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[Bookplate for Hudson's Bay Company and Gordon Elliott]
In purple ink, text within a round indented border.
[Bookplate for Jac Balfour Paul Ado]
Using black ink on white paper, the background of this pictorial bookplate portrays a window frame and windowsill. The top left side of the window is latticed, below which is an image of a rocky mountain and forest above which the sun is rising or setting. On the right side of the window frame is a shelf with three books. Leaning against the shelf is an unravelled scroll reading "In Soli / tudine / Solamen" [comfort in solitude]. Below this text is a lit lamp. On the windowsill are three figures. From left to right, the first figure is standing, nude and holding a comedy mask to its face. The second nude is sitting holding a cape over its shoulder (on the cape is a heraldic emblem: The shield is argent with a rampant lion). The third figure is sitting with its right leg crossed over the left leg, clothed in a judge/lawyer's wig, clothed in robes and holding a large open book in its lap.
[Bookplate for James G. J. Penderel Brodhurst by M. Soane]
This highly detailed bookplate contains an escutcheon quartered per cross, with a label (symbolizing an heir, first son) at the precise middle chief. The first and fourth quarters are argent (silver) with fretty of twelve pieces, embattled. The second and third quarters are argent, with a tree proper and a fess, argent with sable (black) fillet, containing three royal crowns. Upon the escutcheon rests a large coronet, resembling that of an earl. Above the coronet are two straight crest wreaths. On the dexter wreath is a nested swan, wings displayed argent and elevated, with fretty of twelve pieces, sable and embattled. On the belly of the swan is an argent mullet. On the sinister wreath are a crossed sceptre and sword. Above them is a royal crown. In between and on either side of the wreath symbols are what appear to be leaves. Above the wreath symbols is a banner containing the Latin motto. The escutcheon is accompanied by two supporters. The dexter supporter is a dragon with an argent mullet on its chest, while the sinister supporter is a griffin, also with a mullet on its chest. Below the escutcheon and the supporters is an additional banner.
[Bookplate for James Henry Browning]
Centered text with multiple fonts in black ink.
[Bookplate for James M. Wishart by Leslie Victor Smith]
Printed in black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of a two line border surrounding a circular design of vines and leaves with the words 'EX LIBRIS' appearing at the top. In the upper third of the design at center appears a University of Toronto Medical School coat of arts bearing a skull and crossbones. Below the coat of arm to the left appears an open book and to the right appears a three-stringed harp. The initials of the designer, Leslie Victor Smith, and the date "1940" appear at the bottom of the design. Below the design appears the name of the owner.
[Bookplate for James Ross Ballantyne]
In black ink. An obelisk or tower with a door in front of and between black mountains.
[Bookplate for John George Mortlock by Charles William Sherborn]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon and crest framed by an elaborate circular bordure. The escutcheon is divided quarterly ; the first and fourth quadrants, argent (silver), are charged with a fret, azure (blue), and contain a chief, azure, charged with three fleur-de-lis, argent ; the second and third quadrants, sable (black), are charged with three annulets, argent, two over one, and contain a chevron, argent and engrailed. The escutcheon is crested by a closed dexter helmet resting upon the second quadrant, topped by a wreath and a lion sejant, with dexter paw elevated and resting upon a fleur-de-lis, argent. From either side of the helmet flows mantling and a banner which contains the Latin motto. The bordure also contains text.
[Bookplate for John T. Jeffcock]
In black ink. Escutcheon parted per cross. First and fourth quarter, sable (black). A chief, argent (silver), three ravens, trussed, sable. A chevron, or (gold). Three pickaxes, two over one. Cadency, crescent, linking the first and second quarters. Second quarter, parted per cross. First and fourth sub-quarter, argent, an eagle, displayed, sable, with a canton, vert (green), a buck, lodged. Second and third quarters sable, the lower half of the shield a barry of six pieces, argent and sable, a square castle, turreted, two in pale two in fess. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a mountain and an arm embowed holding a long pointed weapon with a circular handle. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the English motto.
[Bookplate for Joseph-Olivier Archambault]
In black ink on yellow paper. A decorative border with integrated flowers and ornamentation in corners surrounds the text.
[Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel]
This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Un fou dans un morne paysage [A madman in a dismal landscape] (third in the series Hommage à Goya [Hommage to Goya] 1885) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).
[Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel]
This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Un masque sonne le glas funèbre [A mask sounds the funeral knell] (third in the series A Edgar Poë [To Edgar Allen Poe) 1882) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).
[Bookplate for L. Emile Grothé by Aimé Dufesne]
Black ink on white paper. Border has white outlines, shaded for a three-dimensional effect and is filled in with thin black lines. The top and bottom sides of the border indent in the middle with squared corners. The left and right sides of the border indent in the middle with rounded corners. The top half of the bookplate has diagonal black lines extending wider from the centre. The top left corner features a person wearing a feathered headdress and a sash holding arrows in their left hand and a bow in their right hand. They are standing on a decorative ledge connected to the border and sitting atop of an elaborate curlicue. The right corner has the same curlicue and ledge and a person in a long coat and striped hat holding a pouch stands atop it. Between the two figures is an open book. The bottom of the top half of the bookplate contains half a round map of the world surrounded by a thick border of the same style as the overall bookplate border. The owner’s motto is written across the map’s border in thin, capitalized, sans-serif font. A rectangular border of the same design sits in the centre of the bookplate. The top of the border features large, captitalized, serif block font. The font is white with a black background and white stripes surrounding that background. On either side of that text are half circle decorations in a vertical stack between two thin white borders. The centre of the rectangle within the borders has a grey background with capitalized, sans-serif block font printed on top. The font is black with a white outline and dark shading. Two shields hang below the rectangle on the left and right side. The shield on the left is argent with sable dots per fess. The top third of the crest is charged with two fleurs-des-lis. The central portion of the crest, featuring sable and argent stripes. is charged with a lion passant guardant. The bottom third of the crest is charged with three maple leaves with connected stems. The shield on the right is per pale consisting of sable and argent stripes and argent with sable dots. The left side is charged with two lions passant that are argent with sable dots. The right side is charged with a lion sejant erect and eight hearts, each of which are sable and argent striped. Between the two crests, hanging from the central rectangular feature, is a checkered black rectangle with white borders on the left, right, and bottom sides. White curlicues extend from the left and right sides. Similar curlicues, leafy decoration, and black strip adorned with small circles extend from the bottom of the rectangle. The background of the bottom half of the bookplate not covered with other decorative features has the same black stripes as the top half. In the bottom left and right corners of the bookplate are four books each, spines facing out. Next to the books on the left is a black inkwell with two feather quills in it. Next to the inkwell is a beehive on a wooden platform surrounded by five bees. On the right of the beehive is an oil lamp with a bright flame burning. Outside the bottom border, inside the indent, the bookplate creator’s name and date of creation is printed in thin, black, sentence-case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Lionel Damer]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided barry of six pieces, nebule, argent (silver) and gules (red), and a bend, engrailed, azure (blue). At the precise middle chief is a crescent, the symbol of the second son. The escutcheon also contains an inescutcheon, divided per cross. The first quadrant, argent, contains an unknown symbol, possibly a garbe, sable (black). The fourth quadrant, also argent, contains two of the same symbol. The second quadrant, divided per fess, or (gold) and azure (blue), contains two swans with wings displayed. The third quadrant is the same, except it contains only a single swan. The crest is an oval frame containing a talbot's head in a crown. Above the crest is floral mantling which extends down both sides of the escutcheon. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Marcus Brown Westhead]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield quartered. First and fourth quarter, argent, two barrulets dancette sable, between three Saracens' heads couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed round the temples, of the first and second. Second and third quarter, azure, on a fesse argent, between three martlets in chief, and the Roman fasces erect surmounting two swords in saltire, and encircled by a chaplet in base or, three chess-rooks sable. Center inescutcheon, party per chevron or and azure, in chief a mullet of six points lies between two crosses pattée of the last, and in base the front elevation of a chapel argent, the whole being charged with a crescent for difference. First crest, on a wreath of the colors, within a fetterlock or, a Saracen's head couped proper, wreathed round the temples argent and sable. Second crest, on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed with two heads azure, charged on the breast with the fasces, swords, and chaplet, as in the arms. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling and below a banner bears the motto 'ORA ET LABORA.'.
[Bookplate for McLean]
In black ink, though somewhat faded, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided quarterly, with a gules (red) bordure ; the first and fourth quadrants, argent (silver), are charged with two eagles heads addorsed, gules and erased above a mountain ; the second quadrant, argent, is charged with a dexter arm, gules, holding a cross crosslet fitchy, azure (blue) ; and the third quadrant, argent, is charged with a galley, sable (black), over a fish, azure and naiant (swimming fesswise). The escutcheon is crested by a dexter helmet, open and containing a lion head, topped by a curved wreath and two laurel branches, crossed. From either side of the helmet flows elaborate mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Michael B. Kunze]
Black ink on white paper. Arms at centre of plate. Shield supported by lions. Shield shows a man holding a rosary and two sticks on a yellow (or) field. Three helmets rest on a crown above shield. There are three crests. The first is an eagle displayed, the second is the man in the shield and the third is a hat. Writing appears at the bottom of the plate.
[Bookplate for Montreal Catholic School Commission]
In black ink. A decorative oval border, inside border contains the name of the institution. An escutcheon, parted per cross. First quarter, azure [blue] with crossed keys. Second quarter, argent [white] with two fleur-de-lis. Third quarter, gules [red] with an open book. Fourth quarter, argent, a saltier, gules, fimbriated, argent. Inescutcheon, argent, a mullet, argent. Leafy mantling above the escutcheon, a banner below.
[Bookplate for P. I. P. Sherburne by Elvey]
This bookplate, in black ink, consists of an escutcheon divided quarterly. The first and fourth quadrants, vert (green), are charged with an eagle, displayed. The second and third quadrants, argent (silver), are charged with a lion, rampant. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath, topped by a unicorn's head, horned and couped. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.
[Bookplate for Rainald Knightley]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered. The first and fourth quadrants are ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), and the second and third quadrants are paly, or (gold) and gules (red). At the precise middle chief is an inescutcheon, argent (silver), containing a sinister hand, gules. The gules hand, known as the hand of Ulster, symbolizes the hounour of a baronet. The crest is composed of a tilted dexter helmet, a curved wreath, and a stag head, dexter and couped. The escutcheon is supported by an eagle or falcon on each side. The escutcheon and its supporters are framed by a border with flowers. The entire image, including text, is placed within a larger circular border, azure (blue).
[Bookplate for Richard S. Coxe by O. H. Throop]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), quartered per cross with second and third quadrants vert (green). Within each quarter, a roundlet, or (gold). Upon the escutcheon is a crest, cock closed, on top of a wreath. Beneath the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.
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