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[Bookplate for Bateman by Orlando Jewitt]
This bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon, on which are three etoile topped crescents, two over one. There is also an additional smaller crescent located at the precise middle chief of the escutcheon. According to heraldic symbolism, the crescent represents the second son. On top of the shield is a helmet in profile, beaver open. Atop the helmet is a curved crest wreath and another etoile topped crescent. The crest also includes a vol (set of wings), erect, and mantling which pours down the sides of the shield. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto. The image and text are framed by a thin single line border.
[Bookplate for Joseph Bewley]
This non-traditional heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted argent (silver) escutcheon with a sable (black) chevron. On the escutcheon are three bird heads, erased, two over one. Atop the shield is an unusually large helmet in profile, topped by a twig with leaves, a crest wreath, and a stag head, erased. From the helmet flows mantling. Above and below the image are banners containing the text. The image and banners are set upon a designed background and framed by a double border.
[Bookplate for Edmund F. Bourke by T. Welch]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon quartered per cross. The dexter chief and sinister base sections contain a gules (red) cross on an or (gold) background. At the dexter chief of each cross is a lion rampant. The dexter base and sinister chief sections are each divided per pale, with an argent (silver) dexter side and a gules (red) sinister side. In the middle of these two sections is a lion rampant surrounded by three fleur-de-lis, two over one. Sitting atop the shield on a curved crest wreath is a cat guardant with leash. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Fra. Love Beckford]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon quartered per cross, with an escutcheon of pretence. On the first escutcheon, the dexter chief and sinister base quarters are divided themselves per pale, with the dexter being gules (red) and the sinister azure (blue). The quarters contain an argent (silver) chevron, which itself contains three argent eagles, displayed. The quarters also contain three marlets, two over one. The sinister chief and dexter base quarters of the escutcheon are argent with three gules bars. Above the bars are three lion heads, erased. The escutcheon of pretence is divided by an embattled fess. The base is argent and the chief, which contains three bezant (gold roundlets), is sable (black). Atop the shield is a straight crest wreath and a heron's head, erased. In the mouth of the heron is a fish, hauriant.
[Bookplate for Charles Bathurst]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The dexter side, sable (black), contains two bars, ermine (design representing white powdered fur with black tufts). At the centre of the top bar there is a crescent, or (gold), within a mullet, gules (red). On the top third of the sable background are three cross formy, or. The sinister side is itself divided per pale, ermine and ermines (design representing black fur powdered with argent [silver]). It contains three fleurs-de-lis all counter-changed, two over one, and contains a chevron charged with five lozenges, ermine and ermines all counter-changed. Atop the shield, but not resting on it, is a straight crest wreath and an arm embowed, with fist clenched holding a spiked club. The arm is charged with a crescent, or , within a mullet, gules.
[Bookplate for William Craig]
This bookplate consists of a gules (red) bordered escutcheon with a single bar, azure (blue), on an ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts) background. The bar is charged with three crescents. Atop the shield is a helm, and mantling which surrounds the entire shield. The helm is crested by a curved wreath and knight on horseback, with broken lance. A broken lance represents the celebration of winning a point during a jousting tournament.
[Bookplate for Sir W. G. Gordon Cumming]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon braced between two white horse supporters. The escutcheon is quartered and counter-charged. Two quarters contain three garbes on an azure (blue) background, two over one. The other two quarters contain three garters, sable (black), charged with three roses each, on an argent (silver) background. The shield also contains an inescutcheon charged with a coat of arms. Atop the escutcheon is a helm and mantling. The helm is crested by a curved wreath and a lion, rampant, holding a dagger in its right paw. Above the lion is a banner containing the English motto. Below the shield and its supporters are more ornamental mantling and a suspended banner.
[Bookplate for Charles S. Dixwell by G. M. McCall]
This heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon, argent (silver) divided per chevron, gules (red). Within the escutcheon are charges, two over one, of fleur-de-lis. A steel helmet, closed, situated en profile dexter(denoting an esquire rank), sits upon the escutcheon, with a stylized cross within. Sitting upon the helmet is a clenched paw (possibly lion) grasping a bird claw with four talons. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling with banners both above and below, 'EX LIBRIS' in the above banner (along with a small fleur-de-lis dividing the two words). The lower banner has owner name and place within. Entire image is surrounded by an elaborate rectangle border, with fleur-de-lis at each corner.
[Bookplate for John Darby]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), with a chevron, argent (silver), with the lower part a fillet. Upon the escutcheon are three sheaves of wheat (possibly corn, garbe), two over one . A military medal is at centre chief, with the word "NILE" immediately below. Within the chevron, an anchor each at dexter and sinister, with a naval crown at centre. Above the escutcheon is a crest of a sheaf of wheat (or possibly corn, garbe) and an anchor, upon a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.
[Bookplate for Ditton Park]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), divided per pale. The left armorial is charged with three fusils, gules (red). The right armorial has a chief, azure (blue), the charged with three mullets. The lower half is charged with a crowned heart, possibly a preperesentation of a Claddagh.
[Bookplate for Dunbar of Westfield by C. Norton]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross, the upper half gules (red) and or (gold), the lower half or and gules. Each quarter consists of a border ; quarter 1 and 4 are bordered with argent (silver) and heraldic roses, and charged with a lion rampant. Quarters 2 and 3 have a narrow border decorated by trefoil, charged with three round figures apiece. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant at dexter and sinister. Above the escutcheon is a steel helmet, placed three-quartered (indicating esquire status). Above the helmet is a crest of a dexter arm proper (bare) upon a wreath. From the helmet flows elaborate mantling. Above the crest are two crowns with the Latin motto above. Below the escutcheon and supporters is a banner with an additonal Latin motto within.
[Bookplate for Lionel Damer]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided barry of six pieces, nebule, argent (silver) and gules (red), and a bend, engrailed, azure (blue). At the precise middle chief is a crescent, the symbol of the second son. The escutcheon also contains an inescutcheon, divided per cross. The first quadrant, argent, contains an unknown symbol, possibly a garbe, sable (black). The fourth quadrant, also argent, contains two of the same symbol. The second quadrant, divided per fess, or (gold) and azure (blue), contains two swans with wings displayed. The third quadrant is the same, except it contains only a single swan. The crest is an oval frame containing a talbot's head in a crown. Above the crest is floral mantling which extends down both sides of the escutcheon. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Frank Marx Etting]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), containing a chevron, gules (red). On the chevron are three roundlets, argent. The escutcheon is bordered by mantling, and crested by a dexter cubit arm holding a sword. Impaled on the sword is a boar's head. The boar's head is said to represent unflinching courage and fierceness on the battlefield. In Irish literature, it was symbolic of aggression and savegery, and symbolized the Devil.
[Bookplate for Thomas Philip Earl de Gray]
This heraldic bookplate is elaborately engraved in Chippendale style. The escutcheon is counterchanged per fess, its primary quarterings (at top left and bottom right) consisting of a barry of six, argent (silver) and azure (blue). The quarter at mid-top is vert (green), divided per chevron, or (gold). The quarter is also charged with three stags statant, two over one. The top left quarter is argent (silver), with a saltier, azure. The quarter is also charged with a roundlet, argent. The bottom left quarter is a gyrony of eight pieces, or and sable (gold). The quarter at mid-bottom is argent, divided per fess, gules (red) with a fillet in the lower part, azure. The quarter is also charged with three rings, gules on both the upper and lower parts. The Chippendale escutcheon is surrounded by two detailed dragons, the dexter supporter with its tailed nowed. Above the escutcheon is a coronet of earl status, and below the shield with Latin motto within. The owner's name is surrounded with elaborate borderwork, in the same style of wreath surrounding the shield.
[Bookplate for Rainald Knightley]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered. The first and fourth quadrants are ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), and the second and third quadrants are paly, or (gold) and gules (red). At the precise middle chief is an inescutcheon, argent (silver), containing a sinister hand, gules. The gules hand, known as the hand of Ulster, symbolizes the hounour of a baronet. The crest is composed of a tilted dexter helmet, a curved wreath, and a stag head, dexter and couped. The escutcheon is supported by an eagle or falcon on each side. The escutcheon and its supporters are framed by a border with flowers. The entire image, including text, is placed within a larger circular border, azure (blue).
[Bookplate for Henry George Forsyth]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), containing a chevron, gules (red) and engrailed, and three gryphons, rampant, two over one. Elaborate mantling flows from the top of the escutcheon. The crest consists of a straight wreath and demi-gryphon, rampant. Below the escutheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Foley]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), containing a fess, sable (black) and engrailed, and three cinquefoil, two over one. The escutcheon is within a bordure, sable. The escutcheon is crested by a baron's coronet, on top of which is a straight crest wreath and a lion, rampant, holding a miniture of the same escutcheon. On either side of the central escutcheon are lion supporters, charged with five cinquefoil each. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Henry Flitcroft]
In black ink, this chippendale-style bookplate consists of an asymmetrical escutcheon, or (gold), containing two chevronels, gules (red), each with the appearance of a label. The top chevronel is an elevated label, while the base chevronel is an inverted label. The label is a heraldic symbol representing the first son. The escutcheon also contains two escalopes over one fleur-de-lis. In typical chippendale fashion, the escutcheon is surrounded by elaborate floral mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the originator's name and place of origin.
[Bookplate for John Wingfield Larking]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, ermine, charged with three heads of wildcats, possibly lions. Above the escutcheon is a closed helmet, placed in profile, denoting the rank of an esquire or a gentleman, from which, elaborate mantling flows. Upon the helmet is a curved wreath, with a crest of a bird, wings elevated and displayed, holding a branch in its beak.
[Bookplate for John Lewis]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross. Quarters one and four are gules (red), charged with an arm clutching a fasces and two mullets on either side. Quarters two and three are gules with a saltier, argent (silver), charged with four cinque foil. Above the escutcheon rests a crest of a griffin head upon a straight wreath. The escutcheon is bordered by stylized mantling, and below, the owner's name.
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