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[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is surrounded by a grey rectangular frame within which is a yellow background. The image is a sideways fan shaped segway onto several pink flowers with a dragonfly hovering over them. The larger side of the fan is facing the left.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is surrounded by a grey rectangular frame within which is a white background. The image within the rectangle is a sideways fan shaped segway onto a view of Mt. Fuji with a blue sky in the background, several grey outlined yellow and pink shapes possibly representing flowers, trees, and a pastoral setting in the foreground. The large side of the fan is facing towards the left.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A grey postage stamp ridge surrounds the central black outlined rectangle that contains the central image. The central image is of a brown roofed Shinto/Buddhist shrine with a blue road leading beneath twin orange pillars with a black crossbeam at the top. Two blue stone lanterns sit next to the outwards side of each pillar. The image is set on a yellow field.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A black outlined fan shaped segway, with the larger side facing to the left contains the central image of the bookplate. The central image is of a simple blue outline of Mt. Fuji, below which is a yellow baby chick (chicken) flapping its wings on a green ground.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A black outlined fan shaped segway, with the larger side facing upwards contains the central image of the bookplate. The central image contains two purple flowers with three petals on each. They are sitting among a number of stems of grass.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A black outlined fan shaped segway, with the larger side facing upwards contains the central image of the bookplate. The central image is of a black tree sitting on the left with numerous green covered branches drooping downward. A blue Mt. Fuji sits in the background and numerous grey lines drawn amongst the two images suggest the presence of rain within the scene.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A fan-shaped segway contains the central image of the bookplate with the larger side facing upwards. A black background with a yellow half-moon indicate that the image is set in the night. A blue image of Mt. Fuji is set to the right side of the image. A large cloud outlines Mt. Fuji. Two green tall trees with no obvious branches sit just to the left of the centre of the image and are outlined by the clouds.
[Bookplate for James R. Adams]
A pictorial bookplate depicting two owls perched on a disordered pile of open and closed books in black ink on ivory paper (with glue on back). "EX-LIBRIS" is part of the image ; however, the name has been added using a commercial rubber stamp within a space deliberately left within a banner.
[Bookplate for Jac Balfour Paul Ado]
Using black ink on white paper, the background of this pictorial bookplate portrays a window frame and windowsill. The top left side of the window is latticed, below which is an image of a rocky mountain and forest above which the sun is rising or setting. On the right side of the window frame is a shelf with three books. Leaning against the shelf is an unravelled scroll reading "In Soli / tudine / Solamen" [comfort in solitude]. Below this text is a lit lamp. On the windowsill are three figures. From left to right, the first figure is standing, nude and holding a comedy mask to its face. The second nude is sitting holding a cape over its shoulder (on the cape is a heraldic emblem: The shield is argent with a rampant lion). The third figure is sitting with its right leg crossed over the left leg, clothed in a judge/lawyer's wig, clothed in robes and holding a large open book in its lap.
[Bookplate for Annie M. Angus by Lionel Haweis]
A combination of textual and pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. Image consists of a stained glass background framed (from inside out) in a thin light frame, dark medium frame, and a light ribbon frame. A candlestick with a large lit candle is overlaid with a large stylised letter A. Midway on the candlestick rests an open book, which overlays the monogrammed A. On the left page of the book is a stylised letter A and on the right page of the book is the letter M. At the bottom of the image is a shelf of books.
[Bookplate by G. P. V. Akrigg]
Created using black ink on white paper (glue painted on back). The image is of a desk facing a window with two panes (each divided into eight sections) opening onto a view of an inlet and three mountains. A totem pole is behind the sinister pane. Drawn curtains are on both the sinister and dexter sides of the window. Above the window is a ribbon inscribed with "ALL LEARNING BUT AN ART TO LIVE WELL." On the desk, from left to right, is a painter's palette with two paint brushes, an open book, a ruler, ink well, fountain pen, pencils, card catalogue drawer, index card, small closed book, and a bust of Shakespeare. Below the bust are inscribed the initials "G.P.V.A."
[Bookplate for Amelia Alexis Alvey by Eva Alvey Richards]
This is a pictorial bookplate created using brown ink on thick ivory paper. A nude female, portrayed kneeling on a pedestal, gazing down at an open book. A lamp is in nude's right hand and a caduceus (symbolising medicine) is in her left hand. Hanging from the caduceus is a scroll of music with legible musical notation. Placed in front of the nude is a large open book with objects placed on the left page. These objects (from left to right) consist of: an empty retort (symbolising chemistry), a round beaker, a small closed book, a microscope (representing biology), a beaker, and a test tube. A ribbon is tucked in the right pages of the book and reads "Ex Libris." Another ribbon below the book reads "Amelia Alexis Alvey." At the front of the pedestal are four heraldic shields. From left to right are: An argent shield with a eagle displayed, tongue protruding. On the chest of the eagle is a quartered per cross shield with the first and the sinister base are argent and the sinister chief and dexter base are black. Behind the shield is a palm. The next shield is argent with a fleur-de-lis ; below this shield are two irises. The next shield is argent with a beaver on it, around the shield are maple leaves. The final shield is argent with an eagle displayed clutching in its dexter talon palm leaves and in its sinister talon three arrows. Below the shield is a single rose.
[Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald]
An art nouveau, pictorial bookplate using black ink on ivory paper. In the background is a sun with four series of rays alternating black and white. In front of the sun is a left hand holding a quarter-bound book with a floral statue on the cover (consisting of a circle of leaves encircling three white flowers with black centres, which are on top of a trunk). At both the dexter and sinister corners are black squares ; in the dexter square are the initials J / M.
Textual bookplate with black ink stamped on ivory paper.
[Bookplate for Archer Martin]
Heraldic bookplate created with black ink on white paper. Within two circles is a Norman pointed azure shield with a white cross of Calvary rising from the precise middle base to the precise middle chief. A sun in its splendour is in the dexter chief and a decressant (half) moon is in the sinister chief. Below the shield is a banner reading "sic itur ad astra" [Thus going/departing to glory/immortality]. A closed helmet (usually indicative of an esquire or gentleman) facing sinister is crowned with a wreathe and leaves. At the top of the circles is a star with six points and at the bottom of the circles is a flower.
[Bookplate for F. H. Barlow]
Black ink on white paper. A frame with crosses in the four corners surrounds the text.
[Bookplate for Ethel Kingsley-Baillie and Charles Kingsley-Baillie]
Textual and pictorial bookplate created using burgundy ink on ivory paper. The image and text are within a thin frame ; at the top centre is a standing dragon holding a ball below which is a banner.
[Bookplate for Roderick J. Barman by Margaret Noble]
This pictorial bookplate was created using black ink on red paper. The bookplate is in the shape of a Greek vase and portrays Clio the Muse of History sitting in a chair reading a scroll. In front of Clio is a basket of scrolls, on if which is inscribed with "M.N. 1966." [Greek text inscribed on chair and at the bottom of the bookplate reads "The Art so long, the Life so short."]
[Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black and F. Black]
This is a commercial, pictorial bookplate displaying, in vivid colours, an antiquated ship sailing over the horizon. The names of the originators have been hand written onto a banner above the ship.
[Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black by Thoreau MacDonald]
This pictorial engraving was created using black ink on white paper and portrays an island with two wind-swept trees with a rising/setting sun on the horizon.
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