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 Image: Title: Subject: Description:

81. [2019-2020 Student Council member] [2019-2020 Student Council member] Student organizations; College administrators Student Services Manager

82. [2020-2021 Student Council Member] [2020-2021 Student Council Member] Student organizations ; College administrators Student Services Manager

83. [2021-2022 Student Council Member] [2021-2022 Student Council Member] Student organizations ; College administrators Student Services Manager

84. [Student Services Speakeasy desk] [Student Services Speakeasy desk] Students; Conversation Student Staff help a student at the Student Services Speakeasy desk

85. [AMS Safewalk volunteer] [AMS Safewalk volunteer] Student organizations; Community service Student Volunteer for the Student Services Safewalk program

86. [AMS executives] [AMS executives] Student organizations Top Row, Left to Right: Jeremy McElroy (Vice-President External Affairs), Bijan Ahmadian (President), Ben Cappellacci (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs) Bottom Row, Left to Right: Elin Tayyar...

87. [AMS Services Booth at Imagine Day] [AMS Services Booth at Imagine Day] Events UBC events - 2022 Imagine Day.
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