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321. [Bookplate for Samuel Lustgarten by G. H.] [Bookplate for Samuel Lustgarten by G. H.] This bookplate's design features a man sitting in an armchair, with his feet propped on a hassock, reading and smoking a pipe. The walls of his study are lined with book shelves and covered with works of art and seem to indicate his taste, connoisseurship and acumen.

322. [Bookplate for Hope Holmested by Thoreau MacDonald] [Bookplate for Hope Holmested by Thoreau MacDonald] This bookplate's design features a rising/setting sun on the horizon line of a body of water. Hovering above the water is an angel with hands in prayer, surrounded by several pairs of feathered wings. Stars appear in the heavens above and a fully risen sun or holy light glows from behind the angel's wings.

323. [Bookplate for United Service Club] [Bookplate for United Service Club] This bookplate's design features a royal crown above a thistle, clovers, a rose, and two surrounding branches.

324. [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] [Bookplate for Joseph Wesley Flavelle by Alexander Scott Carter] This bookplate's design features an escutcheon argent (silver) divided per chevron, sable (black). It is charged with a dexter hand and a six-pointed star. Above the escutcheon is an esquire helmet and that is charged with a winged arm holding a torch. The escutcheon is surrounded by decorative foliage with banners containing bookplate motto and name below.

325. [Bookplate for Lockwood] [Bookplate for Lockwood] This bookplate's design features an escutcheon, argent (silver) and sable (black), charged with three martlets. Another martlet rests above the escutcheon on the stump of an oak tree, erased and the Lockwood family motto appears in a banner below.

326. [Bookplate for Winfred Overholser] [Bookplate for Winfred Overholser] This bookplate's design is a pictoral scene of a tall ship at sea, with gales of wind blowing at the sails and water. Bookplate text at base. In black ink.

327. [Bookplate for Thorleit Larson] [Bookplate for Thorleit Larson] This bookplate's design is focus on the "Ex Libris" ; the text and surrounding design is done in a style reminiscent of an illuminated manuscript. A book containing owner's name is below.

328. [Bookplate for Charles M. Harris] [Bookplate for Charles M. Harris] This bookplate's monochromatic design created in peacock blue ink depicts the interior of an ornately decorated library. The scene features a man on a ladder perusing book titles. The man seems unable to select only one book. He appears to have his hands full, and yet he continues to scan shelved titles for other desirable volumes. He holds one book in his hand, one slipped under his elbow and another clenched between his knees. The image on this bookplate is a commercially available, mass-produced design.

329. [Bookplate for Francis Lawson] [Bookplate for Francis Lawson] This heraldic bookplate consists of a chippendale styled escutcheon, argent (silver) parted per pale ; first, argent, with a saltier, azure (blue), the upper part charged with three garbs, the lower a boar's head, and at dexter and sinister an etoile each ; second, argent, depicting a wolf salient, climbing a tree, vert (green), possibly oak. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a boar's head and below the escutcheon the name and location of the bookplate's owner. The entire escutcheon and accompanying text are surrounded by elaborate chippendale borders.

330. [Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer] [Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer] This heraldic bookplate consists of a stylized escutcheon, with a pale counterchanged per fess. Sections one and six are parted per cross, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chief argent (silver), charged with three lions erased. Quarters two and three consists of a barry of eight ermine and azure (blue), with a chief azure, charged with a lion passant guardant. Section two is azure, with a simple bend or (gold), charged with two heads of a stag. Section three is azure, with a bend engrailed and or, charged with three martlets. Section four is ermine, with a cross engrailed and sable. Finally, section five is vert (green), with a bordure engrailed and or, charged with a stag's head. Below the entire escutcheon is bookplate owner's name.

331. [Bookplate for Stephen Langston] [Bookplate for Stephen Langston] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon parted per pale. On the left, or (gold), charged with a chevron, azure (blue). Above the chevron, are three heraldic roses in chief, and at centre base below the chevron a sea creature. On the right, the quadrant is parted per cross, with quarters two and four, or, vair in pale, azure. Quarters two and three are sable (black), parted per fess, argent (silver). The quarters are charged with three cinque foil, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath charged with the sea creature at centre base at dexter and a rose bush. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

332. [Bookplate for Schuyler Merritt] [Bookplate for Schuyler Merritt] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, a barry of six, or (gold) and sable (black), with a bend, ermine (white powdered fur, black tufts). Above the escutcheon is a helmet in profile (denoting status of esquire and gentleman). Above the helmet is a curved wreath charged with a chained beast passant. Surrounding the escutcheon is a circular banner, with Latin motto within. The entire crest is situated in a rectangular frame filled with foliage-like mantling in the upper half and a row of books directly below the escutcheon. An open book, three open flowers, and a banner with "EX LIBRIS" are situated in the foreground in front of the volumes.

333. [Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn] [Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a talbot passant, gules (red), and a mullet above at centre chief. The escutcheon is supported by a wolf, rampant clutching swords at dexter and sinister. The escutcheon is set within a garter-like setting, from which various military medals hang. Above the escutcheon is a viscount coronet, sans the cap, with a grated helmet at three-quarters, further delineating the rank of viscount. Upon the helmet rests a ducal coronet, which is charged with a wolf's head. Behind the wolf is a small banner with first Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Wolseley, Co. Stafford, Barts.), and below the supporters and escutcheon is a second banner, with second Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Mount Wolseley, Co. Carlow, Barts.), along with a larger banner with bookplate owner's name and title. Elaborate mantling radiates from the helmet, and the entire bookplate is encased in a ribbed border.

334. [Bookplate for John Darby] [Bookplate for John Darby] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), with a chevron, argent (silver), with the lower part a fillet. Upon the escutcheon are three sheaves of wheat (possibly corn, garbe), two over one . A military medal is at centre chief, with the word "NILE" immediately below. Within the chevron, an anchor each at dexter and sinister, with a naval crown at centre. Above the escutcheon is a crest of a sheaf of wheat (or possibly corn, garbe) and an anchor, upon a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.

335. [Bookplate for Dunbar of Westfield by C. Norton] [Bookplate for Dunbar of Westfield by C. Norton] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross, the upper half gules (red) and or (gold), the lower half or and gules. Each quarter consists of a border ; quarter 1 and 4 are bordered with argent (silver) and heraldic roses, and charged with a lion rampant. Quarters 2 and 3 have a narrow border decorated by trefoil, charged with three round figures apiece. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant at dexter and sinister. Above the escutcheon is a steel helmet, placed three-quartered (indicating esquire status). Above the helmet is a crest of a dexter arm proper (bare) upon a wreath. From the helmet flows elaborate mantling. Above the crest are two crowns with the Latin motto above. Below the escutcheon and supporters is a banner with an additonal Latin motto within.

336. [Bookplate for John Somers] [Bookplate for John Somers] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per quarter, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chevron argent (silver), charged with three antlers, two over one. Quarters two and three are vert (green), with a dancette fess ermine. At the centre of the escutcheon is an inescutcheon, which is also divided quarterly and features charges of cross crosslet fitched and beasts. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant, each with a dancette collar. Above the escutcheon is a Earl coronet, and below the escutcheon is a banner with Latin motto within. This bookplate is similar to BP MUR ENG P S664b, which is presumably owned by the same individual, but before his ascendancy to title.

337. [Bookplate for John Wingfield Larking] [Bookplate for John Wingfield Larking] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, ermine, charged with three heads of wildcats, possibly lions. Above the escutcheon is a closed helmet, placed in profile, denoting the rank of an esquire or a gentleman, from which, elaborate mantling flows. Upon the helmet is a curved wreath, with a crest of a bird, wings elevated and displayed, holding a branch in its beak.

338. [Bookplate for Lord Francis Gray by Daniel Lizars and William Home] [Bookplate for Lord Francis Gray by Daniel Lizars and William Home] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), charged with a lion rampant, with an engrailed bordure, argent (silver). The shield is supported by a lion rampant guardant on each site. Above the shield is a crown denoting baron status, and directly above the crown is a crest of an anchor upon a straight wreath. Immediately below the shield is another crest, a swan, also upon a straight wreath. Extending out from the bottom of the shield are two banners, with bookplate test within. The bookplate is bordered by an elaborate leaf design.

339. [Bookplate for Edward Loveden] [Bookplate for Edward Loveden] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a bend, cottised vert (green) and sable (black). The escutcheon is charged with four sinister hands, roughly at centre chief, sinister, dexter, and centre base. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath charged with a heraldic tiger, sejant (sitting position).

340. [Bookplate for John Lechmere] [Bookplate for John Lechmere] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a fess, or (gold). Above the fess at dexter and sinister chief, the escutcheon is charged with two birds, possibly pelicans, wings addorsed and inverted. Above the escutcheon is a ducal crown without a cap, which is charged with the same bird, wings addorsed and inverted. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto inside.
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