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[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A green rectangular border surrounds the central image and writing. Three Japanese Umeboshi (Sour plums) are present with the red and green ones standing upright while the yellow one sits on its side.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A black outlined fan shaped segway, with the larger side facing upwards contains the central image of the bookplate. The central image is of a black tree sitting on the left with numerous green covered branches drooping downward. A blue Mt. Fuji sits in the background and numerous grey lines drawn amongst the two images suggest the presence of rain within the scene.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A blue frame surrounds a yellow plaque with a black cow facing to the right in a riclining position on it. A green tie sits on the top and a Japanese family Hanko sits over the hind part of the cow.
[Bookplate for Ágoston Tamás-György and J. E. Horvath by K. M. S.]
This bookplate uses some architectural features to create a grid with nine cells. The centre of the image has a panel with the ownership information. The top of this panel serves as the floor for two figures practicing fencing that are framed with an arch. This arch is supported on two square boxes at the top corners of the image. There is a flower vase on top and books inside each box. Similar boxes with apple branches mark the bottom corners. The spaces between these boxes are supported by columns that flank two sportive figures, a hockey player on the left and a hunter on the right. In the bottom central area a small row boat sits in water.
[Bookplate for Antony F. C. Tétrault]
Printed in black ink on white paper, the bookplate shows an open book in front of a lit, winged torch. Below the book appear the words 'EX LIBRIS' below which sits a black dividing line approximately 1.2 CM long. Below the line appears the word 'DATE:' below which appears a dotted line for the addition of a hand-written date. Below the dotted line appears the name of the owner, 'Antony F. C. Tétrault.'.
[Bookplate for Atkinson]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of a pheon (an arrow with a flat barbed head, thrown from a cross bow) proper atop a straight wreath, which sits upon a strung curtain.
[Bookplate for Bond]
This bookplate consists of an argent (silver) escutcheon with a sable (black) chevron. On the chevron are three plate (argent roundlets). Atop the shield is a straight crest wreath, on which sits a lion, sejant. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Boys and Girls Library of the National Council of Jewish Women by G. H.]
A large book with a man peeking out of its splayed pages hovers above a collection of images from children’s literature: ships, trains, flamingo, cat, knight on horseback,and other human figures. The symbol of the National Council of Jewish Women sits at the center of the book plate with the date of the organization's foundation.
[Bookplate for Brisset]
In black ink. Escutcheon parted per pale. Dexter side, gyrony of six pieces, argent [white] and ermines. The sinister side, argent with three escalops, two over one. On top of the escutcheon sits a grated peers' helmet surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.
[Bookplate for Charles Felix Aylwin]
In black ink. Escutcheon parted per fess, barry nebuly of three, argent [white] and gules [red]. Three lions, rampant, sable [black], two over one. Above the escutcheon is mantling, on which sits a curved crest wreath and a paw, erased, sable, within a Mural crown proper. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.
[Bookplate for Charles Philip Huntington by P. B. W.]
The central image is a family armorial. The image begins with a horse head erased facing to the dexter. A rose sits on its throat and the head sits atop a wreath. The wreath sits atop a helm face open and centred signifying a baron. Below the helm is a shield and mantling sits to either side of the entire image. The shield has a small escutcheon placed in the dexter chief position and the escutcheon bears a gules left hand on a field of argent. Two roses sit on the main argent shield between a gules pile with a horse head erased.
[Bookplate for Charles S. Dixwell by G. M. McCall]
This heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon, argent (silver) divided per chevron, gules (red). Within the escutcheon are charges, two over one, of fleur-de-lis. A steel helmet, closed, situated en profile dexter(denoting an esquire rank), sits upon the escutcheon, with a stylized cross within. Sitting upon the helmet is a clenched paw (possibly lion) grasping a bird claw with four talons. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling with banners both above and below, 'EX LIBRIS' in the above banner (along with a small fleur-de-lis dividing the two words). The lower banner has owner name and place within. Entire image is surrounded by an elaborate rectangle border, with fleur-de-lis at each corner.
[Bookplate for Collège de Saint-Laurent]
In black ink on white paper, at the top of this bookplate one finds a banner bearing the text “BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU COLLÈGE DE SAINT-LAURENT” [French: Library of Saint-Laurent College], below which sits the coat of arms of Quebec. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Or (gold) on a fess Gules (red) between two fleurs de lis in chief Azure (blue), and a sprig of three leaves of maple slipped Vert (green) in base, a lion passant guardant Or (gold). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “JE ME SOUVIENS” [French: I Remember]. On either side of the coat of arms of Quebec are shining five-point stars. Below the coat of arms of Quebec on the left is the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “SPES UNICA” [Latin: Our Only Hope]. To the right of the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross appear the words “EX LIBRIS.” Further to the right is a third coat of arms, likely the coat of arms of the Collège de Saint-Laurent. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon party per fess, first party per pale Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver) ; Gules (red), charged with a feather quill, Argent (silver) ; second Azure (blue), a pale Or (gold). A banner dividing the shield per fess bares the acronym “C. S. L.” A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto of the Collège de Saint-Laurent: “PALMA DE CRUCE” [Latin: Victory by the Cross]. Below the three coats of arms appears a beaver facing left below which rests two crossed branches of sugar maple tied with a ribbon. At the bottom of the bookplate appear the words “MONTRÉAL, CANADA.”.
[Bookplate for Dezsgyessy Bottlik, Margit Bottlik, and J. E. Horvath]
Black ink on light grey inked background. A woman looks at rose that she holds on her right hand. She is wearing a long dress with a black bodice and bouffant white sleeves. The skirt has a flower pattern and the underskirt is white with a bottom ruffle. She sits on a sofa covered with big cushions with different patterns. One of the cushions comes out of the image frame. There is a window behind the figure with plant on the sill. The text boxes above and below the image are adorned with garlands. The artist seal with the initials RS is on the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for Dunham Ladies’ College]
Grey ink on cream paper. It features a border, double-lined. Within border, at the top, sits the title of the college in Germanic lettering. Directly beneath this title sits a curlicue line (centred), followed by the purpose and date that the plate was issued. Within the bottom half of the plate is four information lines, for prize recipient, donor, recipient, and principal signature. All of these information lines contain handwritten responses in faded black ink.
[Bookplate for Durham Mechanics’ Institute Library]
Black in on cream paper. A four-lined border frame with black iron crosses in each of the four corners. Within this border is the printed name of the library, followed by a curlicue. Beneath this sits a number line with a blank line. In blue ink, a number and letter are written.
[Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers]
A thin border surrounds the text ; the top of the border is in the shape of a bookshelf with curved backing. Depicted on it are several books, with one open in the middle. A candle sits in front of the open book. At the bottom left and right corners of the border are images of the globe. The bottom line of the border contains oak leaves and acorns in the centre. The creator of the bookplate is listed as Rust Craft, Boston U. S. A.
[Bookplate for Emil Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by O. Kubse]
Night scene of human figure seated and reading in front of a tree by the light of the moon. An owl sits on a branch near the top of the tree, outlined by the moon. Another tree is present in the background. Text appears along right side and bottom. Image is set in a double border.
[Bookplate for Erna Grau and Michael B. Kunze]
Mustard and black ink on a white background. Sunlight shining on a ship in the background. A woman with her back to the viewer sits on the shore.
[Bookplate for Ernst Hohmann and Michael B. Kunze]
Black ink on white paper. Crowned man sits on stone decorated with small leaves, reading from a paper. His sword rests beside him. Text below picture.
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