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 Image: Title: Subject: Description:

1. Great Trekker Reception 2019 Great Trekker Reception 2019 Dinner parties; Awards; Student organizations 2018-2019 AMS President, Great Trekker Award Recipient 2019, board director for the Audain Art Museum, and Executive Director of alumniUBC

2. Great Trekker Reception 2019 Great Trekker Reception 2019 Dinner parties; Awards; Student organizations 2018-2019 AMS VP Academic, 2018-2019 AMS VP Admin, and 2018-2019 AMS President

3. AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019 AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019 Dinner parties; Awards; Victories; Student organizations 2018-2019 AMS President speaks at the All Presidents Dinner 2019, with MCs

4. [AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019] [AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019] Dinner parties; Awards; Victories; Student organizations 2018-19 AMS President presenting the 2019 Great Trekker Award

5. [AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019] [AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019] Dinner parties; Awards; Student organizations Board director for the Audain Art Museum, Executive Director of alumniUBC, Great Trekker Award Recipient 2019, 2018-2019 AMS President and others

6. [AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019] [AMS All Presidents Dinner 2019] Dinner parties; Awards; Victories; Student organizations 2018-2019 AMS President, Great Trekker Award recipient 2019 and MCs are on stage at the Great Hall in the AMS Nest

7. [2018-2019 AMS President] [2018-2019 AMS President] Student organizations

8. [2017-2018 Student Council member] [2017-2018 Student Council member] Student organizations; College administrators Student Services Manager
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