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 Image: Title: Subject: Description:

21. [CiTR member] [CiTR member] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Equipment CiTR member working on equipment

22. [CiTR member with the statue of King George V] [CiTR member with the statue of King George V] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Community service CiTR Volunteer Coordinator (Nardwuar the Human Serviette) with the statue of King George V

23. [CiTR receiving the Arthur Delamont Award] [CiTR receiving the Arthur Delamont Award] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Awards CiTR Receiving the Arthur Delamont Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Spirit of UBC Athletics

24. CiTR album library CiTR album library Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Album covers; Libraries

25. [Bud Smith at a CiTR radio interview] [Bud Smith at a CiTR radio interview] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting Attorney General at a CiTR radio interview

26. [CiTR] [CiTR] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting

27. CiTR Broadcaster CiTR Broadcaster Student organizations; Radio broadcasting

28. [1953-1954 CiTR Production Director] [1953-1954 CiTR Production Director] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting

29. [CiTR President at Collins Console] [CiTR President at Collins Console] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting

30. [CiTR DJ] [CiTR DJ] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting CiTR DJ, Inside UBC

31. [CiTR] [CiTR] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting CiTR Inflatable Groundhog Gooch, McInnes Field

32. [CiTR] [CiTR] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting CiTR, Inside UBC

33. [CiTR DJ] [CiTR DJ] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting

34. [Clubs Days] [Clubs Days] Student organizations; Events; Clubs; Radio broadcasting CiTR booth at Clubs Days

35. [Clubs Days] [Clubs Days] Student organizations; Events; Clubs; Radio broadcasting CiTR's Maxwell Maxwell at Clubs Days

36. Sindig Strikes Again Sindig Strikes Again Radio broadcasting; Performances

37. [Great Trekker Award Dinner and CiTR 50th Anniversary] [Great Trekker Award Dinner and CiTR 50th Anniversary] Dinner parties; Radio broadcasting; Anniversaries; Student organizations

38. [Great Trekker Awards CiTR 50th Anniversary] [Great Trekker Awards CiTR 50th Anniversary] Dinner parties; Radio broadcasting; Anniversaries; Student organizations

39. [Great Trekker Awards CiTR 50th Anniversary] [Great Trekker Awards CiTR 50th Anniversary] Dinner parties; Radio broadcasting; Anniversaries; Student organizations

40. [Great Trekker Awards CiTR 50th Anniversary] [Great Trekker Awards CiTR 50th Anniversary] Dinner parties; Radio broadcasting; Anniversaries; Student organizations
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