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[Bookbinder's Ticket for Leger Brousseau]
A rectangular ticket, black ink on faded blue or grey paper.
[Bookplate for Bibliotheque St. Jacques]
A simple border surrounds the text printed in black ink.
[Bookplate for Alton Goldbloom]
Black and gold ink on cream paper. Art deco stylized capitalized font printed a top an image of a baby emerging from the torso up out of a gold, three-petal flower. Black stripes of alternating thick and thin width appear behind the baby. The vertical stem of the flower has a gold centre and two leaves, one on each side of the stem, that are half black and half gold. The stem expands in width at the base and capitalized font is written in the non-printed space at the black base. Black ink capitalized font is written below.
[Bookplate for Elora Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on cream paper. A stylized border surrounds text in multiple fonts, including a Gothic title. A number is handwritten at the top of the plate in pencil.
[Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec]
Black ink on cream paper. Border made of thin solid lines. Inside the solid black line border is a thin dotted line border. The corners feature stylized decorations that are wing-like with circular additions on three sides. Each decoration also features a full or half-circle element facing the center of the bookplate. The name of the hospital is written in larger, capitalized, bold font, with the location being in slightly smaller font. There is a squiggled line beneath the hospital name. Below the line are three areas with dotted lines to be filled in. Names of the fields are written in italicized sentence case font. One handwritten note in the number section.
[Bookplate for Hopital Général d’Ottawa]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of thick, black wavy lines with arrows on the ends of each line pointing towards the corner. Each corner has three diamonds shaped in a triangle. Inside the border, there is a circular image with a border of two interwoven black wavy lines. Inside that border is capitalized text printed in bold, black, sans serif front. In the center of the circle is a cross coming out of the ground wrapped in vines. Above and below the cross are two ribbons with mottos printed in capitalized, black, sans serif front. At the bottom of the bookplate, outside of the circular design, but inside the first border, is text printed in capitalized, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for Fowler’s Lending Library and B. Fowler]
Black ink on light-brown paper. At the top, the title of the lending library is printed, part of which is in Germanic lettering. Beneath is a short horizontal dividing line, followed by the loan policy. Printed vertically on the right-side of the plate is a book number.
[Bookplate for University of British Columbia and Alice Ravenhill]
Black ink on white paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of several black lines with X designs in the corners. There is the University of British Columbia crest. The chief has a dark background and features an open book with its straps lying out. The university motto is printed in stylized black font on the book’s open pages. The bottom section of the map was alternating black and white lines. From the bottom of the shield is part of a sun with its rays extending upwards. The sun is charged with black dots. To the right of the shield is stylized gothic text in large, black font. Below it is text printed in smaller, cursive, black font. At the bottom of the bookplate is smaller text printed in the gothic, black font with dotted lines next to the words.
[Bookplate for William Hall Walker by F.]
Dense with imagery, this bookplate consists of a central framed coat of arms, surrounded by many symbols and figures, including a rose, a portcullis, a bird, a small argent escutcheon charged with a lion rampant, a thistle, military insignia, mounted hunting spoils, an anchor, rifles, swords, polo mallets, horseracing emblems, horse carriage hook-up, foliage, tree branches, and knights on horseback. The knight on the left sits upon an armored sable horse, holds a lance in his right arm, and wears a cornucopia crested helmet. The knight on the right sits upon a unarmored white horse and holds a white flag in his right hand, on which is the image of a tree and fox on a circular white and azure (blue) background. The coat of arms, presented within a border of grape vines and under the motto 'By Care and Industry', consists of a white horse and stag as supporters, with juxtaposed garbe, proper. The escutcheon, argent, contains both a chief and saltier. The chief is argent (silver), with two argent mullets of six points and garbe, proper. The saltier, argent, is charged with eight seedlings eradicated and a stag's head, erased, at its centre. Atop the shield is a baron's coronet and helmet, grated and in profile, crested by a wreath and cornucopia.
[Bookplate by Colonist Lithography]
In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.
In black ink, a circular belt/garter provides the border. Within is an elaborate argent (silver) escutcheon, and on it is a heron (or crane) atop a crown. In the heron's mouth is a snake.
[Bookplate for James Tatlock]
In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon azure (blue), a bend, engrailed, or (gold). Above the bend is a fish, urinant. Above the shield is a curved wreath topped with a fish, urianant.
[Bookplate for Fiction Inn Circulating Library]
Printed in black ink, the text discloses terms of use for the circulating library. Includes pre-printed form for checking in/out books. One and a partial date are visible, stamped in blue ink.
[Bookplate for Green Hat Lending Library]
Text explaining borrowing terms printed in black ink.
[Bookplate for Hermes Circulating Library]
Textual bookplate printed in black ink and three fonts delineating terms for borrowing. One hand in blue ink.
The bookplate is printed in navy blue ink. The name, address, telephone number and hours are printed at the top. Underneath this block of text is a line, and the remainder of the bookplate is split into two halves. The headings 'terms' 'time limit' 'renewal notice' and 'care' are printed on the left-hand side of the split, and the corresponding information is printed on the right-hand side. Underneath this block is a line, the words 'Please protect your book in wet weather' and another solid line.
[Bookplate for Castle Lending Library]
The name of the lending library is in large bold letters at the top of the bookplate, and underneath is listed the address, hours, and telephone number. Underneath this text block there is a thick black line, and a listing of the terms, time limit and renewal conditions. Underneath this is a single black line, the words 'Please Protect Your Book in Wet Weather' and another single black line. At the bottom of the bookplate is space for the library to stamp a return date.
[Bookplate for David Stewart Erskine]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered per cross, and contains an inescutcheon. The first quarter, azure (blue), contains three garbe, two over one. The second quarter is itself quartered per cross, first and fourth quarters, azure with an or (gold) riband and six cross crosslets fitchy sable (black) ; the second and third quarters are argent (silver), with a pale, sable. The third quarter of the escutcheon is also itself quartered per cross, first and fourth quarters, or, with a fess in checky (alternate squares of metal and fur), argent and azure ; the second and third quarters are azure, containing three garbe, two over one. The fourth quarter, argent, with six bars, gemelles (doubles), contains a lion rampant, sable and proper. The inescutcheon, gules (red) contains an eagle, displayed and proper, and a ray of sun issuing out of the dexter corner. Atop the escutcheon is the coronet of an earl, topped by a grated helmet (peer), dexter. Upon the helmet is a curved crest wreath and a dexter cubit arm holding a club. From either side of the crest flows elaborate mantling. The escutcheon is accompanied by two supporters. The dexter supporter is an ostrich, while the sinister supporter is a griffin. Below the escutcheon and the supporters is a banner containing the English motto.
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