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61. [Bookplate for Lachlan Gibb] [Bookplate for Lachlan Gibb] In black ink. This bookplate's design features an escutcheon with or (gold), azure (blue), and sable (black) designs, parted per cross and charged at the fess point with an additional coat of arms. The escutcheon is outlined by an ornate border and situated in the center of a rectangular frame, divided into quadrants. These sections feature a domed building, topped with a cross, a ship, three battle-axes and three beavers, respectively. The originator's Latin motto and name appear along the base of the frame. Above the rectangular design are two straight wreaths charged with a dexter arm vambraced couped, holding aloft a battle-axe and an eagle bearing a tilting spear.

62. [Bookplate for Robert Wills] [Bookplate for Robert Wills] In black ink. This bookplate consists of a garter. Within the garter is a curved crest wreath on which is a demi-gryphon, sajant, holding a battle-axe in between its claws. Below the image is a banner containing the Latin motto.

63. [Bookplate for Alpha Delta Phi] [Bookplate for Alpha Delta Phi] In black ink. Rectangle border with four molets and crescents, one at each corner. In the middle of the border at the top is a coat-of-arms, parted per fess, indented, with six unidentifiable charges, three over three. In the middle of the border on the sides are two identical obelisks with a rapier and a broadsword crossed in front of them. Within the bordure, "EX LIBRIS" is boxed at the top and "ALPHA DELTA PHI" is boxed at the bottom. In between them is a cropped etching of a building with trees in front of it. The year "1832" is in the middle of the border at the bottom.

64. [Bookplate for Denis Le Marchant] [Bookplate for Denis Le Marchant] In black ink. No Escutcheon. Ducal coronet, on top of which is an upside down cock leg.

65. [Bookplate for Franklin Billner] [Bookplate for Franklin Billner] In black ink. Escutcheon tilted to the left and parted per pale. The dexter half, or [gold], with a lion, gules [red], coward, holding a fan-like object between its front paws. The sinister half parted per fess, sable [black], on a field, or, with decorative patterns not typically seen in heraldry. Escutcheon surrounded by leafy mantling. Above is a tilting helmet on top of which sits an unidentifiable crown. On top of the crown is a lion, gules, coward, holding a fan-like object in its front paws. Wings, displayed, fan out from the top of the crown surrounding the lion.

66. [Bookplate for Sir Robert Peel] [Bookplate for Sir Robert Peel] In black ink. Armorial bookplate. Argent (silver) three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules (red). On a chief azure (blue) a bee volant, or (gold). Crest of a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paw a shuttle, or. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

67. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink. Argent [White or Silver], charged with an oak tree. On a fess, azure [Blue], a crescent, between two molets. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath on which is a cubit arm, erect, issuing from a cloud, in the hand a branch of olive, all proper. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

68. [Bookplate for James Ross Ballantyne] [Bookplate for James Ross Ballantyne] In black ink. An obelisk or tower with a door in front of and between black mountains.

69. [Bookplate for Catherine Aishton] [Bookplate for Catherine Aishton] In black ink. A rectangle. Celtic dog knot-work on the top, bottom, and left sides of a box with the text in it. Between "EX LIBRIS" and "CATHERINE AISHToN" is a boxed line of more Celtic dog knot-work.

70. [Bookplate for John Eardley Wilmot] [Bookplate for John Eardley Wilmot] In black ink. A marshalling of 12, this bookplate incorporates several notable charges, including two sets of eagle heads, erased, a leg erased, three garbes, a stag salient with hounds in pursuit, a scythe, three bugle-horns, three maiden's busts, three crosses-crosslet, three mullets and a lion rampant. The escutcheon is surrounded by an ornate, foliage border in the Chippendale style. It is crowned with a peer helmet, set upon a vegetative backdrop. The mantling supports two straight wreathes, charged with a demi-eagle, holding an escalop in its beak (dexter) and a stag courant (sinister). Among the many heraldic armorials depicted, this bookplate includes several identifiable familial crests. The originator's descendants, include, from dexter chief to sinister base, the Wilmot family in armorial one, the Eardley family in armorial three and the Marrow family in armorial seven. The Wilmot family armorial displays a sable (black) background parted per fess, or (gold), with three escalops on the fess, situated between three eagle heads, erased, two over one. The Eardley family armorial is argent (silver), with a chevron, azure (blue), charged with three garbes (sheaves of corn) and in canton gules (red) a fret, or. The Marrow family armorial is azure, parted per fess, or, engrailed, situated between three maiden's busts, two over one.

71. [Bookplate for Jas. Beaty] [Bookplate for Jas. Beaty] In black ink. A decorative border with ornamentation in corners surrounds the text.

72. [Bookplate for Lieve Van Kerkhove and Martin Jackson] [Bookplate for Lieve Van Kerkhove and Martin Jackson] In black ink, this pictorial contemporary bookplate consists of a nude female, seated in a wood boat which is too small relative to her size. The nude's knees are up, her legs spread open, and her feet and buttocks rest on the outer edges of the craft (only her left foot and left buttock are visible). Extending from inside the boat upwards into the air, and held by the nude's right hand, is a larger-than-life fountain pen. The nude's left arm descends behind her raised knee, and emerges from behind the left buttock as a hand holding the stem of a rose ; the hand and rose appearing somewhat disconnected from the rest of the body. Resting between her legs, seen as almost emerging from the pubic region, is a cat with upraised tail and paws which rest on the bow of the boat. Below the cat, on the port side of the boat is an image of a lyre. In the turbulent river which surrounds the boat, one can see additional rose blossoms floating on the surface of the water. In the background, there is an automobile crossing a stone bridge and a large stone church with steeples on the left. One can see a flock of birds flying above the church's western steeple. In the background on the right, one can see the church's cemetery.

73. [Bookplate for Edmund Maskelyne] [Bookplate for Edmund Maskelyne] In black ink, this chippendale-style bookplate consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), charged with a fess, or (gold) and engrailed, and three escallopes, two over one. The escutcheon is crested by a wreath and a demi-lion, holding an escallope between its two paws. The originator's name is framed within the chippendale floral decoration below the escutcheon.

74. [Bookplate for Cornelia Anthony] [Bookplate for Cornelia Anthony] In black ink, this bookplate presents us with a homestead scene of a hearth and mantle. Above the mantlepiece is a shelf of books. On the mantle is a teapot in between two displayed plates. Placed on the floor at the base of the hearth is a spinning wheel. On either side of it are a large set of candlesticks. The entire image is bordered by a frame of teacups and saucers.

75. [Bookplate for James Maitland Hunt] [Bookplate for James Maitland Hunt] In black ink, this bookplate contains an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with two dogs courant, and a chief, argent, with fox cabossed, between two hunting horns. Above, a helmet with mantling, and a crest of a lion's head erased, gorged. All set within a floral architectural border.

76. [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] In black ink, this bookplate consists of the image of a church. A plate mark can be seen along the left hand side of the bookplate.

77. [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] In black ink, this bookplate consists of text surrounded by a floral border. At the top centre of the border is a scallop shell.

78. [Bookplate for John George Mortlock by Charles William Sherborn] [Bookplate for John George Mortlock by Charles William Sherborn] In black ink, this bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon and crest framed by an elaborate circular bordure. The escutcheon is divided quarterly ; the first and fourth quadrants, argent (silver), are charged with a fret, azure (blue), and contain a chief, azure, charged with three fleur-de-lis, argent ; the second and third quadrants, sable (black), are charged with three annulets, argent, two over one, and contain a chevron, argent and engrailed. The escutcheon is crested by a closed dexter helmet resting upon the second quadrant, topped by a wreath and a lion sejant, with dexter paw elevated and resting upon a fleur-de-lis, argent. From either side of the helmet flows mantling and a banner which contains the Latin motto. The bordure also contains text.

79. [Bookplate for Familie Mezler and Michael B. Kunze] [Bookplate for Familie Mezler and Michael B. Kunze] In black ink, an unusual heraldic symbol with a helmet in the centre of the image. Protruding from the top of the helm are what appear to be two horns. Between the horns is the figure of a woman whose hands grasp the horns. From both side of the helm, and from below, flows extensive mantling flowing out and down framing another image of a woman, identical to the first, except that her skirt is now visible.

80. [Bookplate for Eliab Harvey] [Bookplate for Eliab Harvey] In black ink, an oval escutcheon, or (gold), with a dancette chief, sable (black), containing three crescents, argent (silver). The crest is a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erected, floating above is an inverted crescent, argent. The Latin motto is found encircling the escutcheon on the bordure, argent. A wreath made of two laurel branches encapsulates the escutcheon. A banner, containing the German motto, is wrapped around the base of the wreath with the Badge of a Companion of the Order of the Bath hanging between it.
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