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161. [Bookplate for Spencer Walpole] [Bookplate for Spencer Walpole] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, or (gold), with a fess sable (black), charged with three cross crosslets, or. Top and bottom sections are charged with a chevron, sable. Entire shield is placed within a circle, with bookplate owner's name circling at the border.

162. [Bookplate for John Bebb] [Bookplate for John Bebb] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), with an or (gold) embattled fess. The fess contains two cross crosslets. On the azure surface of the escutcheon are three crescents, two over one. The escutcheon is bordered by an elaborate frame and topped by a visored helm in profile. Atop the helm is a crest wreath and an unicorn's head, couped and horned. From the helm flows extensive mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.

163. [Bookplate for Heffernan Considine] [Bookplate for Heffernan Considine] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three lions passant gardant, gules (red). The crest, atop a straight wreath, appears as a dexter arm, vambraced, and holding a sword. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

164. [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with long stemmed flowers and a softly invected saltier, vert (green). Three flower stems, layered below the saltier, rise from the earth at middle base. At the honour point appears an open blossom, and on either side of the fess point are closed blossoms. The shield is crested by a diadem decorated with feathers. The Latin motto appears on the saltier, written from dexter chief to sinister base.

165. [Bookplate for W. M. B. Hartley] [Bookplate for W. M. B. Hartley] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a cross, gules (red). The cross is charged with a roundlet, argent, at its centre and four cinque foil. At the dexter chief and sinister base are martlets closed. Perched atop the shield, on a straight crest wreath is a third martlet closed, holding a cross crosslet fitched in its beak. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

166. [Bookplate for James Penderel Brodhurst] [Bookplate for James Penderel Brodhurst] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon quartered per cross. The dexter chief and sinister base quarters are azure (blue) with fretty of twelve pieces, or (gold) and embattled. The sinister chief and dexter base quarters are argent (silver) and contain a sable (black) fess on which are three royal crowns. On the argent background is a tree. Located at the precise middle chief of the escutcheon is a label, which represents the first son. Raised above the shield are two straight crest wreaths. Atop the dexter is a nested swan, wings displayed azure and elevated, with fretty of twelve pieces, or and embattled. On the belly of the swan is a sable etoile. Atop the sinister crest wreath sit crossed a sceptre and a sword. Above them is a royal crown. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

167. [Bookplate for Fra. Love Beckford] [Bookplate for Fra. Love Beckford] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon quartered per cross, with an escutcheon of pretence. On the first escutcheon, the dexter chief and sinister base quarters are divided themselves per pale, with the dexter being gules (red) and the sinister azure (blue). The quarters contain an argent (silver) chevron, which itself contains three argent eagles, displayed. The quarters also contain three marlets, two over one. The sinister chief and dexter base quarters of the escutcheon are argent with three gules bars. Above the bars are three lion heads, erased. The escutcheon of pretence is divided by an embattled fess. The base is argent and the chief, which contains three bezant (gold roundlets), is sable (black). Atop the shield is a straight crest wreath and a heron's head, erased. In the mouth of the heron is a fish, hauriant.

168. [Bookplate for William Charles de Meuron Wentworth-FitzWilliam by John Vinycomb] [Bookplate for William Charles de Meuron Wentworth-FitzWilliam by John Vinycomb] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon framed by a solid bordure. The escutcheon is divided quarterly ; first and fourth quadrants are lozengy, argent (silver) and gules (red) ; second and third quadrants are sable (black) with an or (gold) chevron, and three lion heads, two over one. The escutcheon is crested by a large earl's coronet. Above the coronet are two additional crests ; the dexter consists of a helm, sinister and grated, crowned by what appears to be a duke's coronet, and elaborate mantling ; the sinsister consists of a helm, dexter and grated, topped by a curved wreath, a gryphon passant, and elaborate mantling. The escutcheon and bordure are supported by a male "savage" on either side. In heraldry, the "savage" is a symbol of wildness and purity. Both figures are bearded and nude, except for a wreath of leaves to cover their middle section. Both figures hold a tree trunk. The dexter figure, who appears younger, holds the trunk with his right arm and it descends behind him. The sinister figure, who appears older, holds the trunk with his left arm and it descends in front of him. The escutcheon and the figures rest on a mantel, which is draped with a banner containing the Latin motto. From the mantel hang three medals ; the medal on the left represents the Order of the British Empire, the medal in the centre represents the Royal Victorian Order, and the medal on the right represents the Distinguished Service Order.

169. [Bookplate for Charles Bathurst] [Bookplate for Charles Bathurst] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The dexter side, sable (black), contains two bars, ermine (design representing white powdered fur with black tufts). At the centre of the top bar there is a crescent, or (gold), within a mullet, gules (red). On the top third of the sable background are three cross formy, or. The sinister side is itself divided per pale, ermine and ermines (design representing black fur powdered with argent [silver]). It contains three fleurs-de-lis all counter-changed, two over one, and contains a chevron charged with five lozenges, ermine and ermines all counter-changed. Atop the shield, but not resting on it, is a straight crest wreath and an arm embowed, with fist clenched holding a spiked club. The arm is charged with a crescent, or , within a mullet, gules.

170. [Bookplate for Monk] [Bookplate for Monk] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The dexter quadrant, gules (red), is charged with a chevron, argent (silver), and three lion heads, erased, two over one. The sinister quadrant, azure (blue), is charged with a lion, rampant, and three scrolls, two over one with the lion in-between. Above the escutcheon is a curved crest wreath, and a dragon, erect and gules, with tail nowed.

171. [Bookplate for Castle-Freke Library by Griffiths and Weigall] [Bookplate for Castle-Freke Library by Griffiths and Weigall] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale, with the dexter half divided into six, each with unique charges, and the sinister half, gules (red), charged with a simple fess or (gold). The dexter half is charged with three cross crosslet fitched, two over one. The escutcheon is supported by two lions, rampand reguardant. Above the escutcheon are two crests, both straight wreaths charged with an ox's head couped and a lion rampant reguardant holding another beast's head. Above the crests is a baron coronet. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within. Bookplate is cut to border, which has blunted corners.

172. [Bookplate for Sir W. G. Gordon Cumming] [Bookplate for Sir W. G. Gordon Cumming] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon braced between two white horse supporters. The escutcheon is quartered and counter-charged. Two quarters contain three garbes on an azure (blue) background, two over one. The other two quarters contain three garters, sable (black), charged with three roses each, on an argent (silver) background. The shield also contains an inescutcheon charged with a coat of arms. Atop the escutcheon is a helm and mantling. The helm is crested by a curved wreath and a lion, rampant, holding a dagger in its right paw. Above the lion is a banner containing the English motto. Below the shield and its supporters are more ornamental mantling and a suspended banner.

173. [Bookplate for George J. Campbell] [Bookplate for George J. Campbell] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon bearing the arms of the ancient Scottish family Campbell, presented as a Gyronny of eight, or (gold) and sable (black). The escutcheon is bordered in gules (red) with 7 escallopes. The escutcheon contains a canton, also Gyronny of eight, gules and ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts). The crest, atop a curved wreath, is an eagles head, erased. Over the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto. Below the shield are two oak branches tied together by a ribbon.

174. [Bookplate for John Campbell] [Bookplate for John Campbell] This bookplate consists of an elaborately bordered escutcheon containing the arms of the ancient Scottish family of Campbell, heavily mantled with flora. The Campbell arms are Gyronny of eight, or (gold) and sable (black). The crest, atop a curved wreath, appears as a cubit arm holding a horseman's spur and strap. Below the shield is a banner containing the English motto.

175. [Bookplate for John Phillips Beavan] [Bookplate for John Phillips Beavan] This bookplate consists of an eagle perched atop a straight crest wreath, its wings displayed and inverted. In the mouth of the bird is an argent (silver) annulet.

176. [Bookplate for William Brummell] [Bookplate for William Brummell] This bookplate consists of an azure (blue) escutcheon with a wavy argent (silver) fess. At the dexter, middle, and sinister chief are three birds, wings closed. Above the middle chief bird is a label, the mark of an eldest son. At the base are two etoiles. Perched atop the shield, on a straight crest wreath, is a fourth bird holding a twig in its beak. The shield is framed with floral mantling.

177. [Bookplate for Macdonald Bridges] [Bookplate for Macdonald Bridges] This bookplate consists of an argent escutcheon divided by a sable (black) cross. At the centre of the cross is a small lion's head. Atop the three-pointed shield is a small crest wreath on which rests a voyageur-type human figure, couped. Above the image is a banner containing the French motto. Below the shield is a tree, or bush, which grows up both sides of the shield, resembling heraldic mantling.

178. [Bookplate for Bond] [Bookplate for Bond] This bookplate consists of an argent (silver) escutcheon with a sable (black) chevron. On the chevron are three plate (argent roundlets). Atop the shield is a straight crest wreath, on which sits a lion, sejant. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

179. [Bookplate for John Leeds Bozman] [Bookplate for John Leeds Bozman] This bookplate consists of an argent (silver) escutcheon with a gules (red) fess. On the escutcheon are three sable (black) eagles, displayed, two over one. Raised above the shield on floral mantling is a curved crest wreath, and a perched cockatrice. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

180. [Bookplate for Charles Perrin Smith] [Bookplate for Charles Perrin Smith] This bookplate consists of a very detailed coat of arms, which is divided per pale. The first half at dexter has fifteen quarterings, which are as follows: azure (blue) with a chevron argent (silver), charged with a crescent, between three cocks ; sable (black) charged with three griffin's heads erased ; sable and argent (silver) divided per fess with a lion rampant ; argent charged with a lion passant, between three fleur de lis, two over one ; gules and argent, divided quarterly, charged with four lions passant ; or (gold) charged with a lion gules rampant ; ermine (fur) charged with a lion sable rampant ; azure with a chevron argent, between three cocks ; gules with two lions passant, one above the other ; ermines and sable, divided per bend sinister, charged with a lion sable rampant ; argent, a bordure engrailed or charged with three Griffin's heads, erased gules ; argent and gules, divided per quarterly, quarters one and four argent, charged with three boars' heads and quarters two and th.
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