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941. [Bookplate for Burton's Limited Circulating Library] [Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library] In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.

942. [Bookplate for Burton's Limited Circulating Library] [Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library] In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.

943. [Bookplate for Arena Concessions] [Bookplate for Arena Concessions] In blue ink on ivory paper. Preprinted dotted and solid lines are present between the text. A red imprint, caused by prolonged contact with another bookplate, is clearly visible on the back and bleeds through to the front of the ivory paper.

944. [Bookplate for Alfred B. Wiener by Antioch Bookplate Company] [Bookplate for Alfred B. Wiener by Antioch Bookplate Company] This bookplate is printed in black ink in an art deco style with Broadway font (c. 1928) for the owner's name. It shows a man in formal wear reading a book.

945. [Bookplate for William C. Hawes by Alfred Adlard] [Bookplate for William C. Hawes by Alfred Adlard] In black ink on white paper a large building is shown surrounded by a fence, smaller buildings, and trees.

946. [Bookplate by Colonist Lithography] [Bookplate by Colonist Lithography] In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.

947. [Bookplates for Bell Telephone Company of Canada] [Bookplates for Bell Telephone Company of Canada] This bookplate is in two parts ' one to show who made the presentation, the other to show ownership by the library. Part 1 (upper): This bookplate is composed of black text, with a dotted line at the bottom on which to record the name of the presenter. Part 2 (lower): This bookplate is composed of black text, with a small form number in the upper right, the major text with parts bolded, and a grid below that for recording due dates. Both of these pieces have an unused full glue coating on the back.

948. [Bookplate for Commercial and Technical High School] [Bookplate for Commercial and Technical High School] This bookplate is printed in black ink on white paper and shows a tabletop, with an oil lamp sitting on a pile of books next to a inkwell with quill. A bubble issuing from the spout of the lamp contains the name of the school, and a sheet of paper extending off the tabletop contains the book information.

949. [Bookplate for Commercial High School] [Bookplate for Commercial High School] This bookplate is printed in black ink on white paper and shows a tabletop, with an oil lamp sitting on a pile of books next to a inkwell with quill. A bubble issuing from the spout of the lamp contains the name of the school, and a sheet of paper extending off the tabletop contains the book information.

950. [Bookplate for James Croil] [Bookplate for James Croil] Printed in black ink on light green paper. It has a border of entwined lines.

951. [Bookplate for Cercle Cremazie] [Bookplate for Cercle Cremazie] Printed in black ink on tan paper, a very ornate scrollwork border surrounds the text.

952. [Bookplate for Dilys Jones] [Bookplate for Dilys Jones] Printed in black ink on faded red paper. Heraldic crest is top centre. Text is surrounded by a thin black border.

953. [Bookplate for Montreal Theological Training College] [Bookplate for Montreal Theological Training College] Printed in black ink, a very ornate border surrounds the text.

954. [Bookplate for Jas Christison] [Bookplate for Jas Christison] The text is surrounded by a patterned border.

955. [Bookplate for James De Carteret] [Bookplate for James De Carteret] An ornate border surrounds the text. There is a smudged line of ink running diagonally from the centre bottom of the bookplate to the upper edge of the border.

956. [Bookplate for H. Curtis] [Bookplate for H. Curtis] The owner's name is written in black ink, surrounded by an elaborate border in blank ink, on a thin, green faded paper.

957. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The text is surrounded by small diamond shapes in a linear pattern.

958. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A simple border surrounds the text. On the top left is the crest of Cercle La Salle. It shows a shield divided in three: at the top is a lit oil lamp, on the bottom left are three vertical fleur-de-lis and at the bottom right is a cross over top of a crossed pen and sword. A banner over the top of the crest contains the name of the organization and one at the bottom contains the motto. Maple branches present a wreath at the bottom.

959. [Bookplate for James Henry Browning] [Bookplate for James Henry Browning] Centered text with multiple fonts in black ink.

960. [Bookplate for Joseph Bemrose] [Bookplate for Joseph Bemrose] In black ink on tan paper, a simple gold border frames a light pastel-green crosshatched background.
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