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901. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A fan-shaped segway contains the central image of the bookplate with the larger side facing upwards. A black background with a yellow half-moon indicate that the image is set in the night. A blue image of Mt. Fuji is set to the right side of the image. A large cloud outlines Mt. Fuji. Two green tall trees with no obvious branches sit just to the left of the centre of the image and are outlined by the clouds.

902. [Bookplate for James R. Adams] [Bookplate for James R. Adams] A pictorial bookplate depicting two owls perched on a disordered pile of open and closed books in black ink on ivory paper (with glue on back). "EX-LIBRIS" is part of the image ; however, the name has been added using a commercial rubber stamp within a space deliberately left within a banner.

903. [Bookplate for Maija Calite] [Bookplate for Maija Calite] Image is of a daffodil with 6 petals emerging from a stem among three leafs. On the left side of the base of the flower is a baby chicken looking upwards at the flower.

904. [Bookplate for Peter Courchesne] [Bookplate for Peter Courchesne] The small image on this bookplate is located to the right and is merely a small opened book with, what looks like, a antiquarian writing on it.

905. [Bookplate for Davidson] [Bookplate for Davidson] The bookplate is an armorial. At the crest there is a couped eagle's head armed above a wreath. The shield is an azure shield with thistles in the dexter chief and sinister chief position. An argent banner across the fess holds a couchant stagg facing dexter. The base of the shield has a thistle in the precise middle.

906. [Bookplate for David L. G. Dryden] [Bookplate for David L. G. Dryden] A yellow frame surrounds the central image. The central image is of a young man in medieval armour leading a white horse to the left of the image. The image is in a forest setting with several trees observable. Two notable trees are standing, one on the left, and one on the right side of the man providing a frame for the image. The entire scene is evocative of a Pre-Raphaelite painting.

907. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A red outline surrounds the central picture of the rock garden and reflection area in Ryoan-ji temple in Kyoto with the oil died wall in the background. Images have also been carved into the gravel.

908. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] An image of a Japanese woman with a kimono and obi with a circular bowl shaped hat on her head.

909. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A picture with a red frame of a golden Buddha with halo and numerous arms all outreached.

910. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] The picture is of a black frame surrounding a Japanese child's toy with the image of a woman with a round head and red robes.

911. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A yellow frame surrounds a side view of a Japanese woman with a traditional headpiece, and blue/white robe.

912. [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] [Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose] A blue frame surrounds a yellow plaque with a black cow facing to the right in a riclining position on it. A green tie sits on the top and a Japanese family Hanko sits over the hind part of the cow.

913. [Bookplate for J. W. Eastham] [Bookplate for J. W. Eastham] This is a pictorial bookplate created using black ink on white paper. The "Lions" mountain range is portrayed surrounded by flowers and wheat.

914. [Bookplate for Elwyn B. Gould] [Bookplate for Elwyn B. Gould] Pictorial bookplate, created with black ink on white paper, which portrays books and sheaves of paper.

915. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Il y eut aussi des êtres embryonnaires [There were also embryonic beings] (fourth in the series Hommage à Goya [Hommage to Goya] 1885) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

916. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Un fou dans un morne paysage [A madman in a dismal landscape] (third in the series Hommage à Goya [Hommage to Goya] 1885) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

917. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Araignée [Spider] (1887) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

918. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Un masque sonne le glas funèbre [A mask sounds the funeral knell] (third in the series A Edgar Poë [To Edgar Allen Poe) 1882) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

919. [Bookplate for Herbert Wilson Greene] [Bookplate for Herbert Wilson Greene] Heraldic bookplate in black ink on white paper. At the top of the shield is mantling above which are an erased dragon on a wreathe. Below the dragon is a closed helmet in profile facing sinister. The per pale shield is or (sinister) and azure (dexter) with three trippant stags. Below the shield is the following motto: "Nescia Fallere Vita."

920. [Bookplate for Maxwell K. Heap] [Bookplate for Maxwell K. Heap] There is an elaborate border on this bookplate beginning with a rolled barred fillet with fleur-de-lis at each corner. Within this border are three additional black fillets the middle one is slightly thicker with alternating black and white bars suggesting a rope like pattern. The central image is of a large book overlaying a lighted torch behind it. Birds wings sit below the book supporting it.
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