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1. [Bookplate by F.A.C.] [Bookplate by F.A.C.] The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.

2. [Bookplate for Harry Hereford by J. B. C.] [Bookplate for Harry Hereford by J. B. C.] Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The image depicts the surface of a writing credenza which has a small drawer with a twisted handle on its front edge. The surface of the desk holds a closed vellum-bound book. To the left of the book is a small pile of stamped, addressed letters and a single candlestick with a lit candle. To the right of the book sits an inkwell with a quill pen resting in it. The entire scene is framed by two line borders ; the interior line is thicker than the exterior one.

3. [Bookplate for Paramount Sweets and Tea Room by F. A. C.] [Bookplate for Paramount Sweets and Tea Room by F. A. C.] Created in black ink on white paper. The text is surrounded by a border composed of a two lines, one of which is straight while the other has fluted decorations. Three lines composed of little squares separate the business's name and contact information from the list of library regulations. These regulations are followed by a final decorative line.

4. [Bookplate for Marion Eva Stimson by F. A. C.] [Bookplate for Marion Eva Stimson by F. A. C.] Border of flowers and leaves frames the text of the bookplate and within it, an image of a bird, possibly a dove, and below that a lyre, a stack of books, and a lit candle.

5. [Bookplate for Anglican Theological College by M. C.] [Bookplate for Anglican Theological College by M. C.] Black ink on white paper. Text written on large scroll with chords hanging from spindle on left.
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