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 Image: Title: Subject: Description:

1. [CiTR] [CiTR] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Women Ladies on the air

2. [CiTR t-shirts] [CiTR t-shirts] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; T-shirts

3. CiTR t-shirts CiTR t-shirts Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; T-shirts

4. [CiTR member] [CiTR member] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Studios CiTR Member in the studio

5. [CiTR member] [CiTR member] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Studios CiTR Member in the studio

6. CiTR sound equipment CiTR sound equipment Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Sound equipment & supplies

7. CiTR Radio sign on SUB CiTR Radio sign on SUB Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Signs (Notices) "CiTR fm102 Cable200 Radio Free Point Grey" sign

8. CiTR sign CiTR sign Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Signs (Notices)

9. [Registration Week] [Registration Week] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Recording & registration; Events CiTR Radio on the Plaza during Registration Week

10. [CiTR during Registration Week] [CiTR during Registration Week] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Recording & registration; Events CiTR Remote Broadcast featuring Papa Bears during Registration Week

11. [CiTR Radio during Registration Week] [CiTR Radio during Registration Week] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Recording & registration; Events CiTR Radio on the Plaza during Registration Week

12. [CiTR Radio during Registration Week] [CiTR Radio during Registration Week] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Recording & registration; Events CiTR Radio on the Plaza during Registration Week

13. [CiTR members performing] [CiTR members performing] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Performances CiTR members performing (in the days of CKWX)

14. CiTR Members in office CiTR Members in office Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Offices; Typewriters

15. CiTR Office/Lounge Area CiTR Office/Lounge Area Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Offices; Lounges

16. [CiTR high power bash] [CiTR high power bash] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Events Balloons released by CiTR at high power bash

17. CiTR high power bash CiTR high power bash Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Events

18. CiTR high power bash CiTR high power bash Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Events

19. [CiTR member] [CiTR member] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Equipment Gene Hunt working on "B" control console CiTR

20. [CiTR member] [CiTR member] Student organizations; Radio broadcasting; Equipment CiTR member working on equipment
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