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[Bookplate for Lieve Van Kerkhove and Martin Jackson]
In black ink, this pictorial contemporary bookplate consists of a nude female, seated in a wood boat which is too small relative to her size. The nude's knees are up, her legs spread open, and her feet and buttocks rest on the outer edges of the craft (only her left foot and left buttock are visible). Extending from inside the boat upwards into the air, and held by the nude's right hand, is a larger-than-life fountain pen. The nude's left arm descends behind her raised knee, and emerges from behind the left buttock as a hand holding the stem of a rose ; the hand and rose appearing somewhat disconnected from the rest of the body. Resting between her legs, seen as almost emerging from the pubic region, is a cat with upraised tail and paws which rest on the bow of the boat. Below the cat, on the port side of the boat is an image of a lyre. In the turbulent river which surrounds the boat, one can see additional rose blossoms floating on the surface of the water. In the background, there is an automobile crossing a stone bridge and a large stone church with steeples on the left. One can see a flock of birds flying above the church's western steeple. In the background on the right, one can see the church's cemetery.
[Bookplate for M. J. Freie]
Pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. A clock tower is visible through a stone, oval, window. In the upper right and left corners are shields: On the left side is an or shield with a displayed double-headed bird ; on the chest of the bird is an argent shield with a vert fess. The shield on the right side is sable with a ship. In the bottom right corner is an owl perched atop books and in the left corner is a painter's pallet and brushes.
[Bookplate for Mae Burke Craft by A. H.]
Central image is of a window with gables to the left and right above a large number of deciduous and coniferous plants and shrubs. The window looks onto a scene with an empty fireplace and a roman mantle above it holding a mounted mirror on top of it. There are various other pictures and bookcases/books held within the room in addition to an open book sitting on an antique armchair partly facing towards the open window. Hanging from the mantlepiece above the fire is a family crest, but it is too small to discern more than general details. The whole image is surrounded by a triple filleted black border.
[Bookplate for Maija Calite]
Image is of a daffodil with 6 petals emerging from a stem among three leafs. On the left side of the base of the flower is a baby chicken looking upwards at the flower.
[Bookplate for Margarete Voigt and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, an image of a young grecian woman wearing a flowing, pleated gown. In her arms, she holds a vase into which pours water from a hole in a wall. The wall is elaborately decorated, and contains what appears to be the image of an owl in the lower left corner. A heavy and elaborate frame borders the entire image.
[Bookplate for Max Hermann]
Printed in black ink on cream paper. The image shows an older man sitting, facing left. The man has long hair and wears a pillbox hat and a robe. He sits in a carved wooden chair, hunched over a large book that rests on a lectern and turns the pages with his left hand. His head is shown in profile, framed by a circular sun with lines radiating out in all directions.
[Bookplate for Michael B. Kunze]
Black ink on white paper. Oval shield. Right side displays knight's arm on a field azure and left side shows lion rampant on a field gules. Text surrounds shield inside a wider oval. Contributors include Menny.
[Bookplate for Nicholas Garry]
Printed in black ink on off-white paper. In the centre is a family shield, decorated with with a chevron pattern in solid black and white ground with a spotted pattern. A ‘V’ shape in the centre of the shield intercepts and counterchanges the chevron colours. Above this is an extended arm in armor holding a circular disc that repeats the pattern on the shield.
[Bookplate for Norman M. Keith by W. W. A.]
This bookplate's design features a lakeside camping scene with mountains visible in the distance. It is framed by Scottish thistles. Above the scene are three logos representing the Royal Army Medical Corps, the University of Toronto, and Johns Hopkins University. A globe and stack of books are featured in the lower left corner and a small escutcheon of the University of Toronto sits at the bottom centre of the design.
[Bookplate for Octavius Wigram by Suffield]
In black ink. Argent, a pallet, gules, charged with three escallops, one over two divided by a chevronnel, engrailed, countercharged, gules (red). A chief, argent (silver), a ship representing an English vessel of war of the 16th century, with four masts, sails furled proper, and a flag, azure (blue), sitting on the water. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath on which is a mount supporting a hand in armour, in fess, couped at the wrist proper, charged with an escallop and holding a fleur-de-lis erect. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Otto Braun and Michael B. Kunze by F. Nickel]
In brown in on tan paper. Shield in upper left hand corner above which is mantling and a closed helmet in profile, indicating equires and gentlement. Three fusils vert on centre of shield. Bottom and right hand side of plate decorated with scales, compass and triangle. Artist's mark outside bottom right hand corner.`.
[Bookplate for P. Gagnon]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a beaver lying on a crest-wreath. There are maple leaf branches extending from both sides of the beaver. The beaver is surrounded by a half-circle border with the motto in black, capitalized sans-serif font written across the arc. The shield is divided per fess, with the top half being further divided per pale and the upper left hand portion is divided into three horizontal sections. The topmost left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with two fleurs-de-lis. The middle left hand section is argent with sable stripes charged with a lion passant. The bottom left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with three maple leaves connected at the stem. The upper right hand side is argent charged with two pieces of equipment, one atop the other, and a pair of scissors below. The equipment has a small curved bottom with two long, curving handles on top with a spike pointing through the lower end of the handles. Below the top half is a thin black banner with white capitalized sans-serif text. Below the banner is an image of a natural forest and coastal landscape with a ship with two tall masts in the water. On the coast, there are people, possible colonizers, interacting. A large cross has been erected on the coast on the right hand side of the image. The dexter supporter and sinister supporter are moose standing a curling ribbon with text in capitalized black sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for Paul Hahn by J. M.]
Black and blue ink on cream paper. The rectangular border consists of three black lines of decreasing thickness towards the center. In the top right corner is a small butterfly with outspread wings with some decoration. Below the butterfly is text in stylized, capitalized, black serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed below in slightly different stylized font in a larger size. Underneath the owner’s name is a larger butterfly with more elaborate outstretched wings. The text forms a single column in the left-hand side of the bookplate. To the right of the text is a bookshelf that appears to extend down to the bottom of the bookplate. Books are stacked in various ways on the shelf, spines facing out. In front of the bookshelf is a cello. The base of the cello sits in the bottom center of the bookplate and the neck extends up towards the top right-hand corner. At the top of the cello sits a butterfly, less elaborate than the others, that has been coloured in with blue ink. To the right of the cello is a tall object extending up along the bookshelf. A section of papers, potentially sheet music, in a folder in the bottom right corner. In the bottom left corner, the bookplate creator’s initials are printed in capitalized, black, serif font surrounded by a thin black border.
[Bookplate for Phileas Vercheres de Boucherville]
Black text on blue paper, with a brown discoloration on the left side.
[Bookplate for Phyllis Pearce]
Executed with black ink on white paper, this bookplate depicts a swan with wings spread, as well as two small cygnets in the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for R. A. A. Jones]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features an armoured arm extending straight out of a crest-wreath. The hand is clutching a spear with points on either end. Droplets are falling from the right spear point. The shield is black with a white chevron. The chevron has a thin white border along its top and bottom edges. The shield is charged with three white double-ended spears, the same style as that in the crest, two over one. The spears have a more elaborate top tip with a line down the middle, with the bottom tip being a simple, undecorated triangle shape. Below the shield, the motto is printed in black, capitalized, serif font. The ribbon has curling ends that split into two with rounds on each end. Underneath the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, sentence case, black cursive font.
[Bookplate for Rev. Pierre Beaumont]
The bookplate is printed in black ink on cream paper, now discolored. One penciled notation in the lower left.
[Bookplate for Rev. Wm. Hamilton]
Black ink on pink paper. The bookplate depicts a heraldic shield placed at an angle in a nature scene. A leafy tree trunk extends up alongside the right side of the shield and leafy branches arch over the top of the bookplate to the left. At the base of the tree trunk is a globe in a stand. Two closed books are placed in front of the globe on grassy ground. There is some foliage next to the bottom left of the shield as well. Regarding the heraldry, the crest features a tree growing from a crown with leafy points and a diamond pattern on the base. The tree trunk grows through a saw like rectangle, upon which a motto is printed in capitalized, serif, block font. The tree extends upwards into a dense leafy top. The shield has sable stripes, charged with three flowers, two over one. The flowers are stylized with four elaborate petals around a round center. There are some decorative curlicue elements on the side borders of the bookplate. Curling, curving lines extend from the left side of the bookplate like mantling. A white cloth is draped over the top right corner of the shield and pools onto the ground below. At the base of the shield, another motto is printed in capitalized, black, serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in curling, sentence case cursive.
[Bookplate for Robert A. Harrison]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a demi-lion rampant on the top part of a castle tower. The lion is wearing a crown and holding a floral wreath in its paws. There is a gentlemen and esquire’s helm surrounded by elaborately curling sable and argent mantling that extends out to each side and tapers down to the base of the bookplate. Shield is sable and charged with three demi-lions rampant, two over one. The lions are wearing crowns. The motto is below the shield printed in capitalized block white letters on a banner with curling ends. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, gothic sentence-case font at the bottom of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Robert Hall and William Phillips Barrett by William Phillips Barrett]
Printed in black ink on cream colored paper. The interior of a private library or study room is depicted. The right-hand side of the room is lined with a wall of books, which is topped with several carved busts. In the centre of the room, a large reading table holds several books and is surrounded by three chairs – an upholstered armchair on the left and two wooden chairs on the right. The books are heavy, bound manuscripts and one is open to display an illuminated frontispiece. In the background, a large bay window looks to a building with a spire that is surrounded by shrubbery.
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