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21. [New SUB Groundbreaking Ceremony] [New SUB Groundbreaking Ceremony] Ground breaking ceremonies; College presidents; College administrators; Student organizations; Student unions; Educational facilities Left to Right: Crystal Hon (Vice-President Administration 2009-2010), Michael Duncan (President 2008-2009), Ekaterina Dovjenko (Vice-President Administration 2010-2011), Bijan Ahmadian (President 2010-2011),...

22. [Pierre Trudeau receiving Honorary Degree] [Pierre Trudeau receiving Honorary Degree] Graduation ceremonies; College presidents; Prime ministers Prime Minister of Canada receives Honorary Degree from UBC Chancellor and President and Vice-Chancellor

23. [UBC Imagine Day 2019] [UBC Imagine Day 2019] Events ; University of British Columbia--Presidents ; University of British Columbia--Mascots UBC President Santa Ono hugging the Thunderbird mascot in the 2019 Imagine Day Ceremony (UBC events).

24. [AMS President and executives at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [AMS President and executives at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations; Committees Azim Wazeer (2010-2011 BOG Representative) and Sophia Haque (2006-2007 VP Finance) at the All Presidents Dinner 2009; Left Background Michael Duncan (2008-2009 President)

25. [CSFS at UBC Farm Director at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [CSFS at UBC Farm Director at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations; College administrators Director of Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm at All Presidents Dinner 2009

26. All Presidents Dinner 2009 All Presidents Dinner 2009 Dinner parties; Student organizations

27. All Presidents Dinner 2009 All Presidents Dinner 2009 Dinner parties; Student organizations

28. [AMS and SLFS Presidents at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [AMS and SLFS Presidents at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations AMS and Student Legal Fund Society Presidents at All Presidents Dinner 2009

29. All Presidents Dinner 2009 All Presidents Dinner 2009 Dinner parties; Student organizations

30. [2009-2010 AMS executive at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [2009-2010 AMS executive at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations AMS VP Admin at All Presidents Dinner 2009

31. All Presidents Dinner 2009 All Presidents Dinner 2009 Dinner parties; Student organizations

32. [2009-2010 AUS President at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [2009-2010 AUS President at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations Arts Undergraduate Society President at All Presidents Dinner 2009

33. [CVC executive and AMS President at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [CVC executive and AMS President at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations Chinese Varsity Club executive and AMS President at All Presidents Dinner 2009

34. [IRSA and AMS Presidents at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [IRSA and AMS Presidents at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations Presidents from International Relations Students Association and AMS at All Presidents Dinner 2009

35. [SUS President and BPP executive at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [SUS President and BPP executive at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations Left - Jimmy Yan (SUS President) Right - Marco Lau (Biochemistry Pharmacology Physiology Club executive) at All Presidents Dinner 2009

36. All Presidents Dinner 2009 All Presidents Dinner 2009 Dinner parties; Student organizations

37. All Presidents Dinner 2009 All Presidents Dinner 2009 Dinner parties; Student organizations

38. [AMS President and CSFS at UBC Farm Director at All Presidents Dinner 2009] [AMS President and CSFS at UBC Farm Director at All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations AMS President and Director of Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm at All Presidents Dinner 2009

39. [All Presidents Dinner 2009] [All Presidents Dinner 2009] Dinner parties; Student organizations

40. [David Strangway at the Great Trekker Award Dinner] [David Strangway at the Great Trekker Award Dinner] Dinner parties; College presidents; Student organizations UBC President and Vice-Chancellor giving a speech at the Great Trekker Award Dinner
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