing a chevronel or (gold) with two mullets of six points, pierced, in chief, and one battle axe in base. The sinister side is quartered per cross by a cross argent (silver), with the dexter chief and sinister base quarters in azure (blue) and the sinister chief and dexter base quarters in gules. In each quarter save the sinister base there is a pheon proper. Above the Esctucheon, the mantling is topped by a wreath, from which a lion emerges, holding a battle axe. Below the Escutcheon is a banner bearing the motto, 'Ferio Tego.'.

406. [Bookplate for Henri Rainville] [Bookplate for Henri Rainville] This bookplate depicts a large, bespectacled rat, dressed in what appears to be eighteenth-century attire and displaying a prominent tail and whiskers. Facing away from the viewer, the rat is seated at a table in front of a window, through which the leaves of a tree can be seen. The rodent holds a quill pen and is poised to continue writing in a book that is propped open on the table with a second, closed volume.

407. [Bookplate for Heinrich Teuscher by K. Kleindienst] [Bookplate for Heinrich Teuscher by K. Kleindienst] In brown ink on cream coloured paper with visible chain and laid lines, a plane is pictured above an image of a building, all of which is surrounded by a floral border, architectural features, and a gardener with a bag.

408. [Bookplate for Hart House] [Bookplate for Hart House] This bookplate's design is divided into three sections. At the top, the University of Toronto shield sits to the left of the text. In the middle is a picture of Hart House as seen from above. The name of the donor is in the lower third.

409. [Bookplate for Hart House Library by J. E. H. MacDonald] [Bookplate for Hart House Library by J. E. H. MacDonald] Brown ink on tan paper. Plate divided into three sections. At the top, the University of Toronto shield sits to the left of the text. In the middle is a picture of Hart House as seen from above. At the bottom is the name of the donor.

410. [Bookplate for Harry Miller] [Bookplate for Harry Miller] Brown ink. The initials 'H.M.' are formed out of sticks of wood. Perched atop the letter "H" is a bespectacled owl with a feather tucked behind its ear. It reads by the light of a lamp of knowledge.

411. [Bookplate for Harry Hereford by J. B. C.] [Bookplate for Harry Hereford by J. B. C.] Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The image depicts the surface of a writing credenza which has a small drawer with a twisted handle on its front edge. The surface of the desk holds a closed vellum-bound book. To the left of the book is a small pile of stamped, addressed letters and a single candlestick with a lit candle. To the right of the book sits an inkwell with a quill pen resting in it. The entire scene is framed by two line borders ; the interior line is thicker than the exterior one.

412. [Bookplate for Harold Hampson] [Bookplate for Harold Hampson] This bookplate's design features a collared greyhound's head, erased, above a mural coronet. Below a banner waves containing the originator's Latin motto.

413. [Bookplate for Hans Hjordis Hygen by E. B.] [Bookplate for Hans Hjordis Hygen by E. B.] The bookplate's central image is done in relief of a house with a walkway and trees of to the sides of the house. The house appears to be a prosperous house with two chimneys and several floors. A mountain with whitcaps sits in the background and several stars are seen above them.

414. [Bookplate for Hall by J. T. Ralph] [Bookplate for Hall by J. T. Ralph] Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crane standing on one foot facing to the left with one claw curled. It is standing on a patch of grass atop a crest wreath. The shield is divided per pale. The left-hand side is further divided with a chief. The smaller top section features sable stripes and is charged with three five point stars each decorated with shading. The bottom section is argent and charged with a sable chevron engrailed. The section is also charged with three black lion heads erased, two over one. The right-hand side also has sable stripes and is charged with Three white flowers, two over one. The bottom flower is larger than the top two flowers. The flowers have very round petals. The center of the flower is an open circle and straight lines extend out to the round petals. Below the shield is a motto printed on a black and white striped banner shaped like a V. The ends of the banner have circular cut outs. Below the motto is a similar, larger ribbon with the name of the bookplate owner printed in large, block font. The last three letters are smaller and in white with black shading. The first latter is printed on a small, white shield in a black striped larger black letter with black shading. At the bottom point of the shield is printed the bookplate’s creator’s name and place in small, black, serif, sentence case font.

415. [Bookplate for H. R. N. Flyne by E. F.] [Bookplate for H. R. N. Flyne by E. F.] Pictorial bookplate. A man seated in a chair, reading and smoking, with piles of books (and a martini) around him. The artist's name and year are inscribed on one of the books in the lower right corner.

416. [Bookplate for H. F. McLaughlin by Francis Adams Sc.] [Bookplate for H. F. McLaughlin by Francis Adams Sc.] Lion’s head atop crown ; Arms of shield: 1st quarter - the “Dalriadic Royal Lyon” on dotted background, 2nd quarter - hand holding cross, 3rd quarter - galley with oars, 4th quarter - salmon swimming ; Supporters: does standing on either side of shield ; motto underneath ; “HLF” monogram at bottom.

417. [Bookplate for H. Curtis] [Bookplate for H. Curtis] The owner's name is written in black ink, surrounded by an elaborate border in blank ink, on a thin, green faded paper.

418. [Bookplate for H. B. Descrochers] [Bookplate for H. B. Descrochers] Black ink on cream paper. A chain border surrounds the title of Descrochers’ private library. A blank number line is printed below the title.

419. [Bookplate for Grace Svenningson] [Bookplate for Grace Svenningson] In black ink on white paper, two columns frame the sides of the bookplate, with a banner stretched behind them at the top. Thick vines are hanging from the banner, and a few are wrapped sparsely around the columns as well. There is an urn on the bottom left with some gentle hills in the background. The name is printed in red ink at the bottom of the plate.

420. [Bookplate for Gordon Lyman] [Bookplate for Gordon Lyman] This bookplate's design features two men reading beside an aqueduct. A banner bearing the owner's name rests below the aqueduct.
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