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61. [Bookplate for John T. Metcalfe] [Bookplate for John T. Metcalfe] In black ink, this bookplate consists of a monogram within an oval bordure, which contains the text and two solid cross formy.

62. [Bookplate for John Leveson Gower] [Bookplate for John Leveson Gower] This heraldic bookplate consists of a escutcheon, divided per cross or quarterly. Quarters one and four are argent (silver) with bars, gules (red) and charged with a cross patonce, sable (black). Quarters two and three are azure (blue) charged with leaves, two over one. The escutcheon is charged with an inescutcheon, argent, charged with a human hand, gules, at centre, which is a symbol of knighthood or baronet. Upon the escutcheon is a grated helmet positioned three-quartered, indicating peer (duke, baron, marquess, earl) status. Upon the helmet is a crest of a mountain lion or wolf, upon a straight wreath. The escutcheon is surrounded by elaborate mantling, and beneath the escutcheon is the bookplate text within an embellished border.

63. [Bookplate for John Lechmere] [Bookplate for John Lechmere] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), with a fess, or (gold). Above the fess at dexter and sinister chief, the escutcheon is charged with two birds, possibly pelicans, wings addorsed and inverted. Above the escutcheon is a ducal crown without a cap, which is charged with the same bird, wings addorsed and inverted. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto inside.

64. [Bookplate for John Keeling] [Bookplate for John Keeling] This heraldic bookplate consists of a Chippendale-styled escutcheon, sable (black), charged with a lion rampant. The lion holds an inescutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a cross fitchy. The escutcheon is crested by a demi-lion atop a mural coronet, again holding an inescutcheon, argent, charged with a cross fitchy. The escutcheon is bordered by a decorative floral design, and at dexter, a dragon is positioned at the upper half. Flowers are present on the opposite side. Below the escutcheon, but within the floral design, the Latin motto is featured in a banner.

65. [Bookplate for John Eardley Wilmot] [Bookplate for John Eardley Wilmot] In black ink. A marshalling of 12, this bookplate incorporates several notable charges, including two sets of eagle heads, erased, a leg erased, three garbes, a stag salient with hounds in pursuit, a scythe, three bugle-horns, three maiden's busts, three crosses-crosslet, three mullets and a lion rampant. The escutcheon is surrounded by an ornate, foliage border in the Chippendale style. It is crowned with a peer helmet, set upon a vegetative backdrop. The mantling supports two straight wreathes, charged with a demi-eagle, holding an escalop in its beak (dexter) and a stag courant (sinister). Among the many heraldic armorials depicted, this bookplate includes several identifiable familial crests. The originator's descendants, include, from dexter chief to sinister base, the Wilmot family in armorial one, the Eardley family in armorial three and the Marrow family in armorial seven. The Wilmot family armorial displays a sable (black) background parted per fess, or (gold), with three escalops on the fess, situated between three eagle heads, erased, two over one. The Eardley family armorial is argent (silver), with a chevron, azure (blue), charged with three garbes (sheaves of corn) and in canton gules (red) a fret, or. The Marrow family armorial is azure, parted per fess, or, engrailed, situated between three maiden's busts, two over one.

66. [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] This bookplate's design features, in black ink, an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged on the fess with three cinque foils within an indented bordure. Above the escutcheon is a tilting helmet, charged with a straight wreath and a dexter hand couped at the wrist, which holds a laurel wreath aloft. Decorative vegetative mantling surrounds the escutcheon within the bounds of a rectangular frame. Behind the laurel wreath, waves a banner containing the bookplate originator's Latin motto and below the coat of arms is a separate compartment containing the originator's name. This bookplate appears to be a smaller version of BP MUR SL P H475b, but the creator's initials are barely visible amongst the mantling.

67. [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] [Bookplate for John Charles Alison Heriot by Graham Johnston] This bookplate's design features, in black ink, an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged on the fess with three cinque foils within an indented bordure. Above the escutcheon is a tilting helmet, charged with a straight wreath and a dexter hand couped at the wrist, which holds a laurel wreath aloft. Decorative vegetative mantling surrounds the escutcheon within the bounds of a rectangular frame. The bookplate designer's initials and the date of creation are hidden among the mantling. Behind the laurel wreath, waves a banner containing the bookplate originator's Latin motto and below the coat of arms is a separate compartment containing the originator's name. A smaller version of this bookplate may also be viewed at BP MUR SL P H475a.

68. [Bookplate for John Caton Thompson] [Bookplate for John Caton Thompson] In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield parted per pale, baron and femme, three coats ; first, or, a bordure, argent, a lion rampant ; second, parted per fess, sable, on a chevron argent, between three swans' heads, two over one, erased at the neck, ducally gorged, three pellet one over two ; in base (same as second) sable, on a chevron argent, between three swans' heads, two over one, erased at the neck, ducally gorged, three pellet one over two. Above a straight wreath, the crest of a lion rampant, ducally gorged. Below the shield, laurel sprigs. At the bottom of the ex libris appears the name 'John Caton Thompson.'.

69. [Bookplate for John A. Macdonald] [Bookplate for John A. Macdonald] Black ink on cream paper. Above the escutcheon sits a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet, gules (red), on a vizored helm with mantling. Escutcheon is divided per quarter. The quarterly field near dexter chief is argent (silver) with a lion rampant, gules, and near sinister chief, or (gold), is a dexter hand, erased, holding cross crosslet, gules. The quarterly field near the sinister base displays a fish naiant on water, vert (green), and near the dexter base, argent, is a lymphad in sable (black), azure (blue), and gules.

70. [Bookplate for James Ross Ballantyne] [Bookplate for James Ross Ballantyne] In black ink. An obelisk or tower with a door in front of and between black mountains.

71. [Bookplate for James Phinney Baxter] [Bookplate for James Phinney Baxter] In black ink. This ex-libris includes a portrait of the originator in the upper-right-hand corner, identified by his name and geographic locale. The remaining two-thirds of the bookplate consist of a depiction of the interior of a library. In a section spanning the base of the bookplate is a cursive, printed motto and a hand-written book number. The printed text is drawn from the last two lines of the second stanza of a poem composed by Baxter, entitled, "The Library."

72. [Bookplate for James Penderel Brodhurst] [Bookplate for James Penderel Brodhurst] This bookplate consists of an escutcheon quartered per cross. The dexter chief and sinister base quarters are azure (blue) with fretty of twelve pieces, or (gold) and embattled. The sinister chief and dexter base quarters are argent (silver) and contain a sable (black) fess on which are three royal crowns. On the argent background is a tree. Located at the precise middle chief of the escutcheon is a label, which represents the first son. Raised above the shield are two straight crest wreaths. Atop the dexter is a nested swan, wings displayed azure and elevated, with fretty of twelve pieces, or and embattled. On the belly of the swan is a sable etoile. Atop the sinister crest wreath sit crossed a sceptre and a sword. Above them is a royal crown. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.

73. [Bookplate for James Macdonald] [Bookplate for James Macdonald] Black ink on cream paper. Above the escutcheon sits a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet, gules (red), on a straight wreath. The escutcheon is divided per quarter. The quarterly field near dexter chief is or (gold) with a lion rampant, gules and near sinister chief, or, is a dexter hand, erased, holding cross crosslet, gules. The quarterly field near the sinister base displays a fish naiant on water, vert (green), and near the dexter base, or, is a lymphad in sable (black) and gules. The motto is written on a scroll above the crest.

74. [Bookplate for James G. J. Penderel Brodhurst by M. Soane] [Bookplate for James G. J. Penderel Brodhurst by M. Soane] This highly detailed bookplate contains an escutcheon quartered per cross, with a label (symbolizing an heir, first son) at the precise middle chief. The first and fourth quarters are argent (silver) with fretty of twelve pieces, embattled. The second and third quarters are argent, with a tree proper and a fess, argent with sable (black) fillet, containing three royal crowns. Upon the escutcheon rests a large coronet, resembling that of an earl. Above the coronet are two straight crest wreaths. On the dexter wreath is a nested swan, wings displayed argent and elevated, with fretty of twelve pieces, sable and embattled. On the belly of the swan is an argent mullet. On the sinister wreath are a crossed sceptre and sword. Above them is a royal crown. In between and on either side of the wreath symbols are what appear to be leaves. Above the wreath symbols is a banner containing the Latin motto. The escutcheon is accompanied by two supporters. The dexter supporter is a dragon with an argent mullet on its chest, while the sinister supporter is a griffin, also with a mullet on its chest. Below the escutcheon and the supporters is an additional banner.

75. [Bookplate for J. Hunt Stanford] [Bookplate for J. Hunt Stanford] An armorial bookplate printed in black ink on white paper. A buck couped argent (silver) with antlers or (gold) gorged gules (red) with a crest wreath, argent and azure (silver and blue), sits on a visored helm facing dextor with argent mantling. The shield: argent three bars azure, and in the dextor canton azure an arm or clenched with sword. The motto, 'Labore et honore' hangs below.

76. [Bookplate for J. G. Chilcott] [Bookplate for J. G. Chilcott] The text is in the centre of the bookplate, surrounded by a vine-like border. Four small flowers are in each corner of the border. The text 'TRURO' is bolded.

77. [Bookplate for Imperial Cotton Co. by R&M] [Bookplate for Imperial Cotton Co. by R&M] Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The scene depicts dark-skinned laborers working in a cotton field. In the right-hand side of the foreground, a laborer holds a large wicker basket full of cotton on their head. To the left are two other large wicker baskets full of cotton. At least four other laborers recede into the depth of the field. They wear loose, baggy clothing and wide-brimmed hats. In the background is a wide, low brick factory building with smokestacks on the far left and one low, square tower with a flag in the middle. Below this scene is the insignia of the Dominion Crown and the text identifying the Imperial Cotton Co.

78. [Bookplate for Hugh John Macdonald] [Bookplate for Hugh John Macdonald] Black ink on white paper. Above the escutcheon on a straight wreath, sits a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet. Below the wreath a vizored helm with mantling appears. The escutcheon is divided per quarter. The quarterly field near dexter chief is argent (silver) with a lion rampant and near sinister chief, or (gold), is a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet, gules. The quarterly field near the sinister base displays a fish naiant on water, vert (green) and a lymphad in the dexter base, argent. Below the escutcheon is a banner displaying the originator's Latin motto.

79. [Bookplate for Hood] [Bookplate for Hood] This bookplate consists of a escutcheon, azure (blue) and a fret, argent (silver), with a chief, or (gold), charged with three crescents. The shield features an inescutcheon or, with a chevron sable (black), charged with three wildcat heads cabossed, two over one. Above the inescutcheon is another small escutcheon argent, with a human hand gules, indicating the status of Knight and Baronet. Above the escutcheon is a viscount coronet, and the escutcheon is supported by a merman at dexter and a mermaid at sinister. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within. Below entire achievement is bookplate owner's name.

80. [Bookplate for Henry Torre] [Bookplate for Henry Torre] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon which is slightly askew, being tilted from the central vertical axis of the image. The escutcheon is parted per fess. In dexter chief sable (black), charged with a crescent above and a tower below, a bordure vair. In middle chief, azure (blue), embattled and counter-embattled, argent, with three sable roundlets. Above the partition charged with two stags proper tripping, and below with one stag proper, tripping. In sinister chief, argent, two bars, gules (red), in canton gules, charged with cross Moline, or (gold). In dexter base, barry of six pieces, or and azure, in canton, argent, charged with a chaplet. In middle base, sable (black), lion rampant. In sinister base, argent, sable with three lozenges, gules above, and four below. The rococo vegetative mantling above the escutcheon finishes on either side with a tassel and includes, at its center, a straight wreath charged with a gryphon passant situated atop a peer helmet. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the originator's Latin motto, with his name printed below.
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