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1. [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] Student organizations; Photography Left to Right: Tristan Miller (VP Finance), Caroline Wong (VP Administration), Matt Parson (President), Kiran Mahal (VP Academic and University Affairs), and Kyle Warwick (VP External Affairs).

2. [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] Student organizations; Photography Left to Right, Top Row: Tristan Miller (VP Finance), Matt Parson (President), and Kiran Mahal (VP Academic and University Affairs). Bottom Row: Caroline Wong (VP Administration) and Kyle Warwick (VP External...

3. [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] Student organizations; Photography Left to Right, Top Row: Tristan Miller (VP Finance), Matt Parson (President), and Kiran Mahal (VP Academic and University Affairs). Bottom Row: Caroline Wong (VP Administration) and Kyle Warwick (VP External...

4. [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] Student organizations; Photography Left to Right: Tristan Miller (VP Finance), Caroline Wong (VP Administration), Matt Parson (President), Kiran Mahal (VP Academic and University Affairs), and Kyle Warwick (VP External Affairs).

5. [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] Student organizations; Photography Left to Right, Top Row: Matt Parson (President), Tristan Miller (VP Finance), and Kiran Mahal (VP Academic and University Affairs). Bottom Row: Caroline Wong (VP Administration) and Kyle Warwick (VP External...

6. [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] [2012-2013 AMS executive's holiday card photoshoot] Student organizations; Photography Executive's Holiday Card Photoshoot. Left to Right. Back to Front: Caroline Wong (VP Administration), Kyle Warwick (VP External), Jay Shah (Executive Coordinator of Student Services), Tristan Miller (VP...

7. [T-Cup Bowl football game] [T-Cup Bowl football game] Student organizations; Football; Games; Students; Nursing; Science T-Cup Football Nursing (in White) vs. Home Economic (in Red) 6-6 Tie

8. [2013-2014 Student Council member] [2013-2014 Student Council member] Student organizations; Committees; College administrators BOG Rep

9. [2016-2017 Student Council member] [2016-2017 Student Council member] Student organizations; College administrators Ombudsperson of Student Council

10. [2001-2002 Student Council member] [2001-2002 Student Council member] Student organizations; Art education Arts Undergrad Society Rep

11. [1996-1997 Student Council member] [1996-1997 Student Council member] Student organizations; Agriculture Agriculture Undergrad Society Rep

12. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student Services), Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), Elin Tayyar (Vice-President Finance), Mike Silley (Vice-President Administration),...

13. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), Elin Tayyar (Vice-President Finance), Mike Silley (Vice-President Administration), Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student...

14. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student Services), Jeremy McElroy (President) Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), Mike Silley (Vice-President Administration),...

15. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student Services), Jeremy McElroy (President) Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), Mike Silley (Vice-President Administration),...

16. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student Services), Elin Tayyar (Vice-President Finance), Jeremy McElroy (President), Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), and Mike...

17. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Elin Tayyar (Vice-President Finance), Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), Jeremy McElroy (President), Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student Services), and Mike...

18. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Elin Tayyar (Vice-President Finance), Jeremy McElroy (President), Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs), Mike Silley (Vice-President Administration), and Pavani Gunadasa...

19. [2011-2012 AMS executive] [2011-2012 AMS executive] Student organizations AMS VP Academic and University Affairs

20. [2011-2012 AMS executives] [2011-2012 AMS executives] Student organizations Left to Right: Jeremy McElroy (President), Pavani Gunadasa (Exec. Coordinator Student Services), Mike Silley (Vice-President Administration), Matt Parson (Vice-President Academic & University Affairs),...
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