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241. [Bookplate for John Somers by James Ross] [Bookplate for John Somers by James Ross] This heraldric bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per quarter, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chevron argent (silver), charged with three antlers, two over one. Quarters two and three are vert (green), with a dancette fess ermine. At the centre of the escutcheon is an inescutcheon, which is also divided quarterly and features charges of cross crosslet fitched and beasts. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant, each with a dancette collar. Above the escutcheon is a Baron coronet, and below the escutcheon is a banner with Latin motto within. This bookplate is similar to BP MUR ENG P S664a, which is presumably owned by the same individual after his rise to title.

242. [Bookplate for John Somers] [Bookplate for John Somers] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per quarter, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chevron argent (silver), charged with three antlers, two over one. Quarters two and three are vert (green), with a dancette fess ermine. At the centre of the escutcheon is an inescutcheon, which is also divided quarterly and features charges of cross crosslet fitched and beasts. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant, each with a dancette collar. Above the escutcheon is a Earl coronet, and below the escutcheon is a banner with Latin motto within. This bookplate is similar to BP MUR ENG P S664b, which is presumably owned by the same individual, but before his ascendancy to title.

243. [Bookplate for Francis Fortescue Knottesford] [Bookplate for Francis Fortescue Knottesford] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon parted per pale. The first pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four are azure (blue), a bend engrailed, or (gold), coticed, argent (silver). Quarters two and three are argent, cross engrailed, gules (red), in canton cinquefoil, azure (blue). The second pale is parted per quarter, in quarter one, a barry of eight, argent and vert (green), charged with a gryphon, rampant, segreant. Quarter two is argent, with a chevron, ermine, fimbrated sable (black), with two canons placed two over one around the chevron. Quarter three is argent, with a chevron, sable, charged with a bird displayed. Quarter four is azure charged with a lion rampant. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath charged with a tyger passant atop a peer helmet. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing text.

244. [Bookplate for Alex Thistlethwayte] [Bookplate for Alex Thistlethwayte] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon or (gold), a bend azure (blue), charged with three pheons of the field. The rococo vegetative mantling around the upper part of the escutcheon includes a straight wreath charged with a demi-lion. The lion is holding a pheon and situated above a peer helmet. Below the escutcheon several cherubs drink, trumpet and hold aloft an ermine trimmed cloak. The cloak serves as a backdrop for a framed compartment displaying the originator's name.

245. [Bookplate for Henry Torre] [Bookplate for Henry Torre] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon which is slightly askew, being tilted from the central vertical axis of the image. The escutcheon is parted per fess. In dexter chief sable (black), charged with a crescent above and a tower below, a bordure vair. In middle chief, azure (blue), embattled and counter-embattled, argent, with three sable roundlets. Above the partition charged with two stags proper tripping, and below with one stag proper, tripping. In sinister chief, argent, two bars, gules (red), in canton gules, charged with cross Moline, or (gold). In dexter base, barry of six pieces, or and azure, in canton, argent, charged with a chaplet. In middle base, sable (black), lion rampant. In sinister base, argent, sable with three lozenges, gules above, and four below. The rococo vegetative mantling above the escutcheon finishes on either side with a tassel and includes, at its center, a straight wreath charged with a gryphon passant situated atop a peer helmet. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the originator's Latin motto, with his name printed below.

246. [Bookplate for P Kelly] [Bookplate for P Kelly] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), a tower triple towered with three crosses couped, two over one on the tower, supporters, two lioncels combatant. Vizored helm of an esquire or gentleman above the escutcheon, with mantling. Above the helm is a curved crest wreath topped with an unidentifiable beast with the head of a bird, front feet cloven, and hindquarters of a dog, statant. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

247. [Bookplate for James Tatlock] [Bookplate for James Tatlock] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon azure (blue), a bend, engrailed, or (gold). Above the bend is a fish, urinant. Above the shield is a curved wreath topped with a fish, urianant.

248. [Bookplate for Christopher Tower] [Bookplate for Christopher Tower] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon sable (black), a tower with two windows. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a gryphon, passant. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the English motto.

249. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), a bend, or (gold), with three lions, cabossed, gules (red). On the field, two boujet, or. Above the shield is a straight crest wreath topped with a dog, sejant, or, on grass tethered to a battle axe. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

250. [Bookplate for George Wilbraham] [Bookplate for George Wilbraham] In black ink. Escutcheon parted per pale, the sinister half azure, a bend, argent, engrailed, two bendlets, or, on either side. The dexter half parted per cross. The first and fourth quarters, argent, bendy of seven, argent and azure. The second and third quarters, barry of five, argent and azure, a canton, sable, with a wolf. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a wolf. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

251. [Bookplate for Henry Christopher Wise] [Bookplate for Henry Christopher Wise] In black ink. No escutcheon. A straight crest wreath charged with a demi-lion, rampant, holding a damask rose, stalked leaved and seeded, in the mouth a snake that is entwined about the body.

252. [Bookplate for Henry Gilbert Wintle] [Bookplate for Henry Gilbert Wintle] In black ink. No escutcheon. Straight crest wreath charged with a stag, lodged, proper, on grass, with a three-leaved twig in its mouth.

253. [Bookplate for John T. Jeffcock] [Bookplate for John T. Jeffcock] In black ink. Escutcheon parted per cross. First and fourth quarter, sable (black). A chief, argent (silver), three ravens, trussed, sable. A chevron, or (gold). Three pickaxes, two over one. Cadency, crescent, linking the first and second quarters. Second quarter, parted per cross. First and fourth sub-quarter, argent, an eagle, displayed, sable, with a canton, vert (green), a buck, lodged. Second and third quarters sable, the lower half of the shield a barry of six pieces, argent and sable, a square castle, turreted, two in pale two in fess. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a mountain and an arm embowed holding a long pointed weapon with a circular handle. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the English motto.

254. [Bookplate for Thomas Jenings] [Bookplate for Thomas Jenings] In black ink. Argent, a chevron, gules (red), three cages two over one. Gryphon, couped, atop straight crest wreath, wings addorsed and elevated, cage hanging from open beak. On the dexter and sinister sides, two figures, nude, outside hands hold flowered mantling, inside hands point to chevron. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

255. [Bookplate for Basil Thomas Woodd by Benjamin Warwick] [Bookplate for Basil Thomas Woodd by Benjamin Warwick] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. The first pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, gules (red), are charged with three demi-Hercules, two over one. Quarters two and three, sable (black), are charged with gryphons rampant, segreant. The second pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, or (gold), charged with a lion rampant, sable, on a chief, gules, in the middle part a fillet, dovetailed, argent (silver). Quarters two and three, azure (blue), are charged with a fleur-de-lis. The escutcheon is set upon a backdrop of concentric circles. The inner circle is decorated with vine-like patterns. Within the outer circle, the originator's Latin motto "non nobis" appears. Below the concentric circles, the creator's signature and address, Benjn. Warwick 124 Regent Street appear. Above the circle is a peer helmet, surrounded by vegetative mantling, and atop the helmet is a straight wreath charged with a demi-figure of Hercules. (Bernard Burke considers the Hercules figures to be woodmen holding a club over their right shoulders or savages, depending upon the source consulted).

256. [Bookplate for Thomas Taylor by James Cole] [Bookplate for Thomas Taylor by James Cole] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, sable (black) charged at the nombril point with a lion statant. The rococo escutcheon has scalloped edges at the top and is surrounded by vegetative mantling. Hidden in the mantling is the creator's signature, Cole sc. Above the crest is a straight wreath charged with a leopard statant and below the escutcheon is a banner containing Taylor's Latin motto.

257. [Bookplate by Francis Adams Sc.] [Bookplate by Francis Adams Sc.] In black ink. Escutcheon parted per cross. First quarter, or, a lion, gules, rampant. Second quarter, argent, an arm embowed fessways holding an axe shaped like a cross formy. Third quarter, argent, a lymphad, sails furled, on water. Fourth quarter, argent, a fish on water. Shield supporters, two horse-like beasts with short tails, combatant. Helm, a diadem topped with a lion, couped. Below the escutcheon is a banner with mantling containing the Latin motto.

258. [Bookplate for Thomas Le Marchant] [Bookplate for Thomas Le Marchant] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. The first pale is divided in a paly of three, or (gold) and azure (blue). Dexter and sinister palys, or, are charged with a tree. While the center paly, azure, is charged with middle chief, a label and at the fess point a lion rampant. The second pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four are gules (red) and charged with three boar heads. Quarters two and three are argent (silver) on a chief, gules, charged with two mullets, argent. Above the crest is a straight wreath charged with a demi-lion, rampant, who clutches a scythe. The demi-lion is charged with two fleur-de-lis and below the escutcheon is a banner containing Le Marchant Thomas' Latin motto.

259. [Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller] [Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller] In red ink. This bookplate displays a classical theme. A neoclassical urn, draped with a laurel garland serves as the back-drop for the escutcheon. The escutcheon, argent (silver), is charged with three bull's heads caboshed, situated two over one. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger sejant. This component is encircled by the originator's Latin motto. The urn is set upon a pedestal with an oval background, framed by a garland. At the base, between the oval background and laurel garland frame, appears the name and location of the creator.

260. [Bookplate for George Wilkins] [Bookplate for George Wilkins] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), charged with two swords saltier, and on a chief argent (silver) are three mullets pierced, sable (black). Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath charged with a demi-gryphon, rampant, regardant, segreant, gules, holding aloft a sword. Below the escutcheon is a banner displaying the originator's Latin motto.
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