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41. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] This heraldic bookplate is printed on cream paper with dark brown ink, and consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), charged with three church bells, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a helmet at three quarters profile in esquire form, with mantling radiating from it. Above the helmet is a straight wreath crested by the head of a lion in profile. Below the crest is a banner, with Latin motto within.

42. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A lion rampant holding a stemmed (slipped) rose above the entwined letters G or C and H, through which is woven a banner with the Latin phrase. The bookplate is rendered in some kind of red ink, which is raised from the paper both from embossing (visible on the back) and a way that the ink itself is raised from the paper.

43. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The text is surrounded by small diamond shapes in a linear pattern.

44. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A simple border surrounds the text. On the top left is the crest of Cercle La Salle. It shows a shield divided in three: at the top is a lit oil lamp, on the bottom left are three vertical fleur-de-lis and at the bottom right is a cross over top of a crossed pen and sword. A banner over the top of the crest contains the name of the organization and one at the bottom contains the motto. Maple branches present a wreath at the bottom.

45. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black on light gray paper, a decorative border surrounds text. Handwritten text at top and bottom.

46. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black on light gray paper, a decorative border surrounds text.

47. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black on beige paper, a decorative border surrounds text. Manuscript notation in purple ink in upper right.

48. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The text of the bookplate is surrounded by an elaborate border decorated with various religious figures and themes. Angels kneel on either side of the upper corners and face inwards towards a man holding a book and looking outwards from an arch. The sides are decorated with ornate columns, at the bottom of which are crosses and a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Both the top and bottom portions of the border are decorated with stylized curls. The word 'Catholic' is printed in a bold font, and 'Circulating Library' is in a curly stylized Gothic font. The rules of the library are divided from the rest of the text by bars at the top and bottom, and there is a hand symbol pointing to the library's hours of operation at the bottom of the bookplate. The price of the library subscription is given in shillings, dating this to the era of the Canadian pound which was in use until currency decimalization came into force in 1858.

49. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A stylized floral border surrounds the text, which is written in several different fonts and is found in the middle of the bookplate. The word 'Catholic' is written in a curly font with the words 'Circulating Library' printed in Gothic below. The book number is printed underneath, and there is a line dividing the upper part of the text from the middle, which lists the library rules. Below the library rules is another line, and below this is a hand symbol which points to further information on the library hours. The cost of subscription is given in cents, dating this bookplate after 1858, the year in which currency decimalization came into force in Canada.

50. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Five lines of text enclosed within a double border of one thick and one thin line. The words 'Cote St. Antoine' are written in a slightly curled font, and the words 'Methodist S.S. Library' are in bold. There is a space for the number of the book to be written in by hand. The bookplate also includes the terms of borrowing.

51. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The bookplate is printed in navy blue ink. The name, address, telephone number and hours are printed at the top. Underneath this block of text is a line, and the remainder of the bookplate is split into two halves. The headings 'terms' 'time limit' 'renewal notice' and 'care' are printed on the left-hand side of the split, and the corresponding information is printed on the right-hand side. Underneath this block is a line, the words 'Please protect your book in wet weather' and another solid line.

52. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.

53. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black ink on paper. This bookplate is surrounded by a simple border. It states "This Book Belongs to The Citizen's Public Library of Sydney C.B. 1898" which places the bookplate on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, Canada.

54. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black ink on cream paper. An ornate border with curlicues in each corner houses the title, location, and loan policies of the library. Between the city and the loan policy is a vertical dividing line with a curlicue in the centre.

55. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Black ink on cream paper. A printed cloth border with four-petal flowers in the upper-right and upper-left corners houses the title, location, and loan policies of the library. The cloth border does not extend to the top perimeter, and instead a single horizontal line runs between the two four-petal flowers. Directly above this horizontal line is a number written in blue ink. Between the city and the loan policy is a vertical dividing line with a curlicue in the centre. Beneath the loan policy is a number space in which a number has been entered in black ink with a line crossing it out in blue ink.

56. [Bookplate for Ziba Gallagher by Herbert Ecclestone] [Bookplate for Ziba Gallagher by Herbert Ecclestone] In brown ink. Bookplate's design is an image of a armoured knight mounted on a horse. Knight is carrying a banner in a wooded area. Background design is of a town or dwellings at a distance. Bookplate text contained within banner at base of design.

57. [Bookplate for York University] [Bookplate for York University] Red ink of white paper. York University shield at centre. Text at top and bottom. The shield is charged with a leaved tudor rose, and has a chief charged with two lions passant guardant.

58. [Bookplate for Wm. Read] [Bookplate for Wm. Read] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale gules (red) and argent (silver). The first half is charged with a bend wavy, charged with three birds. The second is charged with a chevron, with three roundlets, or (gold), one over two. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a bird. Between the wreath and escutcheon is a garter, and in place of mantling, stylized tree branches radiate from behind the escutcheon. The base of the tree continues below the escutcheon, and two banners are placed at the forefront. The first banner has Latin motto within, the second, bookplate owner's name.

59. [Bookplate for Winfred Overholser] [Bookplate for Winfred Overholser] This bookplate's design is a pictoral scene of a tall ship at sea, with gales of wind blowing at the sails and water. Bookplate text at base. In black ink.

60. [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] [Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with long stemmed flowers and a softly invected saltier, vert (green). Three flower stems, layered below the saltier, rise from the earth at middle base. At the honour point appears an open blossom, and on either side of the fess point are closed blossoms. The shield is crested by a diadem decorated with feathers. The Latin motto appears on the saltier, written from dexter chief to sinister base.
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