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[Bookplate by Colonist Lithography]
In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
Gilt framed shield with azure chief with open gilt book running from dexter chief to sinister chief with words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below three wavy lines on argent field. In base 11 gilt rays issuing from sun.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
Gilt framed shield with azure chief with open gilt book running from dexter chief to sinister chief with words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below three wavy lines on argent field. In base 11 gilt rays issuing from sun.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
Gilt framed shield with azure chief with open gilt book running from dexter chief to sinister chief with words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below three wavy lines on argent field. In base 11 gilt rays issuing from sun.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
Gilt framed shield with azure chief with open gilt book running from dexter chief to sinister chief with words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below three wavy lines on argent field. In base 11 gilt rays issuing from sun.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
Gilt framed shield with azure chief with open gilt book running from dexter chief to sinister chief with words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below three wavy lines on argent field. In base 11 gilt rays issuing from sun.
[Bookplate by University of British Columbia]
The bookplate has set after the initial text of, "THE LIBRARY," the following shield. A grey box holding the UBC shield inside. The shield is set in black in white with a grey chief within which a book running from sinister chief to dexter chief with the words 'Tuum est' inscribed. Below exist three wavy lines on an argent field. In the base is a sun with six rays issuing from it.
[Bookplate for A. H. Aszkanazy]
Egyptian scene with female figure sitting on a throne with a pyramidal structure in the background. The image is surrounded by a frame decorated with a winged sun disk and hieroglyphics. The winged sun disk represents the god Horus Behudety (a variation of Horus) and appears frequently in ancient Egyptian architecture.
[Bookplate for Alex Watters]
Printed in black ink on cream or tan paper the book plate features a bare-chested female figure in an art deco style holding a foil in her right hand and wiping the blade with a cloth in her left hand. Behind the figure's head is a sun burst design. The figure wears an elaborate headpiece as well as an involved crescent moon necklace and a flowered sarong. To the left of the figure, the words 'Tis / DEATH / To / KEEP' appear vertically. To the right of the figure appear the words 'EX / LIBRIS' horizontally and the words 'ALEX / WATTERS' vertically.
[Bookplate for Antonii Steiner and J. E. Horvath by K. M. S.]
A central panel with the ownership text is surrounded by mantling that comes out of a vase at the bottom. Flanking the ownership panel there are two figures, one holding a scale and the second one holding a stack of books. Entwined in the mantling on the top there are a lyre and a globe. The top of the bookplate is crowned with a rising sun.
[Bookplate for Archer Martin]
Heraldic bookplate created with black ink on white paper. Within two circles is a Norman pointed azure shield with a white cross of Calvary rising from the precise middle base to the precise middle chief. A sun in its splendour is in the dexter chief and a decressant (half) moon is in the sinister chief. Below the shield is a banner reading "sic itur ad astra" [Thus going/departing to glory/immortality]. A closed helmet (usually indicative of an esquire or gentleman) facing sinister is crowned with a wreathe and leaves. At the top of the circles is a star with six points and at the bottom of the circles is a flower.
[Bookplate for C. J. Sisson]
A sun burst with a face. Profile of a black crow, wings stretched out, and beak apart perched on a ball with the name of the bookplate owner, and a ribbon with MORTUI RESURGENT.
[Bookplate for Charles Theodore Hart]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features the head of a stag in profile on a crest-wreath. The shield is pointed at the top left, top right, and bottom corners. The bottom of the shield curves to a central point. The shield is argent with a sable chevron charged with two stars on the top left and top right sides. The stars are white with black shading and a black circle in the center. Below the chevron the shield is charged with a springing stag. Below the shield the motto is printed on a ribbon in capitalized, serif font. Underneath the motto is the bookplate owner’s name in curling, italicized font.
[Bookplate for Christine Harder and Michael B. Kunze]
Black ink on white paper. Smiling sun overlooks a star, a rampant lion and a smiling crescent moon.
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