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241. [Bookplate for George Desbarats] [Bookplate for George Desbarats] Black ink on cream paper. A slim, beaded border with curlicues in each corner surrounds the title of Desbarats private library. Above Desbarats’ name “Madame” is handwritten in black ink. A blank number line is printed below the title with two handwritten entries.

242. [Bookplate for George E. Longley by Francis Adams Sc.] [Bookplate for George E. Longley by Francis Adams Sc.] Black ink on white paper with cropped corners. The crest features an arm grasping a dagger. The blade of the dagger has pierced the head of a bearded man that resembles a lion head. The arm is atop a crest-wreath. The wreath sits on a flower with a round center and 5 petals. To strips extend out of the flower across the front and back of a ribbon, connecting to the top of the shield. The ribbon extends straight out with curling ends. The motto is printed on the ribbon in black, capitalized, serif font. Shield is ermine with a black bend. Bend charged with three cheetah heads. Underneath the shield, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in elaborate gothic block font. The first letter of each part of the name is outlined with a black border, while the remaining letters are printed in black. Swirling lines and dots embellish the text. Below the name, a location is printed in smaller, sentence case, black serif font. Underneath this text is another swirling line with several dots, to the right of which text is printed in capitalized block serif letters with black outlines. In the bottom left of the bookplate, the creator’s name is printed in small, black, sentence case, serif font.

243. [Bookplate for George Francis Steele by E. J. W.] [Bookplate for George Francis Steele by E. J. W.] In black ink on white or cream paper it depicts a nude male figure riding a Pegasus in the upper left surrounded by a swirl of stars, planets, and other astronomical bodies. Another nude, winged male figure in the lower right holds a quill pen in his right hand and in his left, the end of a ribbon on which "EX LIBRIS / AD ASTRA" is written. A dark dome, possibly representing a planet, occupies the lower left. There are blue smudges, possibly ink, across the lower third of the bookplate.

244. [Bookplate for George G. Campbell] [Bookplate for George G. Campbell] Bookplate consists of text in both hand script and letterpress.

245. [Bookplate for George Grey] [Bookplate for George Grey] In black ink, this bookplate contains an escutcheon with a barry of six pieces, argent (silver) and azure (blue), and a bend gules (red). On the bend are three roundlets bezant (gold). A diadem crest containing a swan rising with wings addorsed and elevated, and a trefoil on its breast. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.

246. [Bookplate for George Grote] [Bookplate for George Grote] This bookplate features a meander patterned oval frame with an escutcheon divided per pale, or (gold) and argent (silver) and vert (green), charged with three trees. Above the frame is a single tree and below is a banner containing the owner's name along with many floral elements.

247. [Bookplate for George H. Beans] [Bookplate for George H. Beans] This is simple black and white monogram design. Within a shield-shaped border is a simple plant growing from three mounds. The text is outside the border at the top and bottom.

248. [Bookplate for George H. Fensom by Thoreau MacDonald] [Bookplate for George H. Fensom by Thoreau MacDonald] In black ink. Landscape featuring a cabin overlooking a lake.

249. [Bookplate for George H. Fensom by Walter Lohse] [Bookplate for George H. Fensom by Walter Lohse] Black and yellow ink on thick, cream coloured paper. This bookplate features a well-lit, paned window framing a rearing Pegasus. Plants and vines surround the window.

250. [Bookplate for George Herbert Wailes] [Bookplate for George Herbert Wailes] This bookplate consists of a combination of heraldic and pictorial elements. At the centre, is an ovular frame containing an image of a nude woman in a crouching position, and holding a flower pot in her open hands. From the pot, stands a single flower. Above the frame is a small escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a crane. The crest is a dexter helm, itself topped by a straight wreath, and a horseman's spur and strap, accompanied on either side by a pair of wings erect. Behind the crest is a banner containing the Latin motto.

251. [Bookplate for George Macaulay Booth] [Bookplate for George Macaulay Booth] This is a pictorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. In the foreground are cobblestones and an open doorway. On the left of the doorway is a desk with a lit candle and an open book on it and in the middle of the doorway is a sundial. Outside of the doorway are rolling hills with two paths: one leading to a village and the other to a bay with two boats on it. A sun sets/rises over the bay. At the bottom is a Latin inscription framed with two roses that reads: "Nec temere nec timide [neither rashly nor timidly] / Dulce Periculum [danger is sweet]." Two animals are portrayed on the right and left sides of the inscription.

252. [Bookplate for George Murray Humphry] [Bookplate for George Murray Humphry] Bookplate design consists of text with lined border surrounding.

253. [Bookplate for George R. Alexander] [Bookplate for George R. Alexander] This heraldic bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon with a galley at its centre. A galley is an ancient vessel propelled by oars, and is frequently used in the heraldry of naval officers. Also on the escutcheon are three cross crosslets fitchy sable -- one in dexter chief, one in sinister chief, and one in precise middle base. Atop the escutcheon is a half-visored helm in profile. Within the helm, one can see what appears to be the face of a cat. The helm is topped by a crest wreath and a horse's head, proper, couped and gules (red). From the helm flows extensive or and gules mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.

254. [Bookplate for George R. Maxwell] [Bookplate for George R. Maxwell] Heraldic bookplate. Two rampant stags support an argent shield. At the centre of the shield is a two-headed black eagle with its wings and legs spread and its heads turned to opposite sides. On the chest of the eagle is a square with a black X. "Reviresco" I flourish again.

255. [Bookplate for George Short by R. Silvester] [Bookplate for George Short by R. Silvester] In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale, charged with a mullet at precise middle chief. The dexter half, gules (red) with an ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts) chief, is charged with a gryphon, rampant. The sinister half, argent (silver), contains a fess, vert (green), charged with three stag's heads, cabossed. The escutcheon is crested by a wreath and a demi-gryphon, with wings displayed and elevated. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto. The artist's mark, "Silvester sculp. 27 Strand, London." Is present on the bookplate. R. Silvester was a London engraver. According to Fitcham, his earliest appearance is in the London Directory of 1806.

256. [Bookplate for George T. Irving] [Bookplate for George T. Irving] Printed in brown ink, the bookplate depicts a rigged wooden ship, with full sails, on water. A bird soars into the foreground. “Ex Libris” half-circles the image, while a literary quote from Emily Dickinson, and the bookplate owner’s name, are printed below.

257. [Bookplate for George T. Turner by H. L. Peckmore] [Bookplate for George T. Turner by H. L. Peckmore] This philatelic bookplate consists of images of eight stamps. Six of the stamps (one elongated stamp in brown ink, two stamps in blue ink, and 3 in red ink) encircle a large circular stamp printed in black ink. At the lower right corner of the bookplate is the eighth stamp, printed in brown ink. Those stamps which are identifiable include: The stamp containing a hand of cards represents a stamp from the New York Consolidated Card Co., in use from 1876 to 1883 ; the stamp of a healthy man assualting a skeleton represents Sc. RS56, from 1880 for William E. Clarke - Hunt's Remedy ; the stamp containing a battleship represents a an issue from the Battleship Series of1898 ; and the stamp containing a bi-plane in the lower right corner represents the 1918 First Airmail Series - 6 Cents Curtiss Jenny. The remaining stamps have not been exactly identified. A circular seal at the lower left corner of the bookplate contains the originator's name and date ; and at the middle base is a rectangular box containing an identification of the library and an image of a set of books between book-ends. To the right can be found the artist's mark, "H. L. Peckmore". H. L. Peckmore & Son is a US printer of philatelic materials.

258. [Bookplate for George Wilbraham] [Bookplate for George Wilbraham] In black ink. Escutcheon parted per pale, the sinister half azure, a bend, argent, engrailed, two bendlets, or, on either side. The dexter half parted per cross. The first and fourth quarters, argent, bendy of seven, argent and azure. The second and third quarters, barry of five, argent and azure, a canton, sable, with a wolf. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a wolf. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

259. [Bookplate for George Wilkins] [Bookplate for George Wilkins] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), charged with two swords saltier, and on a chief argent (silver) are three mullets pierced, sable (black). Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath charged with a demi-gryphon, rampant, regardant, segreant, gules, holding aloft a sword. Below the escutcheon is a banner displaying the originator's Latin motto.

260. [Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.] [Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.] Multicoloured ink on cream paper. Leaves with three pointed leaves adorn the corner of a brick pattern background. The leaves and brick are a pale green. There is an elaborate image printed on top of the pale green pattern. The bricks form an arch shape in the top centre to surround an elaborate multicoloured, painted arch. The arch is brown, gold, and black with ‘X’ decorations and borders. The arch surrounds a multicolour stained glass window, at the forefront of which sits a monk writing in a book. The stained glass window features a central circular decoration with three red circular borders surrounding three yellow circles, in the center of which are yellow flowers with three petals and green accents. In the outer spaces between the circles are rounded triangular lined insertions. At the very center of the three circles is a three ringed circle. To the bottom left and right of the circle decoration are more teardrop shaped sections with tapered bottoms. They each features yellow flowers with stems. Below the right floral decoration are two more similarly shaped sections with a swirling ribbon in each atop a blue crosshatch background. The arch connects to a Romanesque pillar on either side. The arch connects to an elaborately decorated bench, which has a golden floral motif. A bearded monk sits on the bench in floor-length yellow robes. The monk faces the right, where there is a desk. The desk is decorated on the side with ‘X’ decorations. Atop the desk is an open book that the monk is writing on. Below the desk is a decorative bird with a long, curved neck and floral elements extending from its back. The bird is accented with gold. To the right of the bird, partly reaching up to the top of the desk, are two rolled up pieces of paper. The floor consists of two thin platforms with green accents. A smaller rectangle is below with a gold crosshatch pattern. Text in the style of medieval manuscripts is printed atop. The first letter of each word is more stylized and in red font ; the rest of the text is blue. A thin ledge extends from the bottom of that rectangle. It tapers down to a more narrow line with two small pointed feet at the left and right sides. In that small section is a repeating geometric pattern in gold on a brown background. Below the entire image is small, red, capitalized, sans-serif font.
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