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[Bookplate for Academie Commerciale Catholique]
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
[Bookplate for Academie Commerciale Catholique]
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
[Bookplate for D. Guthrie]
The owner’s name, occupation, and city are centered and printed in black ink, surrounded by a decorative scroll and floral border.
[Bookplate for J. J. Girouard]
Black ink on grey paper. An ornate border composed of numerous curlicues houses the name and number of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for J. J. Girouard]
Black ink on grey paper. An ornate border composed of curlicues houses the name and number of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for J. J. Girouard]
Black ink on grey paper. An ornate border composed of curlicues houses the name and number of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for J.G. Grieve by William Walker Alexander]
Black ink on cream paper. Border features two parallel thin black lines on the outside with a thicker black line for the inner border. The upper-right hand corner has a microscope in profile against a sun with radiant rays. The microscope sits on a striped platform that tapers down to a point. In the upper-left hand corner is an oil lamp with a burning flame sitting on the same striped, tapered platform. In the centre of the two images is a rectangle with an indented top half. A white border surrounds black and white stripes of inconsistent length. Printed, capitalized, serif black text is printed on top. Below is a scene of a desk in a corner. There are two paintings, one on each wall. The one on the left is a nature scene and the one on the right is a landscape with a house and natural elements. On the right of the second painting is a vertical calendar for December 1963 listing Sunday the 24th to Saturday the 30th. The desk has drawers on both sides and one in the centre, all with handles. On top of the desk in the foregrounded left side is a black telephone sitting face down in the retriever. Behind the phone is a tall, thin plant in a white, hour-glass shaped pot. Next to the plant is a lamp with a short, wide, curved shade. In the centre of the back of the desk are four books, spines facing out, between two bookends. To the right of the books is a tall, thin vase with a scalloped edge holding several leafy flowers. To the right of that vase, in the right corner of the desk, is an analogue clock set in an upright square. The clock is set to approximately 4:05. Foregrounded in the right corner of the front of the desk is a book open to the title page. Across the bottom of the bookplate is a banner with curled ribbon ends. On the banner is stylized gothic font. Below the banner is a decorative row of leaves. In the bottom left hand corner is a small white patch with initials printed in black ink. Handwritten note in pencil on the verso.
[Bookplate for Sir Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski]
The coat of arms consists of a shield charged with an upright rake on a gold field, topped with a helmet and feathers. The ribbon under the shield contains the owner’s name.
[Bookplate for Margaret M. Howard by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on textured cream colored paper. The image depicts a tall ship at sea with all sails unfurled, listing to the right in a swell of water. The ship is contained within a circular border containing four quatrefoil points. Above, the phrase ‘Ex Libris’ is displayed within a scrolled banner across the top of the bookplate and the circle is framed by hanging garlands of varied types of flowers and ribbons. Below, a shelf depicts a row of bound books that part at the middle, with a blank sheet of paper and a feather quill resting in an inkwell. Below this, ‘Margaret M. Howard’ is written within a large scroll banner that is framed by thorny vines of roses.
[Bookplate for Harry Hereford by J. B. C.]
Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The image depicts the surface of a writing credenza which has a small drawer with a twisted handle on its front edge. The surface of the desk holds a closed vellum-bound book. To the left of the book is a small pile of stamped, addressed letters and a single candlestick with a lit candle. To the right of the book sits an inkwell with a quill pen resting in it. The entire scene is framed by two line borders ; the interior line is thicker than the exterior one.
[Bookplate for Coburn Haskell by E. Cox & Co]
Black ink on cream paper. The coat of arms features a shield of vair represented in six rows of black and silver. The depiction includes mantling. A helmet tops the shield and at the crest is a fruit tree. Below is a scroll with motto. The publisher information is inscribed under the shield.
[Bookplate for J. H. Hagarty]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features an armoured arm holding on to a sabre. The arm is coming out of a crest-wreath. The shield is argent with a sable chief. The chief is charged with three white birds trussed. The bottom section of the shield is argent and charged with a tall, leafy tree. The tree has three roots extending out. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, block, sans serif white letters. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, black, sentence case, cursive font.
[Bookplate for Paul Hahn by J. M.]
Black and blue ink on cream paper. The rectangular border consists of three black lines of decreasing thickness towards the center. In the top right corner is a small butterfly with outspread wings with some decoration. Below the butterfly is text in stylized, capitalized, black serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed below in slightly different stylized font in a larger size. Underneath the owner’s name is a larger butterfly with more elaborate outstretched wings. The text forms a single column in the left-hand side of the bookplate. To the right of the text is a bookshelf that appears to extend down to the bottom of the bookplate. Books are stacked in various ways on the shelf, spines facing out. In front of the bookshelf is a cello. The base of the cello sits in the bottom center of the bookplate and the neck extends up towards the top right-hand corner. At the top of the cello sits a butterfly, less elaborate than the others, that has been coloured in with blue ink. To the right of the cello is a tall object extending up along the bookshelf. A section of papers, potentially sheet music, in a folder in the bottom right corner. In the bottom left corner, the bookplate creator’s initials are printed in capitalized, black, serif font surrounded by a thin black border.
[Bookplate for Charles Theodore Hart]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features the head of a stag in profile on a crest-wreath. The shield is pointed at the top left, top right, and bottom corners. The bottom of the shield curves to a central point. The shield is argent with a sable chevron charged with two stars on the top left and top right sides. The stars are white with black shading and a black circle in the center. Below the chevron the shield is charged with a springing stag. Below the shield the motto is printed on a ribbon in capitalized, serif font. Underneath the motto is the bookplate owner’s name in curling, italicized font.
[Bookplate for Imperial Cotton Co. by R&M]
Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The scene depicts dark-skinned laborers working in a cotton field. In the right-hand side of the foreground, a laborer holds a large wicker basket full of cotton on their head. To the left are two other large wicker baskets full of cotton. At least four other laborers recede into the depth of the field. They wear loose, baggy clothing and wide-brimmed hats. In the background is a wide, low brick factory building with smokestacks on the far left and one low, square tower with a flag in the middle. Below this scene is the insignia of the Dominion Crown and the text identifying the Imperial Cotton Co.
[Bookplate for Jenkins]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a furry lion passant reguardant standing atop a castle tower. The castle tower is above a crest-wreath. Elaborate, curling, feathery black and white mantling extends from the top of the shield and expands out along the sides. The shield is divided per pale. The left section has a white background with black dots and is charged with a black lion rampant reguardant. The right section of the shield is charged with a bird perched on a tree branch growing out of the ground. There is no background except for the branch and ground that is lighter on top and darker at the bottom. The motto is printed on a curling ribbon below the shield. There is shading on the ends of the ribbon. The motto is printed in capitalized, black, serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in a more stylized, paler, capitalized, black serif font underneath the motto.
[Bookplate for Ralph H. Kilby]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a circle with a border with black outlines and horizontal black lines. Inside the border there is a crown. The crown as three leafy designs at the top and the band is decorated with different jewels. The crest sits upon a crest-wreath. The shield has a border comprised of curling sections with ornate decorations on the ends. The shield is charged at the top with three black circles with white centers ; smaller versions of the black border featured in the crest. Below the circles are three horizontal black stripes. In the center of the top stripe is a white circle with black dots. Underneath the shield, the motto is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, sans serif black font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, cursive, sentence case black font.
[Bookplate for George E. Longley by Francis Adams Sc.]
Black ink on white paper with cropped corners. The crest features an arm grasping a dagger. The blade of the dagger has pierced the head of a bearded man that resembles a lion head. The arm is atop a crest-wreath. The wreath sits on a flower with a round center and 5 petals. To strips extend out of the flower across the front and back of a ribbon, connecting to the top of the shield. The ribbon extends straight out with curling ends. The motto is printed on the ribbon in black, capitalized, serif font. Shield is ermine with a black bend. Bend charged with three cheetah heads. Underneath the shield, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in elaborate gothic block font. The first letter of each part of the name is outlined with a black border, while the remaining letters are printed in black. Swirling lines and dots embellish the text. Below the name, a location is printed in smaller, sentence case, black serif font. Underneath this text is another swirling line with several dots, to the right of which text is printed in capitalized block serif letters with black outlines. In the bottom left of the bookplate, the creator’s name is printed in small, black, sentence case, serif font.
[Bookplate for David Russell Jack]
Black ink on cream paper with shiny surface. The crest features an armoured arm clutching a sword extending from a crest-wreath. Below is an esquires helm, from which extends mantling on either side. The mantling is light on top and darkens to black at the bottom. The shield is has a chevron with thin, horizontal, black lines. Above the chevron, the shield is charged with two crescent moons with the points facing upwards. Below the chevron, the shield is charged with the same arm from the crest, in this case tilted 90 degrees so that the arm is horizontal. While the crest arm holds a straight sword, the shield arm is holding a sword with a curved blade. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capitalized, black, block serif font on a curling ribbon. Underneath the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in larger, black, sentence case cursive font. A second line features the date printed in smaller, thin, stylized black font.
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