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81. [Bookplate for Archer Martin] [Bookplate for Archer Martin] Heraldic bookplate created with black ink on white paper. Within two circles is a Norman pointed azure shield with a white cross of Calvary rising from the precise middle base to the precise middle chief. A sun in its splendour is in the dexter chief and a decressant (half) moon is in the sinister chief. Below the shield is a banner reading "sic itur ad astra" [Thus going/departing to glory/immortality]. A closed helmet (usually indicative of an esquire or gentleman) facing sinister is crowned with a wreathe and leaves. At the top of the circles is a star with six points and at the bottom of the circles is a flower.

82. [Bookplate for F. H. Barlow] [Bookplate for F. H. Barlow] Black ink on white paper. A frame with crosses in the four corners surrounds the text.

83. [Bookplate for Ethel Kingsley-Baillie and Charles Kingsley-Baillie] [Bookplate for Ethel Kingsley-Baillie and Charles Kingsley-Baillie] Textual and pictorial bookplate created using burgundy ink on ivory paper. The image and text are within a thin frame ; at the top centre is a standing dragon holding a ball below which is a banner.

84. [Bookplate for Roderick J. Barman by Margaret Noble] [Bookplate for Roderick J. Barman by Margaret Noble] This pictorial bookplate was created using black ink on red paper. The bookplate is in the shape of a Greek vase and portrays Clio the Muse of History sitting in a chair reading a scroll. In front of Clio is a basket of scrolls, on if which is inscribed with "M.N. 1966." [Greek text inscribed on chair and at the bottom of the bookplate reads "The Art so long, the Life so short."]

85. [Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black and F. Black] [Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black and F. Black] This is a commercial, pictorial bookplate displaying, in vivid colours, an antiquated ship sailing over the horizon. The names of the originators have been hand written onto a banner above the ship.

86. [Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black by Thoreau MacDonald] [Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black by Thoreau MacDonald] This pictorial engraving was created using black ink on white paper and portrays an island with two wind-swept trees with a rising/setting sun on the horizon.

87. [Bookplate for Joan Mary Bloxam] [Bookplate for Joan Mary Bloxam] Pictorial bookplate created using black ink on thick, ivory paper. A single tree is portrayed within a thin border of two lines.

88. [Bookplate for Edmond Bohy] [Bookplate for Edmond Bohy] This bookplate features brown ink on thick, coated paper. The image is of a man, mouth open, wearing a feathered fedora and a shirt with a broad collar [perhaps a jester collar] within a border consisting of dots and lines.

89. [Bookplate for George Macaulay Booth] [Bookplate for George Macaulay Booth] This is a pictorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. In the foreground are cobblestones and an open doorway. On the left of the doorway is a desk with a lit candle and an open book on it and in the middle of the doorway is a sundial. Outside of the doorway are rolling hills with two paths: one leading to a village and the other to a bay with two boats on it. A sun sets/rises over the bay. At the bottom is a Latin inscription framed with two roses that reads: "Nec temere nec timide [neither rashly nor timidly] / Dulce Periculum [danger is sweet]." Two animals are portrayed on the right and left sides of the inscription.

90. [Bookplate for Steve Borden by Larry Reynolds] [Bookplate for Steve Borden by Larry Reynolds] This pictorial bookplate, created using black ink on white paper, portrays two thieves in front of a bookshelf. Above the bookshelf is a pendant reading "Kent" and in the right hand corner is the artist's signature.

91. [Bookplate for Dickens Fellowship] [Bookplate for Dickens Fellowship] This pictorial bookplate features green ink on green paper. Morning-glories create a floral frame to the text, at the bottom of which is a picture of Dickens.

92. [Bookplate for John Peter Braselmann] [Bookplate for John Peter Braselmann] Pictorial bookplate created using black ink on white paper. The image portrays a scholar seated in front of a bookshelf, reading a large book. The border consists of open and closed books and two lit candles at the top right and left corners.

93. [Bookplate for Alma Bryner and Cyril Bryner] [Bookplate for Alma Bryner and Cyril Bryner] This bookplate portrays, in black ink on white paper, two easy chairs in front of a fireplace. Two figures are seated in the chairs (with only their feet showing) reading books.

94. [Bookplate for Frances Wahlstad Cochrane] [Bookplate for Frances Wahlstad Cochrane] Central image is of a portrait shaped rectangular frame surrounding a chequered field suggesting a window. Only black and the natural paper color are used. There is an elaborate metal candelabra on the lower left side of the chequered field. The metal of the three candle holders is coiled counter-clockwise down towards the base, and has a roman column base. There are three burning wax candles with white streamers flowing upwards from them mounted on the candelabra. Next to the candelabra are three horizontally stacked books. They are stacked with the bottom and topped books having the spine oriented at an angle towards the right front side of the image. The middle book has the opposite orientation of the spine.

95. [Bookplate for E. Bernulf Clegg] [Bookplate for E. Bernulf Clegg] A landscape shaped bookplate with a rectangular frame of vines surrounding the outside of the image and creating a frame. There are eight images of flowers, both closed and opened, flowing around the frame are regular intervals. Only black and the regular paper color is used in the image.

96. [Bookplate for Maija Calite] [Bookplate for Maija Calite] Image is of a daffodil with 6 petals emerging from a stem among three leafs. On the left side of the base of the flower is a baby chicken looking upwards at the flower.

97. [Bookplate for Maija Calite by Richards Skrubis] [Bookplate for Maija Calite by Richards Skrubis] Image is of a side profile of a woman (possibly originator) against a black and white background. There is a braid done in a circular pattern at the back of her hair and she is facing to the right.

98. [Bookplate for Peter Courchesne] [Bookplate for Peter Courchesne] The small image on this bookplate is located to the right and is merely a small opened book with, what looks like, a antiquarian writing on it.

99. [Bookplate for John M. Cameron by Soderberg] [Bookplate for John M. Cameron by Soderberg] Image is of a portrait shaped border composed of three black fillets surrounding alternating images, also flowing around the interior border, of thistles alternating between facing upwards and down. On the interior side of the frame of thistles are two more black fillets separating the frame of thistles from the central image of a large thistle and its leaves facing upwards.

100. [Bookplate for Coddington] [Bookplate for Coddington] The bookplate is an armorial bookplate that begins with the image of a lion's head facing to the dexter covered in a fretty pattern. At the base of the head is a trefoil leaf. The head is mounted above a wreath which is itself mounted above a shield. The shield is an argent shield upon which is mounted an argent fretty. In both the dexter chief and sinister base positions are square ermine insets upon which are mounted trefoil leaves. In the sinister chief and dexter base positions are square insets upon which are mounted lion heads facing dexter.
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