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[Bookplate by Owen Staples]
In black ink on white paper, a clock is pictured in the top right corner (possibly a grandfather clock), and a table stands in the foreground. On the table there are several items: a framed portrait of a man, a few books, a vase holding some flowers, and a paint palette and some brushes. There is a lyre on either side of the name at the bottom.
[Bookplate by W. Bowles and J.W. Leigh]
This bookplate is rendered in a circular motif, with three escutcheons pivoting the centre. The first crest is gules (red), charged with three ducal coronet, positioned two over one, with a roundlet or (gold) at centre. The second crest has a chevronelly of eleven or and azure (blue). The third crest is gules, charged with three inverted wildcat heads on fleur-de-lis, two over one. The entire assemblage is contained within a circular pattern, with Latin name in the border. The original artist of the crest is J.W. Leigh, indicated by "Inv." at the base of the design.
[Bookplate for Academie Marie-Rose]
A cross entwined in daffodils with the name of the religious order on a scroll above the cross ; scroll below the cross is inscribed with the school's motto. The name of the school is at the base of the plate.
[Bookplate for Ágoston Tamás-György and J. E. Horvath by K. M. S.]
This bookplate uses some architectural features to create a grid with nine cells. The centre of the image has a panel with the ownership information. The top of this panel serves as the floor for two figures practicing fencing that are framed with an arch. This arch is supported on two square boxes at the top corners of the image. There is a flower vase on top and books inside each box. Similar boxes with apple branches mark the bottom corners. The spaces between these boxes are supported by columns that flank two sportive figures, a hockey player on the left and a hunter on the right. In the bottom central area a small row boat sits in water.
[Bookplate for Alex Watters]
Printed in black ink on cream or tan paper the book plate features a bare-chested female figure in an art deco style holding a foil in her right hand and wiping the blade with a cloth in her left hand. Behind the figure's head is a sun burst design. The figure wears an elaborate headpiece as well as an involved crescent moon necklace and a flowered sarong. To the left of the figure, the words 'Tis / DEATH / To / KEEP' appear vertically. To the right of the figure appear the words 'EX / LIBRIS' horizontally and the words 'ALEX / WATTERS' vertically.
[Bookplate for Alexander Fawcett Reid]
In black ink on white paper with visible chain and laid lines, a decorative border surrounds the image of a ship.
[Bookplate for Arthur Phelips Hoskyns]
In black ink, this bookplate contains a crest with dexter rooster's head, erased or (gold), comb and wattle gules (red), and three roundlets pellet (black) on neck.
[Bookplate for Arthur Richard Springett]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield or escutcheon Gules (red) party per fess wavy with three crescents, two over one, Argent (silver). The closed, barred helm in profile toward the dexter half bears a crest of a displayed eagle upon a nowed snake in a figure eight and a straight wreath. The helm is surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the motto 'MEMOR ET FIDELIS' [Latin: Mindful and Faithful].
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
All printed markings in blue ink, all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The seal has been inverted, so that it appears as white markings in a blue square. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
All printed markings in blue ink and all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
This bookplate is in two parts: One to show ownership by the library, the other to show who made the presentation of the book to the library. 1) In black ink on white or cream paper. The bookplate consists of lines for recording location information, the seal of the institute [two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text], and other lines for noting the number and receipt date of the book surrounding the library name.
2) In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of a thin border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Berenice Skinner by Bank B. Gordon]
A large galleon on rough seas is framed above a bookshelf holding books, a quill, and a lit candle.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in brown ink, the bookplate depicts an interior room scene with a fire place and mantel, book shelf, and arm chair. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in black ink, the bookplate features a harbor scene including a town waterfront, ships, sailboats and row boats. The Union Jack can be found in the corner of the flags off the stern of the two ships in the foreground. A banner identifies the location, and a gothic font is used to identify the owner of the book. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in black ink, the bookplate features a harbor scene including a town waterfront, ships, sailboats and row boats. The Union Jack can be found in the corner of the flags off the stern of the two ships in the foreground. A banner identifies the location, and a gothic font is used to identify the owner of the book. A maple leaf is depicted at the bottom right. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in black ink, the bookplate features a harbor scene including a town waterfront, ships, sailboats and row boats. The Union Jack can be found in the corner of the flags off the stern of the two ships in the foreground. A banner identifies the location, and a gothic font is used to identify the owner of the book. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for C. H. McLean]
This bookplate's design depicts a study room and large hearth framed by flora and architectural elements.
[Bookplate for Chs-Ed. Parrot]
Red ink on white paper. Consisting only of text, the owner's name and location are surrounded by a border. Exposure to water has cause the ink to smudge.
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