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1. [Bookplate for J. Harry Smith by William Walker Alexander] [Bookplate for J. Harry Smith by William Walker Alexander] Printed in brown ink on cream paper, the bookplate shows a man in the dress of a 19th-century agricultural laborer against a background of clouds and a landscape of fields, trees, and three buildings (possibly a house, a barn, and an out building). The man holds a basket in his left hand and sows seeds with his right hand. In the left foreground, a lamb frolics next to an open book. The right page of the book reads 'LAMB'S / TALES.' Underneath the open book appears a manuscript upon which rests an inkwell and a quill pen. The date '1942' is written in the bottom left corner of the manuscript. To the right of the book appears a mailbox with 'R. R. / 4' written on the door. On the side of the mailbox appear the words 'Knoll Farm / J. HARRY SMITH.' Below and to the right of mailbox appears an inverted triangle with the initials 'W W' at the base of the triangle and the initial 'A' at the top of the triangle.

2. [Bookplate for Montreal Children's Library] [Bookplate for Montreal Children's Library] Dark brown ink on brown paper. An image of a young boy and girl in a library with many books open and on the floor. The young girl reaches up to pull down a book from the top shelf while the boy sits cross-legged on the floor reading.

3. [Bookplate for Victor W. Odlum] [Bookplate for Victor W. Odlum] The bookplate depicts several images representing aspects of Odlum's life and is printed in black and red on white paper. At the top of the bookplate is the family crest depicting a crowned owl (a pun on the pronunciation of the family name) and the motto "Vita Est Vigila." Underneath that is the Canadian flag and then below this is a series of biographically significant images. From left to right: a Turkish flag ; crossed swords and dates he served in the Boer War, World War One and World War Two ; and an outline of Australia and a kangaroo. Below this series is an ancient Chinese character (Odlum's chop), a printing press ; and gardening tools, and books on shelves.

4. [Bookplate for Victor W. Odlum] [Bookplate for Victor W. Odlum] The bookplate depicts several images representing aspects of Odlum's life and is printed in black and red on white paper. At the top of the bookplate is the family crest depicting a crowned owl (a pun on the pronunciation of the family name) and the motto "Vita Est Vigila." Underneath that is the Canadian flag and then below this is a series of biographically significant images. From left to right: a printing press ; a Turkish flag ; crossed swords and dates he served in the Boer War, World War One and World War Two ; an outline of Australia and a kangaroo ; and gardening tools. Below this series is an ancient Chinese character (Odlum's chop) and books.
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