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[Bookplate for Brockville Library]
In black ink on tan paper, the bookplate consists of a double zigzag border surrounding black text. The library name at the top is flanked by two rosettes and separated from the remaining text by a decorative rule.
[Bookseller's Ticket for J. T. Brousseau]
Printed in black in on blue paper, this bookplate has an ornate border surrounding the text.
[Bookplate by Colonist Lithography]
In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.
[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on cream paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of geometric repeating patterns topped with a cross surrounds the text. Above the text is a symbol featuring a cannon and two flags.
[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on cream paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of geometric repeating patterns topped with a cross surrounds the text. Above the text is a symbol featuring a cannon and two flags.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Lending Library]
Black ink on yellow pink paper with clipped corners. Capitalized serif-font followed with by a line of stylized bold block lettering with decorative serifs. Next line contains smaller bold serif font in sentence case. Text is then separated by a thin, centered line. Subsequent text written in capitalized, bold, sans-serif font. Below that is smaller, capitalized serif font that is then written in sentence case in the second half of the line. The next four lines use quotation marks to indicate repeat content with some sentence case serif font additions. There is then a line with some capitalized and some sentence case serif font, followed by the same four line pattern of quotation marks and sentence case font. Below that is a line of sentence case serif font. The next line uses capital letters for emphasis followed by sentence case serif font. There is a line of capitalized serif font followed by larger, sentence case bold serif font. The text is separated by a thin centered line. Below the line are capital letters in serif font followed by larger capitalization font in bold, then smaller non-bold capitalized text, then larger bold capitalized text. A shorter thin line separates the text. Below the line are four lines of sentence case serif font. Next is a line in capitalized serif font followed by a smaller, bold line of capitalized serif font. The last line is written in smaller, sentence case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Catholic Commercial Academy of Montreal, Wm Price, and U. E. Archambault by Geo. E. Desbarats]
Black ink on white paper. The border of the bookplate comprises three layers: the outermost is an abstract floral motif on the four corners ; secondly is a geometric pattern of triangles ; the innermost layer is a plain line. Curlicues surround the words “Catholic” and “of Montreal.” The bookplate is a pre-printed form with space for the prize name, winner, year and date to be filled out.
[Bookplate for A. Renand and U.E. Archambault]
Black ink on white paper. Border consists of two intertwined braided strands with elaborate corners. Decorative gothic font at the top of the bookplate is surrounded by lines with geometric accents. Smaller, sans serif, capitalized, black font is below surrounded by matching lines. There are three rows of dotted lines. Between the lines, smaller text is printed in serif, capitalized, black font. Underneath is italicized, black font in various sizes. At the bottom of the bookplate is larger, black, cursive font with small, italicized black font in the bottom right corner.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Black ink on white paper. Thin black border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded black font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small black circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a black owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin black lines. Below the images is a thin black oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin black text sitting on a thin black line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular black line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for Hopital Général d’Ottawa]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of thick, black wavy lines with arrows on the ends of each line pointing towards the corner. Each corner has three diamonds shaped in a triangle. Inside the border, there is a circular image with a border of two interwoven black wavy lines. Inside that border is capitalized text printed in bold, black, sans serif front. In the center of the circle is a cross coming out of the ground wrapped in vines. Above and below the cross are two ribbons with mottos printed in capitalized, black, sans serif front. At the bottom of the bookplate, outside of the circular design, but inside the first border, is text printed in capitalized, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for Lloyd E. Roscoe]
This bookplate is executed in brown ink on cream paper. The image depicted in the center of the bookplate is of thirteen books above which is a shelf holding a vase with flowers and an open book. A large, open window is placed above the shelf which looks out into a peaceful garden that contains trees and a sundial. The heading on the window contains the words "Ex-Libris." Surrounding the image is a thick border in which a ribbon circles around a leafy vine. The ribbon is imprinted with the phrase "A book is like a good friend ; my friends I would forever keep."
[Bookplate for Ernest Fawcett by British Columbia Department of Education]
Executed in black ink, this pre-printed textual bookplate is framed by a triple-lined border. The dotted lines have been filled in by hand in what was originally black ink but which is now green where the ink bled into the paper.
[Bookplate for Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire]
Purple ink on white paper. Seal of IODE at top. Text below. Border consists of three fine lines at top and bottom and a single fine line at the sides.
[Bookplate for Dalhousie University Library]
Black and yellow ink on white paper. Eagle displayed on a yellow (or) field on shield. Crest is a unicorn in profile. Motto appears in a scroll above the unicorn. Text appears above and below crest.
[Bookplate for J. E. Horvath]
Brown ink on cream paper. Cupboard with an array of ceramic pieces including candle sticks, jugs, bowls and figurines. The text box is centered infront of the cupboard and shield with a tea pot appears on top of the tex box.
[Bookplate for Lorenzo Spallino and Michael B. Kunze by T. M.]
In black ink, a nude male figure stands at the base of a tree from which he picks fruit. The foliage of the tree is framed by a circular border. The base of the tree rests on an open book on which the text is written.
[Bookplate for Dalhousie University Library]
Black ink on white paper. Shield is supported by two dragons rampant. On the shield is an eagle displayed. Above the crown the crest is a unicorn couped in profile. Motto and other text below.
[Bookplate for Mudie's Select Library]
Black ink on yellow paper. Text surrounded by narrow, double, hexagonal border. Top has been slightly cut off.
[Bookplate for Ödön Stern and J. E. Horvath by B. I.]
Black ink on cream paper. This bookplate combines Art Deco and Egyptian style and imagery. The black ink provides the background with most of the objects delineated in white from the paper. A figure in profile to walks towards the right of the scene holding high three books in offering. Behind the figure there is a curtain with a weaved pattern. Further back on the right hand side there is a vase with flowers, and two urns. One sits on the floor. Fire rises from the second one on a stand.
[Bookplate for Thomas Aylwin]
In black ink. Escutcheon parted per fess, barry nebuly of three, argent [white] and gules [red]. Three lions, rampant, sable [black], two over one. Above the escutcheon is mantling, on which sits a curved crest wreath and a paw, erased, sable, within a Mural crown proper. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.
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